This scholarship is awarded annually to UW-Madison students (US citizens) to study at one of three universities in Finland (Aalto, Hanken, or University of Helsinki). Studying in Finland at any of the three universities is a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Classes at the universities range from Finnish language to International relations, etc. A fair number of classes are taught in English. The scholarship will be given as a flat amount to assist with tuition, room, board, and travel expenses throughout Scandinavia. It is the scholarship recipient’s responsibility to manage the funds provided accordingly.
For more information about the University options, please visit:
Aalto University:
HankenSchool of Economics:
University of Helsinki:
This scholarship, like all Viking scholarships, includes travel within Scandinavia, with a standing invitation to visit BVO members and their families throughout the region. Travel is pre-arranged and a requirement of the scholarship experience. Scholars are encouraged to pursue the advantages of the BVO network including learning more about individual interests in careers and hobbies through meeting other BVO members. In addition, scholars are expected to attend the annual BVO convention the following August after their scholarship experience.
Important notes:
●Commitment requires scholar availability from January-May (2019) and a weekend in August of 2019 to attend the annual Brittingham Viking Organization Convention. Convention 2019 will bein Copenhagen, Denmark.
●The scholarship will be given as a flat amount to assist with airfare to Scandinavia, tuition, room, board, and travel expenses throughout Scandinavia.
●All UW majors and standings are welcome to apply (undergraduate & graduate students)
●Scholars must be US citizens.
●Scholars must be returning to Madison the following fall semester for study or employment.
●Scholars should assume responsibility for additional miscellaneous study abroad expenses (entertainment, etc.). Please note that the cost of living in Scandinavia is significantly higher than in the US.
Applicant Instructions
●Read the information provided on the website to gain a full understanding of the scholarship, the organization, and the history of the BVO.
●Complete the scholarship application thoroughly. Respect the word limits and do not change the formatting of this document. All text should be typed in Arial 12 point font.
●Save your document with the file name firstnamelastname and email it to: with subject “Finland 2019 Application”
●Applications must be emailed as a PDFby midnight on Monday, April 2nd, 2018. Late applications will not be accepted.
●Applicants will be notified via email when their applications are received. Applicants who are selected for an interview will be notified by midnight on Tuesday, April 3rd. They must be available in person on Saturday, April 7th, 2018 and Saturday, April 21st, 2018. Please note that not all applicants will be invited to the second interview.
●Scholarship recipient will be invited to a dinner in their honor that same evening of the second interview on Saturday, April 21st, 2018.
●Any questions about the scholarship or the application should be directed to with subject “Finland 2019”
Summary of Timeline
●April 2nd —applications due
●April 3rd —all applicants are notified via email of his/her interview status
●April 7th —first interview for selected applicants
●April 21st—second interview for selected applicants
●April 21st (evening)—formal selection dinner for scholarship recipient
1.Full Name:
(Last)(First) (Middle Initial)
2. Contact Information:
(Street or Dorm)(Phone Number)
(City, State, Zip)(Email Address)
(Street)(Phone Number)
(City, State, Zip)(Email Address)
3. Are you a U.S. Citizen? (Yes or No)
*You must be a U.S. citizen to apply
4. Universities attended and degrees earned/in progress:
5. Major(s) at UW-Madison:
6. Degree currently pursuing (e.g. BS):
Numeric year in school(e.g. First, second):
Classification(Junior, senior):
7. Cumulative GPA:
GPA last semester:
8. Have you applied for a Viking scholarship before? If yes, please provide details (when, which one, and how far you proceeded in the interview process).
9. List up to five recent (the past three years) extra-curricular activities, work experience, awards, hobbies and interests that you think tell the scholarship committee the most about you. (100 words or less)
10. Describe yourself in a short paragraph. (100 words or less)
11. Write a concise paragraph explaining the following: why you would like to receive this particular scholarship, how it would benefit you, and why you would be a good choice. (150 words or less)
12. As a recipient of this scholarship, you would attend either Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, or the University of Helsinki. Examine the websites for these schools before you answer. The websites are listed on the front page of this application.
Which university would you choose and what courses would you like to take if selected for a Viking scholarship? Be specific. (50 words or less)
13. What is your interest in studying abroad in Finland? How will studying in a Nordic country advance your career/life plan? (100 words or less)
14. What is something that inspires you? (100 words or less)
15. What travel experiences and/or study abroad experiences have you had before? (100 words or less)
16. As part of the Viking scholarship experience, you will become a member of a close-knit alumni community which continues far longer than the duration of your scholarship. How do you see yourself contributing to such a group in the future? (100 words or less)
17. How did you hear about the Brittingham Viking Organization Scholarship Program? Be specific. (25 words or less)