THURSDAY 30th July 2015
Roger Ellis, Ann Myatt, Wendy Edwards, Ann Sowman, Margaret Stevens, Hazel Thomasson, Janet Gregson, Eunice Ward, Jackie Telford, Diane Lucking, Jeanette Poole, Dr Steve Morgan.
Leanne Thomasson, John Brown, Andy Burns, Ann Walsh; apologies were also received from Mala from the COOP Pharmacy, who was due to update the group on how new procedures were working. Roger will pop in and see her.
Roger welcomed everyone to the AGM of the Earl Shilton PPG, commenting that the group had been going for 5 years. Roger also welcomed Dr Steve Morgan, who has replaced Dr Cleaver, representing the practice.
Officers Elected
Chairman: Roger Ellis,
Vice Chair: Margaret Stevens,
Secretary: Wendy Edwards - members of the committee elected on block, after all agreed to stand for another year. The group are looking to recruit younger members.
Notes from the last meeting
Members had received them and accepted as an accurate record.
Practice updates
Janette Poole informed the meeting of the following
· Dr Karthikeyan, Salaried GP, has left the practice as she is moving out of the area.
· Ann Holyoak, receptionist, has retired.
· Dr Seedat, GP Registrar, is due to finish his placement with the practice in August.
New Staff Receptionist, Sharron Bates, GP Registrar, Dr Daya, Administration member, Amber Clarke
Replacement plans for Dr Karthikeyan are in place. The post is currently being advertised with interviewing will take place in September.
Front Gate there are plans to relocate the front gate due to youths in the car park late at night; the intention is to move the gate level with the farmer’s gate. It will be locked at night. Patients will still be able to use the post box via the pedestrian walk way. Dr Morgan said that certain elements need to be looked into before it is finalised.
Telephone System Recently the system went down completely; this has bought the telephone plan to the front of the practice plans; they are looking at replacing the system altogether, as the system in place is very old. Costing’s are now being looked into as to the price of a new system or updating the old one.
Receptionists Eunice asked if receptionists were trained in a formal pattern; Janette replied yes. Eunice had received two complaints from patients in the manner that the telephone was answered and the differing information given by two receptionists. Jeanette said that duel headsets have been ordered enabling more experienced colleagues to be in a position to hear both sides of a conversation with patients. Hazel asked why so many receptionists were leaving; Jeanette said that some was due to retirement, relocation and not getting the working hours they required; she said that she was not aware of any internal problems. Dr Morgan added that receptionists were now working in a different pattern to what has been happening in the past, some were helping with prescriptions and all with higher levels of patient administration to assist the patients with being directed to the correct team member.
Eunice asked if the practice had enough Doctors for the patient ratio; Dr Morgan said there was.
Flu Season the dates for this year’s flu inoculation days are September 26th and October 10th, Jeanette asked for volunteers for both days. Members who were not in a position to tell her on the night will be in touch as soon as possible with availability. Posters will then be given out to be put in prominent positions within the community. Reception will start taking bookings from patients towards the end of August.
Renal Dialysis Dr Morgan said a room was to be converted for patients who were not confident to use dialysis machines in their own homes; two patients will be able to make use of the one machine.
PPG Awareness Week 2015 – Ann M and Hazel represented the practice at this event, while there they were asked if they had any leaflets about the Earl Shilton PPG; unfortunately they had not. Hazel had copies of leaflets that other surgeries had produced for their PPG. Hazel & Ann said they thought it would be useful to have a leaflet and a newsletter to hand out to the public or patients could read it while waiting in the surgery, the newsletter could have handy hints for patients. Jeanette will have a word with Ann Walsh and liaise with Hazel before the next meeting.
H & B Medical Alliance Update
Hazel reported that a new Federation manager has been appointed, Beverley Falls, who starts on August 3rd and will be based at Earl Shilton surgery. At the meeting Hazel asked the federation how often PPG’s were going to get information; a newsletter will be produced by the federation and circulated to PPG’s. The next meeting takes place on 8th August and Hazel will attend
Campaign to Recruit Younger Members to the PPG
Hazel suggested it would be a good idea to run a campaign within the surgery to try and recruit younger members to the PPG. Other groups would be willing to bring in any information they have, i.e. a display desk and banners, it was decided to have a campaign within the surgery, Roger will speak to Alan Plumpton.
Pharmacy to You
Hazel asked if anyone had received a ‘Pharmacy to you’ leaflet through the door. Dr Morgan said the surgery was aware of the leaflet but the practice did not support it and had informed patients they did not support it if asked.
Social Prescribing
Jan asked if anyone had applied to help with social prescribing, the response was negative.
Recruiting asthma and COPD patients for new PCRS-UK lay reference group
Roger not aware will check.
Dr Cleaver
has now stood down from the group after a year in office; the group wished to express their appreciation for all the help she has given to the PPG, Roger will verbally thank her.
Dates of meetings for 2015-2016.
Thursday 24th September @ 7pm, apologies received from Jackie Telford, Jan Gregson, and Hazel Thomasson
Thursday 26th November @7pm
Thursday 28th January @7pm,
Thursday 31st March@ 7pm,
Thursday 26th March @7pm,
Thursday 28th July @ 7pm AGM.