Heath Common Design Statement

Working Party Meeting

To: Christine Beglan, Trisha Cook, Madeleine Shaw, Patrick Heeley, Tony Lisher (Chairman), Geoff Phillips, Robin Tanous and Rick Thomas

You are duly summoned to attend the Meeting to be held at Dera Doon, Georges Lane, Storrington, RH20 3JH on Friday 5th January, 2018 commencing at 2.00 pm


  1. To Consider Accepting Apologies for Absence and Chairman’s Announcements
  2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest and Agree Dispensations

3.To Approve Minutes of the last meeting

  1. To Receive a report of the meeting with HDC and to discuss further amendments to draft Design Statement
  2. To Agree attendees at the meeting with West Sussex Highways Authority
  3. To Agree items for the next Agenda
  4. To Discuss and Agree minute taking for future VDS meetings.
  5. To Agree date, time and venue for the next meeting.

Zoe Savill

Clerk of the Working Party

The Minutes of the Working Party are available by email from the clerk and are published as draft minutes on the Washing Parish Council website Email:

Heath Common Design Statement

Working Party Meeting

Notes for themeeting held on Friday 5th January, 20182pm at Dera Doon, Georges Lane, Storrington RH20 3JH.




The meeting was opened by the Chairman at (……) hrs.

  1. To Receive Apologies for Absence and Chairman’s Announcements

Apologies received from MS and GP

  1. To Receive any Declarations of interest in any items to be discussed and agree Dispensations.
  1. To Approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on Friday 24th November, 2017.

The draft Minutes of the meeting had been circulated to members.

RESOLVED to (…….) that the Chairman could sign the minutes as a true record of

the meeting which took place on Friday 24th November, 2017.

  1. To Receive a report of the meeting with HDC and to discuss further amendments to draft Design Statement

CB’s report of meeting with Barbara Childs and Catherine Howe on Thursday 14th December, circulated. RT emailed his comments about the meeting, to all members.

CB emailed a copy of the VDS to all members on 28th November, to include all amendments agreed at the last Working Party meeting.

  1. To Agree attendees at the meeting with West Sussex Highways Authority

Cllr Paul Marshall has facilitated a meeting with Chris Stark, Horsham area manager of West Sussex Highways Authority. It will take place at the Clapham Depot, Clapham Common, BN13 3UR on Friday 12th January, 9.30am. The purpose of the meeting is to engage with Highways’ planning to get them to accept the Heath Common ‘Lanes’ as requiring special status.

It has been suggested that no more than 3 Working Party members attend.

  1. To Agree items for the next Agenda
  1. To Discuss and Agree minute taking for future VDS meetings.

Because of her parish commitments, the clerk would like to step down from minute-taking at the Working Party meetings, but will continue until a volunteer comes forward.

  1. To Agree a date, time and venue for the next meeting