International Society for Nubian Studies
Tenth International Conference
September 9-14, 2002 - Rome, Italy
August 31st, 2001 Second Circular Letter
Dear Colleague,
Thank you for answering the First Announcement of the Conference. We are pleased to note that no less than 170 colleagues have returned the reply form and that about 100 communications have been proposed.
The Organising Committee has envisaged four panels for the morning plenary sessions in order to get a general perspective on each topic by some invited speakers:
1. Settlement Ch. Bonnet, M. Honegger, D.A.Welsby, D. Wildung
2. Cemetery P. Lenoble, J. Reinold, I. Vincentelli, B. Zurawski
3. Temple W. Godlewski, T. Kendall, Salah M. Ahmed, P. Wolf
4. Territory F. Geus, K. Grzymski, R. Kuper, R. Fattovich.
Workshops are also envisaged in the afternoon sessions. The chair of Nubian Antiquities in the University of Rome (Prof. Luisa Bongrani) is calling for participants in two workshops: a) Links between temples and settlements; b) New written sources. More proposals will be considered.
Prof. Alessandro Roccati Prof. Isabella Caneva
Chair of Egyptology Near Eastern Prehistory
Rome University “La Sapienza” University of Lecce
(For the Organizing Committee) (For the Society)
Telephone: 003906-4466611 - Fax: 003906-4453672 - e-mail: