Summer 2014
Dear 4-H’er:
Congratulations on your selection to represent your county at the 2014 Nebraska State Fair 4-H Fashion Show. This will be the first year that the State Fair Fashion Shows for constructed garments and purchased garments (Shopping in Style) will be combined. We look forward to meeting you on:
Monday, September 1, 2014
at the
Heartland Event Center, State Fairgrounds
Grand Island, Nebraska
Registration begins at 12 noon and will continue until 12:45 p.m. For registration, enter through the north or south doors of the Heartland Event Center’s glass foyer. The dressing and judging areas will be open to contestants only. Hostesses are available to assist the 4-H’ers in the dressing room. There is an optional rehearsal from 12 noon to 1:45 p.m. for the 4-H’ers to practice on the stage.
Judging will begin at 2:00 p.m. with 4-H’ers with constructed garments being judged by two judges for Construction/Fit and Selection/Creativity, and then judged again by a third judge for Individual Modeling/Accessories.
For those with purchased garments, they will be judged only while they are on stage at the public 4-H Fashion Show for Individual Modeling/Accessories. Judging of the completed Shopping in Style Fashion Show Written Report with Narration - SF184 revised 2/2013 - will be done prior to the public 4-H Fashion Show. Please note, only the SF184 revised 2/2013 form will be accepted.
The scoresheets for both constructed and purchased garments can be reviewed by going to the Nebraska 4-H web site at or by visiting your local county extension.
The public Fashion Show will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Heartland Event Center. Doors will open to the public at 2:00 p.m.
Individual publicity photos of all 4-H’ers will be taken of the 4-H’ers. These photos will be on the web for your county extension staff to access after the State Fair. All 4-H’ers receiving purple ribbons will be recognized at the conclusion of the public Fashion Show. All 4-H’ers can pick up their ribbon and score sheets at the conclusion of the event at the registration area.
We look forward to seeing you at the 4-H Fashion Show. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
Sarah Effken Purcell Andrea Nisley
Co-Superintendent Co-Superintendent
402-269-2301 308-324-5501