MAY 8, 2006


A meeting of the Hector City Council was called to order on May 8, 2006. Members present: Mayor: Jeff Heerdt, Council Members: Don Olinger, Gary Bipes, Steve Squibb, Roger Newman. Staff present: Matt Jaunich, Barb Johnson, Harold Carstens, Jerome Schueller, Mike Kenney, Tony Fauglid. Citizens in attendance: Frank Schafer. Mayor Heerdt called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Squibb motioned to approve the agenda. Newman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Bipes motioned to approve the minutes of the April 10th regular meeting. Squibb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Administrator Jaunich opened the sealed bids for the auctioned vehicles. Results as follows:

Chevy Pickup $510.99 Tom Reinert

90 Ford Taurus $501.00 Lisa Pierce

84 Ford LTD $150.00 William Nere

92 Acclaim $150.00 William Nere

98 Squad Car $435.00 William Nere

Chevy Pickup $ 75.00 William Nere

80 Ford Dump Truck $1500.00 Kyle Peik

92 Acclaim $213.00 Robert Perbix

92 Acclaim $105.76 Tom Reinert

92 Acclaim $105.00 Rollie LaPlante

92 Acclaim $203.00 Jason Mitchell

90 Ford Taurus $100.00 Alan Fredrickson

98 Squad Car $900.00 Alan Fredrickson

98 Squad Car $361.00 Greg Gowan

90 Ford Taurus $175.00 Rhonda Bombeck

92 Acclaim $125.00 Rhonda Bombeck

84 Ford LTD $ 55.00 Rhonda Bombeck

98 Squad Car $275.00 Rhonda Bombeck

Chevy Pickup $175.00 Rhonda Bombeck

Newman motioned to accept the following bids:

84 Ford LTD $150.00 William Nere

90 Ford Taurus $501.00 Lisa Pierce

92 Acclaim $213.00 Robert Berbix

Chevy Pickup $510.99 Tom Reinert

80 Ford Dump Truck $1500.00 Kyle Piek

98 Squad Car $900.00 Alan Fredrickson

Olinger seconded. Motion carried unanimously.



Eileen Koeberl, representing the Hector Hustlers 4H Club, stated the Club would be happy to provide the labor to plant flowers in the pots for Main Street. However, they do not have finances for purchasing the flowers and need help with watering the plants. Business owners will be contacted to help with watering. Newman motioned to provide $200.00 for purchase of plants. Bipes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


-  The Hector Library will celebrate their 21st anniversary Thursday, May 11th 6:30 – 8:00PM.

-  City Council meeting Monday, May 22nd at 5:00PM in the Community Center.

-  City office will be closed Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day.

-  League of Mn Cities annual conference is June 28-30 in St. Cloud.


Squibb motioned to adopt Resolution 06-09 which establishes fines for ordinance violations. Newman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Squibb motioned to table Resolution 06-10 which would order improvements and preparation of plans for the alley projects to a work session. Bipes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.



-  Harold stated the pool is being prepared for the summer season. There was a big response to the appliance pick up and the city crew is working on the spring clean up week.

-  Jerome’s stated curbs have been replaced due to sewer repairs and hauling of sludge has been completed.

-  Mike will be spraying for dandelions. Mike stated the jetter truck is scheduled for an inspection. The 656 tractor needs repairs which mean the gyro mower will not be available for use. They are requesting quotes for a replacement.

-  Chief Fauglid stated he is checking on replacements for part-time officers and reviewing blight issues.

-  Administrator Jaunich stated the 2005 city audit has started.

Mayor Heerdt requested the staff to check into spraying mosquitoes. Council Member Olinger questioned if the park bathrooms were being locked and the lights turned off. Mike has put door closures on the doors which seem to be effective instead of locking them. The Police Department will check on the lights. Council Member Olinger requested Harold to check with Renville County on the ditch which comes into Ash Ave W. Possibly they can do some shaping to prevent the water from ponding.

Council Member Bipes reviewed his report from the airport symposium he attended.


Curt Sampson has agreed to deed Sampson’s 3rd Addition to the City in return for two lots in the development.

Administrator Jaunich met with Kevin Klawitter regarding rent the City pays for the Fire Department. An agreement was reached whereas the City will no longer pay rent in exchange for The Other Place having their electrical box in the Fire Department.

