21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education
Agricultural Cooperative Education
Agriculture, Science, and Natural Resources
All Concentrations
Title: / Agricultural Cooperative Education (WVEIS 0133)Standard Number:
ASN.S.ACO.1 / Nature of Agricultural Cooperative Education
Students will:
· Demonstrate an understanding of the scope of agribusiness.
· Demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems.
Questions / What are the characteristics of a valuable employee? What abilities must you possess for a manager to view you as a valuable employee?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ASN.O.ACO.1.1 / define and explain the meaning and purpose of SAE programs. / Examine the role SAE plays in a successful agricultural education program and in the individual experiences of students. Clarify what the intention and benefits of SAE are. Conduct open house and supervisory visits to reinforce content.
ASN.O.ACO.1.2 / describe the four types of enterprises (entrepreneurial, placement, exploratory, and research) used in SAE programs. / National FFA has numerous resources, including PowerPoint presentations, addressing this objective. Provide students with scenarios and have them work in small groups to generate SAE possibilities. Review list of possible SAEs available at National FFA website.
ASN.O.ACO.1.3 / examine the teacher’s role in the student’s SAE program. / Help students understand the teacher is not a business partner but provides technical assistance. Teacher is also liaison between the school and the business employing the student.
ASN.O.ACO.1.4 / demonstrate an understanding of school and department policies affecting school-release work experiences. / Establish and adhere to policy involving student accountability while on school-release work experiences. Seek approval of local administration and clearly communicate this understanding to employers, students, and parents. Have students sign a copy of the policy indicating their knowledge of it.
ASN.O.ACO.1.5 / illustrate the relationship between SAE and FFA. / Use resources from National FFA tying SAE performance to FFA membership degrees and proficiency awards. Review list of SAEs and related proficiency award areas. Have students complete proficiency award application.
ASN.O.ACO.1.6 / complete a personal interest and resource inventory to identify potential enterprises and placement sites for their individualized programs. / Create or obtain suitable interest inventory in which students’ personal interests, career interests, and available resources can be examined to determine most suitable SAE program.
ASN.O.ACO.1.7 / work with the teacher and employers to develop individual training plans listing competencies to be learned through the agricultural cooperative education placement. / Identify job performance skills and where these skills will be attained. Define what employer and teacher views as “mastery” and create training plan to help students attain this level of competence.
ASN.O.ACO.1.8 / demonstrate an understanding of the evaluation process to be used by the teacher and employers. / Include evaluation process in documentation. Establish rubric for performance measures and establish regular schedule of teacher supervisory visits to monitor student progress.
ASN.O.ACO.1.9 / explore and become engaged in appropriate agricultural enterprises. / Explore SAE resources at the National FFA website and introduce students to the types and benefits of SAE programs.
Standard Number:
ASN.S.ACO.2 / Content of Studies in Agricultural Cooperative Education
Students will:
· demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and applications of facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives.
· relate the principles contained in the sciences, economics, mathematics, and language arts to the agriculture industry.
Questions / What skills and attitudes must a successful worker possess?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ASN.O.ACO.2.1 / demonstrate job-site ethics. / Obtain codes of conduct from businesses and study the definition of ethics and their importance to business success.
ASN.O.ACO.2.2 / describe appropriate dress, etiquette, and health habits. / Numerous resources including videos and group activities are available from workforce training organizations. Some may also be found through National FFA. The Curriculum Technology Resource Center at Cedar Lakes also loans videos related to this topic.
ASN.O.ACO.2.3 / use time effectively. / Introduce students to time management concepts on websites such as Mindtools or in literature regarding personal development (such as that from Stephen Covey and others). Discuss 80:20 Rule of time management. Have students monitor and journal the use of time for an established time span.
ASN.O.ACO.2.4 / demonstrate a courteous attitude to customers, employers, and fellow employees. / Obtain worker training videos from human resource departments of various businesses. Critique customer service at a business. Role-play work situations and examine case studies. Also review regulations affecting harassment.
ASN.O.ACO.2.5 / display willingness to learn new techniques and follow directions. / Interview employers and seek their opinions on the importance of worker attitude and initiative to business success.
ASN.O.ACO.2.6 / demonstrate decision-making skills. / Refer to Farm Business Management resources for information on the decision making process. Also employ Risk Management Essay competition materials for resource help. Provide mock scenarios in which students must make and defend decisions.
ASN.O.ACO.2.7 / monitor the safety of the working environment. / Invite OSHA representative or fire marshal to be guest speaker and address workplace safety issues.
ASN.O.ACO.2.8 / explain procedures for reporting safety violations. / Interview individual employers and acquire policy and procedures for specific worksites.
ASN.O.ACO.2.9 / identify the location of first aid kits, emergency phone numbers, and exits. / Have students create layout of work site and indicate location of first aid kits, exits, and phones.
ASN.O.ACO.2.10 / demonstrate the safe use of equipment. / Provide training through videos and/or demonstrations. Supervise students as they display their competency with equipment.
ASN.O.ACO.2.11 / explain the types of records utilized in agricultural enterprises. / Create an electronic means of documenting learning in work-based experience programs. Also discuss other records such as personnel records and the need for security and confidentiality.
ASN.O.ACO.2.12 / describe the importance of a business agreement in SAE records. / Review components of a business agreement and discuss the features of a binding contract. Expand students’ views of business agreements and contracts by inviting a local attorney to speak to the topic.
ASN.O.ACO.2.13 / complete and demonstrate the use of net worth statements, inventories, placement hours and skill records, income and expense logs and other pertinent financial records. / Students will complete financial income and expense statements and determine profitability of enterprises. Students will calculate pertinent efficiency factors such as rate of gain, yield per acre, etc.
