Heaton Medical Practice

Minutes of Patient Reference Group Meeting

Tuesday 26 October 2017 at 1.00 pm


Sonia McNally / SM / Patient / Chairperson
Georgina Cooke / NB / Patient / Vice Chairperson
Wendy Jackson-Hawkes / WJH / Patient / Patient Representative
Asif Nasir / GANC / Patient / Patient Representative
Viv Bell / VB / Practice Manger / Practice Representative
Mary Wadiun / MSW / Medical Secretary / Minutes
Agenda Item / Minutes / Outcome/Action
Apologies / Tracey Butler and Neil Bowring
Welcome by Chairperson / SM welcomed all to meeting.
Minutes of Previous Meeting / These were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Parking / Parking discussed as school and mosque users are still coming into the car park and making it hard for patients to use.
VB informed group that this has been discussed with the school and they have sent letters out asking parents not to use carpark. Police have stated that as it is a private road they are unable to get involved. / .
Any other business / Staffing:
No f2f on Wednesdays and notices have been put up informing patients of this. Question asked about triage. Informed NEM works remotely from France and that FD is not here on a Wednesday.
Two new staff have been employed – 1for the morning and 1 afternoons –and both are doing really well.
Asked about booking appointments the group were informed that it cannot be done electronically due to our triage system. Electronic scripts were also discussed and we are next on list but still waiting at the moment. It was also mentioned that some scripts are taking a long time to get done. Explained about 48 hour turnaround and how dealt with (logged and collected by either patient or pharmacy).
Telephone response times were discussed and group were informed that the longest wait was 17.26 and that all other calls were 3/4minutes. The group was told that the receptionists also have other duties to do. Eg: task, pathology/recalls and that the calls are given priority (4 lines and sometimes only 2-3 staff.
The monitor was mentioned and group informed that there is no money to pay for a replacement at the moment (this would help greatly with phones as patients could self-arrive again).
New sheets done. October – 19 completed and 16 people (85% said happy with service – 3% had no opinion – no-one said would not recommend).
NHS choices were mentioned and ‘nasty’ comments had been put on website re accusations and need for chaperones when requested (which is already done). There is no come back for this as anyone can put comments on. It was asked if we could have CCTV cameras but once again that is down to cost.
Also informed as to how flu letters were dealt with as one patient had received hers but husband did not. Also questions about cost of postage. (Slightly cheaper due to deal on franking machine).
Update / Group was informed that VB would be leaving the practice at the end of the financial year and they were sorry to hear this.
Coffee morning and men’s group was brought up. It was said that Vladimir had spoken to patients and only one of the men he spoke to had seemed semi-interested. Also only one patient attended the coffee morning.
It was asked if group meetings could be put on Facebook and also date of next meeting.
Asked if meeting for PPG could be done in January and also for another early so that the group could meet before VB left in March.
Date of Next Meeting / Tuesday 16 January 2018 at 1.00pm

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