Hello, I’m Senator Joe Bruno, Majority Leader of the New York State


I want to congratulate Governor Spitzer on his first State of

the State address.

This is the beginning of a new year and a new administration,

and it brings a great deal of excitement about what we can accomplish


The Senate has worked closely with our new governor in his role as

Attorney General on tougher crime laws to make our communities more safe -

and we are going to build on our relationship to do even more to insure

public safety and personal security.

When it comes to doing the right thing for the people of the state,

we are not Republicans or Democrats.

We are New Yorkers, and we are united in our efforts to make this

state more affordable, more livable and more sensible.

As we begin 2007, we face major challenges - the concerns

families talk about at their kitchen tables are the challenges we must

address in the halls of the State Capitol.

New Yorkers are no longer confident that the State we leave for

our children will hold as much promise and opportunity as it did for us.

New Yorkers want leadership that will head New York in the right

direction and put us back on solid ground.

Senate Republicans are up for the challenge, and in cooperation

with the Governor, we will be leading the effort to restore opportunity,

enhance security and improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers – from

Suffolk county to Buffalo.

Our job in the Senate is to deliver real results and provide

people with a new hope that the New York of tomorrow will be better than

the New York of today.

We will not be guided by politics or partisanship.

We will be guided by a clear vision for what we know is

important to the people of this State and a plan of action to achieve that


The Senate will fight to provide relief from high taxes and we

will oppose tax increases.

We will invest in education and give schools and teachers the

resources they need to provide a first-class education for our children.

We will make new investments to create new jobs.

We will protect people’s access to quality health care.

And the Senate will work for reforms to make government more

open and accountable.

First and foremost, the hardworking taxpayers of New York have a

right to expect that we will protect them from tax hikes and will provide

them with tax relief.

The people of this state shouldn’t have to worry about being able to

make ends meet, about being able to pay the mortgage, feed their family,

and keep their checkbook balanced -- simply because their taxes are too


The Senate has renewed it's commitment to oppose any increases

in taxes and fees just as we did last year.

We applaud the Governor’s promise to the hardworking people of

New York to not raise taxes.

But not raising taxes is not enough -- The Senate wants to go further

by providing greater tax relief.

Last year the Senate initiated a rebate program that provided

almost a billion dollars in relief to property taxpayers - some of whom pay

the highest property taxes in the entire country.

The rebate program was very successful - but this year we need to do

even more.

The Senate has proposed expanding the property tax rebate

program to triple the size of the checks and provide $2.6 billion in

property tax relief this year.

It’s time to give homeowners the break they deserve.

Tax relief is good for people and good for the economy.

It allows people to keep more of their hard-earned money so that they

can spend it on their families needs.

And at the same time, it helps us create the jobs necessary to

revitalize our economy.

Second -- parents and their children have a right to expect

that we will not only protect the quality of education in our State - but

invest money to make it even better.

The Senate has always fought for greater investments in education.

A quality education provides hope and opportunity – and

something more. If our kids are fully prepared, they will go onto college

and hopefully establish careers right here in New York.

We will continue to provide the resources necessary so children all

over the State can get the best education possible, with the guidance of

talented teachers, the input of devoted parents and the assurance of

accountability to taxpayers.

This year, the Senate will continue our efforts to make New

York more economically competitive and create new jobs to replace those

that have been lost over the past decade.

We’re proud of the new high tech and biotech businesses growing in

Buffalo, Rochester, Long Island and the Capital Region.

However, Upstate New York is still lagging behind New York City

and downstate when it comes to job creation – and that is unacceptable.

If any part of New York is suffering, that hurts the entire State.

Our mission is to ensure that everyone enjoys the benefits of

economic opportunity.

In 2007, the Senate will make new investments in economic

development a priority so we can attract new businesses and create new

jobs, especially in Upstate New York.

By doing so, we will ensure that young people stay here and

have long-term careers that will fulfill them on a personal level and

provide a good living for their families.

But as important as new, cutting edge businesses are to our

economy and the jobs they create, we must also work to make it easier for

small businesses to do business.

The healthier our small businesses, the healthier our economy –

and the brighter our future.

People also have a right to expect that we will protect them

and their loved ones – in times of crisis and in times of need.

That means ensuring affordable access to quality health care.

It means keeping our promise to seniors that we will help them

afford prescriptions.

It means keeping our commitment to health care for families and it

means eliminating waste and fraud in the State that drives up costs and

takes resources away from the needy.

One of our Senate achievements last year that I want to build

on is the historic crackdown on Medicaid fraud by creating an independent

Medicaid Inspector General to target those who abuse and cheat the system.

Finally, there will be accountability in the system – and everyone

will benefit when our precious health care dollars are spent accurately,

effectively and efficiently.

People have a right to expect tax relief, a good education for

their children, health care for their loved ones and fulfilling and secure


They also have a right to expect their government to be open and


The Senate has built a record of reform that increased openness

and accountability and achieved two on time State budgets.

With the cooperation of the Governor, we plan to make on-time budgets

the rule, not the exception.

Just last week, we introduced an historic budget reform plan that

would bring openness and accountability in State spending to a new level by

lining out in the State budget every dollar to be spent by the Governor,

Legislature, Judiciary and all State agencies and authorities.

The Senate plan would provide complete openness, sunshine,

transparency and accountability in state government spending.

These goals will not accomplish themselves.

They are pressing issues that we need to address, as a state,


If we do, I believe we can set ourselves on the right track – a

track that will lead us to a future of more promise, more prosperity, and

more opportunity.

Our vision is shared by so many New Yorkers – it is a vision of

a better future for our children.

And we will work hard -- and work together with Governor

Spitzer, Speaker Silver – as Democrats, as Republicans, as Independents –

to meet these challenges and we will succeed.

By achieving these goals for tax relief, education, job creation,

health care and reform, we will make government more accountable to the

people, we will make New York a better place to live and work, and

generations of New Yorkers will decide to stay here to raise their families

and enjoy the fruits of the American Dream with their children and


Thank you.