ASN.O.ACO.2.14 / acquire supporting documentation of their individual agricultural experience programs. / Organize all standard profiles, student activity records, and financial records in a format which clearly conveys student experiences and accomplishments.
ASN.O.ACO.2.15 / maintain complete and accurate records for individual SAEs. / Provide a few minutes of class time each week for students to enter and update data in their record books.
Standard Number:
ASN.S.ACO.3 / Application of Knowledge and Skills Acquired Through Studies of Agricultural Cooperative Education
Students will:
· apply the principles of the sciences, economics, mathematics, and language arts to employment in the agriculture industry.
· analyze information and situations to select the best means of performing tasks associated with agricultural businesses.
· demonstrate an ability to utilize technology to perform tasks associated with studies in agriculture.
· evaluate supplies, products and processes and defend decisions related to agricultural businesses.
Questions / How will you demonstrate to a potential employer your abilities to be a valuable member of his/her staff?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ASN.O.ACO.3.1 / summarize financial records to determine net income from the SAE. / Utilize approved record-keeping system for maintaining and analyzing financial records.
ASN.O.ACO.3.2 / calculate efficiency factors related to individual SAEs. / Utilize approved record-keeping system for maintaining and analyzing financial records. Teach students how to perform ratio analysis and currently used economic standards of performance.
ASN.O.ACO.3.3 / explore opportunities for SAE expansion and/or improvement. / Assess SAE performance and review performance of similar ventures. Research possibilities for expansion and create projected budget if SAE scope is modified.
ASN.O.ACO.3.4 / develop a portfolio of substantiating completion of the SAE. / In addition to completing financial records, assemble a written narrative with supplementary photos depicting how the student became interested in the SAE and skills attained through the experience. Refer to National FFA Proficiency Award application for ideas.
ASN.O.ACO.3.5 / complete a job application and create a letter of application. / Students generate personal resume and letter of application. Cooperate with English teacher and/or advisory council members in evaluating student products. Invite Human Resources Officer from local business to address class and provide suggestions.
ASN.O.ACO.3.6 / participate in a job interview. / Refer to National FFA Job Interview CDE for references and suggested activities.
ASN.O.ACO.3.7 / research and examine career opportunities related to individual SAEs. / Collect data from local community, Dept of Labor, WVDA, and USDA to determine agricultural opportunities within the region and state. Identify seasonal employment opportunities and specialty positions: How does supply and demand effect employment? What effect do marketing trends have on employment opportunities?
ASN.O.ACO.3.8 / identify methods of locating employment opportunities. / Invite Human Resources Officer from local business to address class.
Standard Number:
ASN.S.ACO.4 / Participating in the student organization
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Questions /
How could membership in a student organization benefit your career?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ASN.O. ACO.4.1 / identify the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization. / Use visual presentations and the chapter program of activities to depict opportunities. Invite state officers or alumni to speak to class. View state and national FFA web pages and have students find the organization’s goals and purpose.
ASN.O. ACO.4.2 / explain the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization as an adult / Hold a panel discussion with guests invited from business and industry to talk about their involvement in the community and how their earlier participation in FFA affected their careers.
ASN.O. ACO.4.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. / Have students compete in state and national competitions, attend winter leadership and other career development conferences. Encourage students to run for officers in the local, state, or National FFA Organization.
21st Century Skills / Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Information and Communication Skills / 21C.O.9-12.1.LS1. / Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media / Provide basic instruction of appropriate research techniques and follow-up with opportunities to utilize available technology. / Student demonstrates ability to gather data for assigned research projects and incorporates pertinent information into well-developed presentations.
Thinking and Reasoning Skills / 21C.O.9-12.2.LS1 / Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria. / Consistently provide opportunity to apply principles acquired to real-world situations. / Carefully review answers to higher-order questions and require students to defend decisions when faced with such.
Personal, and Workplace, Skills / 21C.O.9-12.3.LS1 / Student remains composed and focused, even under stress, willingly aligns his/her personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from win-win perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals. / Frequently conduct role-playing scenarios in the context of the agriculture industry. / Evaluate students’ abilities to work with others on projects and have students defend actions and decisions in role-playing scenarios. If students are employed, discuss job performance with supervisor.
Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Entrepreneurship Skills / B.01-B.11, .17-.28 / Understands the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance. / Students will process leadership, personal management, communication, and interpersonal skills as they engage in collaborative work, decision-making processes, operate multimedia equipment, and draw career conclusions. / Student display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students successfully use basic computer operations to complete task and projects. Students draw conclusions regarding educational requirements, job duties, and salary expectation in their area of interest.
D.01-D.06, .08, .014, .17, .21-.30, / Understand concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others.
E.01-.16 / Understand concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations
H.04-06, .14-.18 / Understand concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, development, and growth.
Culminating Assessment
Culminating Assessment / Develop a presentation depicting the competencies attained through the agricultural cooperative education experience. Review the business agreement and discuss its role throughout the experience. Display financial records along with employer’s performance assessments of competencies outlined in the training plan. Describe how the experience has affected personal growth and development.
Links and Other Resources
Links and Other Resources / Related Websites:
Consult State Departments of Agriculture websites
Consult John Deere Farm Business Management Educational Resources
Pathways to Success
U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century
Advanced Distributed Learning
America's Career InfoNet
America's Job Bank
America's Service Locator
Employment & Training Administration
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives
http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force
Occupational Information Network
Office of Disability Employment Policy
Career Voyages
Workforce West Virginia
West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)
West Virginia FFA Association
West Virginia Career and Technical Education
Contacts / Agriculture Teachers: See Agricultural Education Directory
Agriculture, Science and Natural Resources Coordinator: Keith Burdette ()
OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick
OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson