Easter Story Questions
Directions: In your Bible read the following stories and use them to help you answer the questions. Answer all questions on loose leaf paper to be collected. Answers must be in complete sentences or you will rewrite those answers.
These are the stories:
The Conspiracy Against Jesus (Matthew 26:1)
The Betrayal by Judas (Matthew 26:14)
Preparations for the Passover (Matthew 26:17)
The Betrayer (Matthew 26:20)
The Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26)
The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet (John Chapter 13:1-20)
Peter’s Denial Foretold (Matthew 26: 31-35)
The Agony in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-46)
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus (Matthew 26:47-56)
1. In the Conspiracy Against Jesus, why do Jewish high priests and Pharisees want to kill Jesus and really hate him so much?
2. In the Betrayal by Judas, what does Judas ask the Pharisees in return for betraying Jesus?
3. In the Betrayer, at the meal, what does Jesus predict will happen?
4. How do the disciples react after Jesus makes his prediction?
5. In the Lord’s Supper, what does Jesus do at the Last Supper that sets an important example for all Catholics to follow?
6. Read the Washing of the Disciples’ Feet in John’s Gospel, which is John’s version of the Last Supper, how is John’s version different than Matthew’s?
7. Why doesn’t Peter want Jesus to wash his feet at first?
8. What do you think Jesus is trying to teach the Apostles by washing their feet? What does washing their feet symbolize?
9. In Peter’s Denial Foretold, how does Peter react to Jesus’ prediction?
10. In Jesus Prays at Gethsemane, why does Jesus want to go into the garden with his disciples?
11. While in the garden, how do the disciples keep disappointing Jesus? How many times?
12. Read verse 39 of the story, what does Jesus ask his Father to do? What does this show about how Jesus is feeling right now?
13. Read verse 42 of the story, how does Jesus’ attitude change that you can really tell by his prayer to God?
14. During his arrest, one of Jesus’ disciples (Peter) tries to defend him and cuts off the ear of one of the soldiers. Jesus tells him that those who live by the sword die by the sword. What is the message that he is trying to give Peter?
15. Why does Jesus find it strange that the crowd has come out armed to arrest him?