Spring Semester 2008

Course Data

Course Number: Accounting 441

Course Title: Advanced Accounting

Term, Level & Credit: AY 2007-2008, undergraduate, 3 credit hours

Course Description: Accounting practices and theories for business combinations and partnerships.

Course Prerequisites: All students regardless of major must have successfully completed

Accounting 302 with a grade of at least a "C" before enrolling in Accounting 441.

Course Text and Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, Fisher, Taylor, and Cheng, 1st

Required Material: Edition Thompson South-Western, Mason, Ohio. ISBN: 13; 978-0-324-37890-0 and ISBN: 10; 0-324-37890-4

College Mission: The College of Business and Public Affairs, consistent with the overall Mission of The University of Tennessee at Martin, develops graduates whose skills, innovative abilities and ethical standards contribute to a diversified and dynamic society. With a primary focus on teaching, the College emphasizes quality undergraduate and graduate instruction and faculty commitment to student and regional development. Programs are delivered in an environment that encourages a broad understanding of the forces shaping global social, political and economic change. The College promotes and supports cooperative alliances with stakeholders and outstanding teaching, research, and service.

BSBA Learning Graduates of the BSBA program will have demonstrated the

Goals (LG) related following BSBA learning goals in this course:

to the BSBA Mission:

BSBA 2 demonstrate an understanding of the ethical aspects of business.

BSBA 3 demonstrate competence in appropriate technology in business.

BSBA 4 demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills.

BSBA 6 demonstrate competence in the Accounting major.

Expected Student The study of Advanced Accounting has as its objective to provide

Outcomes: the student at the conclusion of the course with an understanding of:

1. financial accounting theory for various types of business entities,

2. the methodology employed by the professional accountant in applying

generally accepted accounting principles to intercompany business

transactions and events,

3. the theory and methodology underlying consolidated balance sheets,

income statements, working papers, and partnerships,

4. the usage of spreadsheets to communicate accounting information and

solve problems, and

5. communication of word documents and excel spreadsheets using e-mail

in printable form.

Accommodations for Any student eligible for and requesting academic accommodations due to a disability is required to provide a letter of accommodation from Disability Services, Clement 203 (XX7605), within the first two weeks of the semester.

Relationship to The course helps to meet the goals of the accounting curriculum in the Major Field Goals: following ways:

  1. prepares students for positions in public, private accounting –Advanced Accounting is part of Financial Accounting one of the critical areas of the accounting profession; Accounting 441 helps the student gain knowledge in that area.
  1. serves as an excellent pre-law major - The logical skills learned in Accounting 441 will be applicable to the study of law.
  1. provides a background for the CIA, CMA, and CPA examinations - The course addresses the financial theory area in general. Since Accounting 441 is the study of business combinations and partnerships, the course specifically addresses the issues covered on the CPA and CMA exams.
  1. prepares students for graduate study in accounting and business administration The course addresses this goal through the development of study habits and logical skills which will be valuable in graduate school.

Course Requirements

Attendance Policy: You are strongly encouraged to not miss classes. One (1) point will be deducted from your total grade points for each missed class after the first three misses. You are expected to be in class and seated on time.

Test Dates






FINAL Friday May 2, 7:45 to 9:45 100 POINTS

Assignment Policy: Students are responsible for reading each chapter and preparing assignments from the text. All assignments are due on the date specified by the course instructor. (2.) Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis and participate in class discussion. They are encouraged to not miss scheduled tests unless seriously ill or for an unavoidable emergency. Make-up tests will be given only for justifiable reasons. In addition, ALL students taking Accounting 441 must submit a resume in proper form by February 1, 2008

Grades: (unless modified by a curve):

A: 90.0-100% of total possible points (405 - 450),

B: 80.0-89.9% “ “ “ “ (360 – 404)

C: 70.0-79.9% “ “ “ “ (315 – 359)

D: 60.0-69.9% “ “ “ “ (270 – 314)

F: Below 60% “ “ “ “ (269 and below)


Courtesy: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a Courtesy: professional manner in class. Nonprofessional behavior or language will result in the student being dropped from the course. Cell Phones: All cell phones should be turned off during class. No cell phones will be allowed to be visible during test or exams.

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to conduct themselves at a high level of academic integrity. Any student found cheating will be assigned a final grade of F for the course and will be reported to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the dean of his/her college for further disciplinary action.

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."

(Abraham Lincoln).

"Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal, nor do they tolerate those who do."

(Aggie Code of Honor)

“Honor is better than honors."

(President Abraham Lincoln).

