Hong KongBaptistUniversity
Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning (CHTL)
Outcome-Based Teaching & Learning
Checklist for Programme Document
As we deepen the Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) implementation in all of our academic offerings, the following checklist is provided by the CHTL to aid our Programme Teams to check their developed/developing programme documents against the essential OBTL elements.
This checklist is intended to serve as a tool to aid the Programme Teams in their programme revision and/or development. Any queries pertaining to this checklist should be forwarded to the CHTL via email at
Thank you.
Outcome-Based Teaching & Learning Checklist for Programme Document
Programme: ______
Tasks / Check (√ )Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)
The overall programme “Aims and Objectives” are clearly articulated and are relevant and appropriate to the specified programme.
PILOs are written in the form of statements of what a successful student will have achieved by the end of the programme, for example, “By the end of the programme the students should be able to…..” and followed by a clear, definitive and assessable action verb.
PILOs are clear, distinctive and specific to the programme and clearly indicate the type of competence appropriate for a graduate at the given degree level.
Please refer to the Bloom’s and/or SOLO taxonomies for appropriate action verbs.
There are between 3 to 6 comprehensive PILOs stated.
Constructive Alignment
Graduate Attributes (GAs) – PILOs Mapping Matrix
PILOs developed are clearly mapped to the appropriate set (i.e., undergraduate, taught-postgraduate and research-postgraduate) of Graduate Attributes (GAs).
GAs are placed in the correct order in the PILO-GA mapping matrix.
For GAs-PILO mapping matrix, one PILO addressesa maximum of 3 GAs.
GAs-PILO mapping matrix clearly shows the “No.of PILOsaddressingthisGA” and the “No.ofGAsaddressedbythisPILO.”
PILOs – Courses Mapping Matrix
Mapping of courses to the PILOs – mapping matrix is filled in by marking where the PILOs are embedded within the courses.
Mapping clearly showsthat a PILO or PILOs are addressed within a course.
For PILO-Course mapping matrix, one course addresses a maximum of 3 PILOs.
Teaching & Learning Strategies
A clear description of the adoption of OBTL is included in the section related to Teaching and Learning in the programme document.
The description of OBTL adoption includes examples such as: 1) the delivery process involving a range of teaching and learning activities linking pedagogy to programme objectives and learning outcomes; 2) teaching and learning strategies to enhance student learning; and 3) practices for the enrichment of student learning opportunities, e.g. practicum, internship, exchange studies, etc.
Assessment grading system requirements are clearly addressed.
A brief description on the adoption of OBTL and the enactment of criterion referenced assessment (CRA) is included.
The use of rubrics to help students understand the requirements for each assessment is included.
A description of some sample reference rubrics, and/or making use of HKBU’s 17 GAs rubrics to help with the design of the assessment rubrics for use is discussed in this section. The 17 GAs Rubrics can be accessed online with login, please refer to the URL below.
A general description of the adoption of multiple assignments and/or continuous assessments together with a definitive statement on the examination weighting isdiscussed in the section.
Related resources and links, such as HKBU’s Graduate Attributes, Bloom’s and SOLO taxonomies, and regulations from AR can be found at URL –