Menu Descriptions

Week beginning: 3rd December 2012

Pasta Bolognaise / Pasta shapes with a tomato and mince sauce / ♥ №
Jacket potato with cheese / Grated cheddar cheese filled jacket potato / № V
Ham in brown slice / Lean ham in sliced wholemeal bread / №
Chicken tagine / Diced chicken in a fruity spice sauce with chick peas / ♥ №
Vegetable pasta bake / Pasta in a cheese sauce with a mix of vegetables and melted cheese topping / № V
Bacon and tomato sandwich / Griddled back bacon with slices of tomato in a wholemeal bap / №
Mince Cobbler / Lean beef mince with carrot and peas topped by a herby wholemeal scone / ♥ №
Salmon Jacket Potato / Cold poached fresh salmon with low fat mayo in a jacket potato / №
Beef Baguette / Lean roast beef in a crusty white baguette / №
Baked Ham / Succulent lean ham boiled then baked on the premises / №
Tuna Pasta bake / Tuna in a creamy tomato sauce and mixed with pasta then topped with cheese / №
Cream of cauliflower soup / Homemade cauliflowersoup with a choice of breads / ♥ №
Fish Finger / Oven baked, breaded fish fillet fingers / №
Tomato and mixed veg risotto / Rice cooked with tomatoes, green beans, peas, sweetcorn, pepper and onion with an optional sprinkle of cheese / ♥ № V
Turkey salad bowl / Diced cold turkey with a mixed salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pepper and sweetcorn / ♥ № V

Healthy meal – low fat and/or at least one vegetable included in the dish

№ Nut/nut product free

VVegetarian meal
MENU WEEK BEGINNING 3rd December 2012

Monday / Tuesday / Wedclass 2 on trip / Thursday / Friday
Option 1 / Pasta Bolognaise / Chicken Tagine / Baked Ham / Mince Cobbler / Fish Fingers
Option 2 / Jacket potato with cheese / Vegetable pasta bake / Jacket potato with Salmon Mayonnaise / Tuna pasta bake / Tomato and mixed vegetable risotto
Fab 4 (inc. cake, yoghurt and fruit) / Ham sandwich in brown sliced bread / Hot bacon and tomato sandwich / Turkey salad bowl / Beef Baguette / Cream of cauliflower soup
Starchy food / with main / Rice / Boulanger potatoes / boiled potatoes / Chips
Accompaniments / Basic salad available daily (Lettuce, tomato, cucumber) and Fresh unbuttered bread daily
Vegetables / Peas
Carrots / Peas
Sweetcorn / Cabbage
Mashed swede / Broccoli
green beans / Cauliflower cheese
Pudding 1 / Fruit Pie and custard / Raspberry yoghurt sponge / Chocolate sponge and chocolate custard / Ginger , pear and syrup sponge / Jam sponge and custard
Pudding 2 / Polite biscuits / Messy cheesecake / Cheese scones / Oat biscuits / Berry Smoothie
Pudding 3 / Yoghurts-daily
Drink / Water and squash available on the tables

Dish prepared and cooked on the premises