Homework Policy: Before starting on your homework on the computer be sure to set the time and date correctly. All homework is to be done on the computer using Excel. The homework is to be turned in on computer paper with you name on the outside of each problem at the beginning of class on the date the assignment appears on the assignment sheet unless otherwise instructed by the instructor. Each problem is to be on a separate sheet of paper and is to be saved using the problem number as the file name. If you are not going to be in class work should be turned in ahead of time or e-mailed as an attachment before the start of that class. Homework given back marked U, unsatisfactory, is to be reworked and turned in before the next test.

Test Policy: All tests will be given on the computer. Pocket calculators and/or hand held computers will not be permitted. Each student’s grade will be determined not only by the student’s accounting knowledge, but also by their ability to use Excel in working some of the problems.

Resume: Resume is to be completed in good form. The final draft of the resume will be due in printed form and also e-mailed as a word attachment.

Retake of Final: University policy provides "that a senior who fails one subject during the semester of his/her intended graduation shall have the privilege of standing examination at the opening of or during the next semester. If he/she is successful, he/she will receive his/her degree at the next commencement."

Tentative Class Schedule
Day / Chapter / Topics Covered / Class Problems / Homework Exercises / Relationship of Homework to the College's Learning Objectives
14-Jan / Introduction to Course
16-Jan / Chapter 1 / Introduction to Business Combinations / P1 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
18-Jan / Chapter 1 / Purchase Versus Pooling of Interest / P2*P3 / E2*E3 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
21-Jan / Martin Luther
23-Jan / Chapter 1 / Purchase Continued / P4*P6 / E5*E6*E7 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
25-Jan / Chapter 2 / Consolidated Statements (CS) at Date of Acquisition / P1 / Chapter 1 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
28-Jan / Chapter 2 / Consolidated Statements (CS) at Date of Acquisition / P2*P3 / E1*E2 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
30-Jan / Chapter 2 / Consolidated Statements (CS) at Date of Acquisition / P5*P6*P8 / E4*E5 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
1-Feb / Chapter 2 / Consolidated Statements (CS) at Date of Acquisition / P10*P12 / E6*E7*E8 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
4-Feb / Test 1
6-Feb / Spreadsheet Application for(CS) / Class Exercise / Chapter 2 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
8-Feb / Spreadsheet Application for(CS) / Class Exercise / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
11-Feb / Spreadsheet Application for(CS) / Class Exercise / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
13-Feb / Spreadsheet Application for(CS) / Class Exercise / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
15-Feb / Chapter 3 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition / P1 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
18-Feb / Chapter 3 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition / P2*P3 / E1*E2 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
20-Feb / Chapter 3 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition / P4*P6 / E3*E4* E5
22-Feb / Chapter 3 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition / P7*P9*P11 / E7*E8*E9 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
25-Feb / Chapter 4 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Merchandise Inventory / P1 / Chapter 3 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
27-Feb / Chapter 4 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Merchandise Inventory / P2*P3*P4 / E2*E3*E4 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
29-Feb / Chapter 4 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Merchandise Inventory / P6*P7 / E5*E6*E8 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
3-Mar / Chapter 4 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Merchandise Inventory / P8*P10 / E9 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
5-Mar / Test 2
7-Mar / Chapter 5 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Bonds / Chapter 4 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
10-Mar / Spring Break
17-Mar / Chapter 5 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Bonds / P1*P2 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
19-Mar / Chapter 5 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Bonds / P4*P5 / E2*E3 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
21-Mar / Good Friday
24-Mar / Chapter 5 / (CS) Subsequent to Date of Acquisition – Bonds / P6*P8 / E4*E7*E8*E10 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
26-Mar / Test 3
28-Mar / Chapter 8 / Accounting for Partnership Activities / Chapter 5 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
31-Mar / Chapter 8 / Accounting for Partnership Activities / P2*P3 / E2*E3 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
2-Apr / Chapter 8 / Characteristics of a Partnership / P4*P5 / E4*E5 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
4-Apr / Chapter 8 / Characteristics of a Partnership / P6*P8 / E6 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
7-Apr / Chapter 8 / Characteristics of a Partnership / E7 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
9-Apr / Chapter 9 / Ownership Changes / Chapter 8 Homework Due / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
11-Apr / Chapter 9 / Partnership Liquidations / P1*P2 / E1*E2 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
14-Apr / Chapter 9 / Partnership Liquidations / P3*P4 / E3*E4 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
16-Apr / Chapter 9 / Partnership Liquidations / P5*P6 / E5*E6 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
18-Apr / Chapter 9 / Partnership Liquidations / P7*P8*P10 / (BSBA 3, 4 & 6)
21-Apr / Ethics Video / (BSBA 2)
23-Apr / Ethics Video / (BSBA 2)
25-Apr / Ethics Video / (BSBA 2)
28-Apr / Test 4