Upon advice from the City Attorney, Bipes motioned to record a statement on the property records of the owners of Maple Circle that they would be bound to pay any assessment fees that would occur on Birch Ave. East and the City would pay all expenses for recording fees. Olinger seconded. Motion carried unanimously. This action will maintain the Maple Circle address for Clark’s and Washburn’s.

A meeting will be scheduled with MNDOT to discuss Main Street lighting.



Squibb motioned to accept the payables, additional payables, and a payment to Renville County Assessor for $4880. Newman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Council reviewed the attached quotes from Mueller & Sons and Duininck Bros. for street patching. Olinger motioned to accept the attached quotes with the elimination of #6, 20 – 23, and adjusting the size of 25 – 29, and add 31 and 32. Squibb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Council reviewed bids from Morris Sealcoating and Pearson Brothers for sealcoating with work to be done between May 15th and September 15th. Bids as follows:

Morris Sealcoating 31,546 yards at $1.20/yd = $37,855.20

Pearson Brothers 34,010 yards at $.87/yd = $29,593.92

Both bids include sweeping before and after sealcoating. Squibb motioned to accept the bid from Pearson Brothers. Olinger seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Council reviewed bids for a test sampler for the wastewater plant. Teledyne Isco quoted $8,251.62 and Hach quoted $8,322.00. Olinger motioned accept the bid from Teledyne Isco. Squibb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Country Wide Lumber has quoted $54,320 for a new maintenance building. Raske Building Systems quoted $62,000. Country Wide Lumber quoted $44,450 for only roof repairs. A quote to insulate the shed at the wastewater plant totaled $18,620. Mayor Heerdt stated there is a possibility of storing the jetter truck at Fairway Construction.

Squibb motioned to accept the assessment contract with Renville County in the amount of $6,160. This is an increase of $2.00 per parcel. Newman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Ron Roetzel and Dean Helstrom, Bolton and Menk Engineering, addressed the Council regarding concerns on the airport hangar project. Mr. Roetzel emphasized that Bolton and Menk wants to improve communication on airport projects and insure that the City is satisfied with a completed project. Administrator Jaunich stated the project was a rush job and this caused problems. Roetzel reviewed the following:

-  $9800 in cost overruns. An accounting error misplaced funds which will result in a reimbursement of $4,866. Soil testing was budgeted at $2500, but the actual was $4300. Shop drawings increased $1780 since the building style was changed. The balance was due to Xcel requiring a new transformer.

-  The location of the electric meters was changed because of where Xcel placed the transformer. Putting meters per the plans would have cost a lot more money. This change should have been relayed – a communication error.

-  Bolton & Menk did not catch the fact that the electrician had not installed a separate circuit for the outside lights. It will be corrected and Bolton & Menk will cover $1,000 of this fee.

-  Code for the building setback is 30’. 15’ was requested; they set the building at 20’. Again a communication error.

It was agreed that in the future, all communications will go through Administrator Jaunich. The grant has been approved for the construction of the equipment building at the airport. Plans will be presented to the Council for the May 22nd meeting. Bipes motioned to approve the contract with Bolton and Menk. Squibb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Olinger motioned to approve sidewalk repairs for Ron Fredrickson. Bipes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


The State Auditor has again sent a letter addressing lost revenue in the water and sewer funds because there is no budget for depreciation. Auditor Stuart Bonniwell has said more and more cities are budgeting for depreciation. Council Member Squibb stated fees should start to address depreciation. Mayor Heerdt stated fees should not be raised to cover depreciation.

Country Wide Lumber is looking at expanding and has expressed an interest in the City lot across from the American Legion for a possible warehouse. This would require the lot to be rezoned. Council was not opposed to rezoning and would consider reducing the sale price to promote business expansion.

National Incident Management System Training defines information sharing in a disaster such as the chain of command and who is in charge of what. Training is required for public works, administrative staff, public officials, police, fire, and ambulance. Having this training allows the City to apply for federal grants. Training is available on-line. Administrator Jaunich will review information with Fire Chief Rasmussen who has been trained.

Council discussed blight complaints from the north side. Newman stated we should look at the entire City. He felt blight issues would deter trying to develop new housing in the Sampson 3rd addition. Mayor Heerdt stated with the city providing a service to dispose of “junk” vehicles, we should not allow unlicensed vehicles. Council directed Chief Fauglid to do a sweep of the entire City for “junk” vehicles and general blight.


Squibb motioned to adjourn. Bipes seconded. Adjournment time 9:14 PM


Respectively Submitted

Barb Johnson, Deputy Clerk