Region 6


Held in the County Buildings, Troon Room, Ayr, on Thursday 28th July


Mary McCartney / Gretna & District Tenants and Residents Association / MM
Ronald Ritchie (Chair) / Dumfries and Galloway Federation / RR
Margaret Johnston / Locharbriggs Tenants and Residents Association / MJ
Bruce Cuthbertson (Secretary) / East Ayrshire Tenants and Residents Federation / BC
Anne Cameron (Vice Chair) / Treetops Tenants and Residents Association / AC
John McKenzie / Campbell Area Tenants & Residents Association / MAC
Mark Shaw / Cresswell & Larchfield Tenants & Residents Association / MS

In Attendance:

Ann Marie Stanley / Scottish Government / AMS
Annabel MacMillan / Scottish Government / AMAC


Janet Steele / Bellsbank Tenants and Residents Association / JS
Janet Gemmell / West Drive Tenants Association / JG
Frank Dawson (Treasurer) / Co-opted / FD

1. Welcome

Ronald welcomed everyone to the meeting.

It was noted that Margaret Anderson’s group has now disbanded and she is no longer able to continue being part of the South West Scotland Regional Network and has tendered her resignation. The committee thanked Margaret for her contribution.

2. Previous Minutes

Page 4 – the issues concerning the use of a laptop has now been resolved.

The minutes were proposed by Mark Shaw and seconded by Mary McCartney.

3. Matters arising

The Regional Networks have had a number of bereavements recently and the Region has agreed that Bruce, in his role as secretary, will send condolences on behalf of the committee members in future but if members want to do this themselves they can do so if the wish.

All committee members who attended the Garden party had a good time and those attending will circulate any pictures they have.

The Charter Event at WG13 Kilmarnock was a great success and the East Ayrshire Provost Jim Todd attended the afternoon session, and two councillors also attended the event. The committee and the Tenant Particpation team would like to thank James McKee and Caroline Harte for their efforts.

The Charter Event in Dumfries was also well attended and again the Tenant Participation team would like to thank DGHP for all their efforts in organising the event.

The Flyer to highlight and promote Region 6 10th Anniversay AGM has been sent to all TP officers and RTOs. The committee would like to thank Shona Ritson for her efforts with this.

4. Finance Report

There was no finance report as the treasurer had put in his apologies today.

5. Correspondence

Bruce has not been sent the minutes from the SHR Liaison Group as yet but will cascade these to the group and the Tenant Participation team as soon he receives them.

6. SHR Liaison Group – Bruce

Roisin Harris gave an insight into how the SHR are involving tenant with their work and are considering attending larger events such as Regional Network AGMs and TIS/TPAS conferences to raise their profile.

The ARC returns are all in

Significant Performance Failures – SHR are going to produce two leaflets on how to deal with an SPF and how to deal with complaints this is to avoid confusion and make the system easier to understand.

The Thematic Enquiry for factoring has published.

The SHR are working their way through the thematic studies on Repairs, Rent Consultation, Complaints, Openness and Accessibility and Customer Standards.

Statuary Managers Appointments are still in the development stage and the SHR is looking closely at the value for money aspect in particular because the cost is picked up by rent money.

SHR Tenant Advisors have now all been trained and are in post.

The Annual report (tenant version) is not going to be produced as planned but a series smaller reports starting with headline report that will be published in August. These smaller reports will contain the results of thematic studies and the work of the National Panel etc.

7. Newsletter

The AGM edition has been issued and Mark has agreed to get another edition published by the end of the year. If you can think of any articles that can be in the newsletter for the winder edition please liaise with Mark.

8. Website

Mark is undertaking a training session for the website on the 23 August in Edinburgh.

9. New Working Group: The Regional Networks Moving Forward

The Tenant Participation team asked for committee members to put their name forward for the above group. There was a good response and the following people are now part of this working group –

Steve Byrne, Region 1, Highland and Argyll and Bute

Bill Chapman, Region 2, Northern Lights

Danny Mullen, Region 4, Central Regional Network

Mary McCartney, Region 6, South West Scotland

George McGuinness MBE, Region 9, Glasgow and the Western Isles

The first meeting of the group will be on the 7 September 2016.

There was a discussion about the way forward for the Regional Network and how most areas are struggling to maintain RTOs. There was discussion about amalgamating regions and how best to represent the tenant movement across Scotland.

Ann Marie advised that if anyone from the region had any ideas then to forward to Mary McCartney who will take it forward to the group.

10. Ministerial Meeting

Kevin Stewart, Minister for Local Government and Housing, has agreed to meet with Regional Network Representatives on the 5 October 2016 in the Scottish Parliament at 11am. The pre meeting will take place on the 28 September 2016 in Atlantic Quay at 10.30am.

11. The Chairs and Secretaries meeting

The Meeting is taking place on the 9 August 2016 in Europa Building. Bruce will be attending on behalf of Ronald who will be on holiday and Mary will be attending to provide an update on the Age, Home and Community Advisory Group.

12. Housing Benefit Stakeholder Advisory Group

The Housing Benefit Stakeholder Advisory group has now been replaced by the Housing and Social Security (H&SS) Group.

Ann Marie attended with Rita Smart, the Regional Network representative. Ann Marie advised that a consultation on social security is being launched on the 29 July 2016 and will run from 12 weeks until the 28 October 2016. There will be events held across the country and Ann Marie encouraged the committee to attend these events. Ann Marie explained that it was a large consultation and some of the information may not be relevant to complete but encouraged the committee to respond to it. This will be discussed further at the next Chairs and Secretaries meeting.

Ann Mari also advised the committee that Mary Taylor, chief Executive of the SFHA, had contacted the Social Security Manager of the Scottish Government, Anne McVie, to advise that the SFHA and the Regional Networks could meet to think about common ground and interests. The Tenant Participation team are taking this forward and will inform the Regional Networks on the progress of this.

13. Charter Consultation

The committee responded to the Charter Consultation. Annabel will send the response to the committee for final approval before it is uploaded to the system.

Ann Marie advised that the Consultation will close on the 24 August 2016.

14. AOCB

The nomination for CIH awards is now being advertised. Annabel will download the information and send it round the committee.

15. Date of next meeting

Thursday 1 September 2016 at 10.30 in Kilmarnock

16. Close of Meeting

Ronald Ritchie thanked Anne Cameron for arranging the venue today.

The committee attended the Lochside Ayr development in the afternoon.

The housing design was excellent and it showcased good practice with local authorities working with tenants.