Hebo Stewardship Group DRAFT Meeting Notes
July 14th, 2016
Kiawanda Community Center, Pacific City
Name / Affiliation / Name / AffiliationIan Keene / City of Lincoln City / Dave Harris / TEP
Sherry Vick / Tillamook SWCD, NNSWC / Mike Kennedy / Siletz Tribe
Haley Blake / NNSWC / Paul Katen / SDCWC
Guy Holzworth / NNSWC / Jon Porier / USFS Hebo RD
Jane Barth / Facilitator / Adrianna Morales / USFS Hebo RD
May meeting note accepted by general consensus. A short field trip debrief followed. Appreciation for all the time and energy from the Hebo District staff was expressed.
Wyden Project Ideas for Upcoming Funding Cycle
Based upon interest shared during this meeting, the HSG likely will have 5 projects for a total of $134-144,000. All projects received group support to move forward. Applicants will submit pre-applications signed by FS specialists to CPRCD by the August 1st deadline then proceed with full applications by the early September deadline.
· Dave Harris, NORP Coordinator with the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, showed a PowerPoint presentation about the NORP program. Last year this program received $25,000 from the Coast Range Fund. TEP anticipates requesting a similar amount. Last year the funds primarily went to pay for youth corps labor, but this year Dave plans to put the funds more towards supplies. NORP is trying to build its capacity to grow more plants themselves and to expand into growing plants for habitats other than riparian. Meeting participants support TEP moving forward with a proposal for this project.
· Haley Blake, Nestucca Neskowin & Sand Lake Watersheds Council, explained a project on Jewell Creek in the Sand Lake Watershed. This watershed was added to the NNSWC’s jurisdiction in 2006 and this is the first fish restoration effort the Council is pursuing there. Sand Creek is very productive for salmonid and Jewell Creek is the most productive offshoot of Sand Creek so it is valuable habitat to improve. After discussing the broad project elements, meeting participants advised NNSWC to request $20,000 to fill out funding needed to fix one partial barrier on private land and to request another $20-25,000 to go towards the cost of fixing another barrier on Tillamook County property. This latter barrier will require a 70’ bridge at a cost of $500-600,000. The Coast Range Funds can be leveraged to draw in other funders. By writing the proposal with two separate elements and budgets, the budget can be easily scaled if necessary. The bridge element likely will not happen until 2018 so the NNSWC could resubmit for funding next year if it cannot be funded this round.
· Paul Katen, Salmon Drift Creek Watershed Council, shared information on two projects 1) culvert replacement on North Creek tributary of Drift Creek and 2) restoration work by students at yet to be specified locations. The North Creek project is on the Forest Service’s list of retained receipts projects. Since the property is owned by the Forest Service, Jane expressed strong doubts that Wyden funds could be used on the project. She advised Paul to check on ownership before making any further effort on that proposal. Meeting participants supported SDCWC moving ahead with a proposal for the restoration work by youth with a likely request of $15,000. They advised it will be important to specify the locations where the youth will work and to have FS staff affirm on the pre-application that those locations meet Wyden criteria of benefit to the Forest.
· Sherry Vick, Tillamook County Soil and Water Conservation District, reviewed what areas were treated over the past 3 years with retained receipts (approximately $13,000/year) and identified areas they plan to continue to treat plus new areas to treat in coming years. She showed maps of areas surveyed on East Beaver and Beaver Creeks last year. Japanese Knotweed is the focus of control efforts. They have 95% of all landowners on board. Will start to replant areas where have majority under control. Currently surveying Little Nestucca River and will start treating spots with PayCo funds this year. Trying to get year-end funds to survey on Nestucca River and next area will be the Trask River. Meeting participants encouraged Sherry to request 3 years of funding at $13,000 per year.
· Ian Keene, City of Lincoln City, described the Knoll Open Space and “Thumb” which is covered with invasive ivy and holly and lots of informal trails that are causing erosion of the headland. So far the City has $20,000 from the BLM, $10,000 from thinning, and $16,000 from Public Works to do work on this property. Meeting participants support the City submitting a proposal for $15-20,000 of Wyden funds to get rid of the invasives. While it may be possible to argue for funds to remove the informal recreational trails since they are causing erosion, that request may not be as strong at the Round Table level.
USFS Retained Receipts Projects:
Jane circulated a handout listing the projects that the Siuslaw NF has proposed to do with its 60% of the retained receipts (estimated at $550,000). Three projects are within the Hebo District: Fish Barrier Removal on FS Road 2283 ($45,000 request by Leah Tai), North Creek Culvert Replacement ($100,000 request by Leah Tai), and Castle Rock/Rocky Bend/Salmon River Estuary Riparian Restoration ($28,750 request by Debra Hobbs). If participants would like further information on any of these projects, they should contact the FS specialist who submitted the applications.
· Jon Porier: South Lake STWD Sale will go out for sale next week for 60 day advertisement period. Estimate the sale value to be about $500,000. Most is off-site timber which mills like due to tight grain.
· Mike Kennedy - Tribe will be recruiting for an aquatics technician soon.
· Dave Harris – TEP is putting 40 pieces of large trees into East Beaver Creek on Stimson land. They anticipate having to move the FS road away from the creek since will be creating a floodplain connection. Chris Dials from Tillamook is the contractor. Dave encouraged the group to look for and highlight connections between projects as we seek to maximize restoration benefits.
· Haley Blake – NNSWC is putting in a 12’ culvert to replace a 3’ one on Moon Creek with Wyden funds. This is an 8-9 day project with Chris Dials also being the contractor.
· NO August meeting. Next regular HSG meeting will be September 8th in Lincoln City.