Monthly Board Meeting

February 6, 2015

Red Atlas

Members Present: Brooks Robertson, Desiree Navarro, Jeannie Wohlfrom, Donna Hansen, Tom Antonick, Chantelle McDuffie, Dore Fishback, Val Ewals, Kay Stayer, John Pavao

Tom started the meeting at 11:45 am.

Tom asked if all members have reviewed the minutes from the January 14, 2015 Strategic Planning Meeting. Chantelle’s last name was misspelled. Jeannie will correct that and email the amended minutes to board members for approval.

Treasurers Report - Chantelle handed out a Profit and Loss Sheet dated January 2015 and a Balance Sheet as of February 5, 2015. We are showing a -$13.00 net income balance but we did receive an additional $11.00 that needs to be added from the last chapter luncheon. Chantelle talked to our accountant who advised us to resubmit our form to the IRS. Chantelle will get that resubmitted. Chantelle is still in the process of putting together a rough budget for approval from board members.

Membership – Desiree is working on getting one master list to store on the drop box. Val will send out a monthly survey once we have a current list to work from. We need to know who has certifications and what they have. SHRM will pay for us certifications people have, $20 per person certified each year. Val will add a place on the sign-up sheet for members to list what certifications they have.

Tom wanted to talk about organizing our chapter luncheons. He felt we should have a current membership list available at the luncheons so attendees can check then to see if they need to renew their membership. Val is responsible for collecting money for food purchased at the luncheons. Desiree is responsible for membership dues. Any money collected then needs to go to Chantelle.

Brooks updated everybody on a discussionthat occurred at the State Council SHRM meeting. Some chapters have a set date that memberships are due by and it makes the process of managing the list much easier. He then went on to suggest that we use the date of October 1st. A discussion ensued regarding members potentially being upset about paying now and again in October. It was suggested that we could allow members to pay a pro-rated amount. Another suggestion was to wait until 10/16 to begin the new process. No decision was made and the discussion on the idea will continue. It was also mentioned that we would then have time to communicate this to all members and will also do a membership drive in October, if the proposal was adopted.

Chantelle has received membership forms from 2 members recently. She talked about the importance of us send these people a welcome packet. Desiree volunteered to do that.

Brooks talked about the importance of name tags. We should all wear name tags. Chantelle will look at places to see where we can get the best deal for purchasing name tags in bulk. Members that come will be given a name tag that can be reused. We will find a place to store those in between meetings.

Brooks gave an update on our bylaws. He sent them to Diana to review. He will submit them once he has approval from Diana.

Tom talked about speakers for the rest of the year. The month of February is already covered. It will be a wellness presentation. Kathy Helland from Human Rights has volunteered to do a presentation on Investigations. Tom will check with Kathy and see when she is available to do that. We will also have Jim Nys come back after the session and give us another update.

Tom talked about the process of submitting a nominee for HR leader award in Helena and for the state. Brooks said we have done both, and the person who wins for Helena is automatically entered for the state nominee. Nominations are due to the state council by March 10, 2015. Tom will work with Kay to get both nomination forms on our website. We will vote on the one for the Helena chapter at our next meeting. Brooks will send this information via email to membership. Donna Hansen volunteered to help with the write-up of any nominations.

Kay asked all board members to check the leadership page of our webpage to make sure all information listed in correct. She would also like a picture if one is not already on the webpage.

Brooks talked about an upcoming event that AAA Mountain West is hosting. It is for a PMP certification (Project Management Professional). There are 25 spots left. The total cost is $1,750.00 and it is a 4 full-days. Brooks will send out additional information to all board members.

Tom adjourned the meeting at 12:28.