2015/2016 Race Ticket Order Form

School/Club: Race Dates:


Mailing Address: City: State: Zip:

Phone Number: Contact E-Mail:

This form must be filled out in Microsoft Word by clicking into the grey boxes and typing into them. After it is complete, save the document to your computer and attach it to an email. Please do not print the form, fill it out by hand, and send it in via mail or fax.

This form MUST to be submitted to Red Lodge Mountain 48 hours prior to your arrival on race day. Please email this form to . All tickets are printed in advance and will be ready for coaches to pick up at the inside ticket window at 8:00am the first day of the race. Payment is due at pick-up and all tickets need to be paid for in one transaction per team with one form of payment. If paying by check, please bring it blank in case adjustments to your order need to be made.

Each racer and coach needs his/her own ticket. Tickets need to be on the person at all times during the race. Tickets are not refundable, returnable, or transferable. RLM is not responsible for any lost or stolen tickets. If a ticket is lost or stolen, the racer or coach will need to purchase a second ticket.

RLM will honor the USSA Handbook for coach tickets stating that, “Each team will be entitled to one coach per sex plus one coach for each 10 competitors or portion thereof.” Any additional coaches will qualify for the Adult Race ticket prices listed below. Adjustments will be made by RLM if coach tickets are incorrect – resulting in a change in your ticket total.

Ticket Product / Price (per ticket) / Quantity Needed / Total $
Adult Race 1 Day (19+yrs) / $42.00
Junior Race 1 Day (13-18 yrs) / $34.00
Child Race 1 Day (6-12 yrs) / $18.00
College Race 1 Day / $31.00
Adult Race 2 Day (19+yrs) / $84.00
Junior Race 2 Day (13-18 yrs) / $68.00
Child Race 2 Day (6-12 yrs) / $36.00
College Race 2 Day / $62.00
Adult Race 3 Day (19+yrs) / $126.00
Junior Race 3 Day (13-18 yrs) / $102.00
Child Race 3 Day (6-12 yrs) / $54.00
College Race 3 Day / $93.00
Coach 1 Day / Free (Per USSA)
Coach 2 Day / Free (Per USSA)
Coach 3 Day / Free (Per USSA)
Grand Total =

Red Lodge Mountain ~ PO Box 750 Red Lodge, MT 59068 ~ 305 Ski Run Rd Red Lodge, MT 59068

PH: 406-446-2610 ext. 101 ~ www.redlodgemountain.com ~