November 7, 2016

Healthy Henderson met on November 7, 2016 in the Methodist Hospital 5th Floor Board Room with the following in attendance: Dr. Libby Brown, Sheldon Booze, Cyndee Burton, Dana Delano, Karen Goldie, Susan Hughes, Jamie Like, Shannon Long, Lois Morgan, Richard Nading, Leslie Newman, Kelly Palmer, Jaimie Rafferty, Kelly Schneider, Emily Smith, Sarah Smith, Lisa Stanley, Kris Williams, and Angela Woosley

Call to Order—Dr. Libby Brown called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.

Dr. Brown asked the committee if they had looked at the minutes from October 3, 2016 and if there were any changes; there were none. Dr. Brown asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Susan Hughes made the motion, seconded by Kelly Schneider. A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Pink County Grant – Dr. Brown reported the Pink Out event on October 28, 2016 was considered an incredible success, especially with the short time they had to put it together. With additional support from Sheldon Booze/YMCA, we were able to provide pink t-shirts for the band, the dance team, the cheerleaders; Methodist staff bought t-shirts with a total of 1200 t-shirts purchased between Methodist and Henderson County school system; we ordered 500 pom-poms for the fans and provided educational material. We provided spirit towels for the football team. We were placed at the front entrance, but we discovered the “fan crowd” was at a side entrance. The HOSA group was also involved and had asked people to come to the field at half time “in honor of or memory of” someone affected by cancer and released balloons. Dr. Brown voiced this was an amazing example of school, hospital and community coming together.

Steering Committee – The Western Region Green River Health Steering Committee has asked all seven coalitions to agree to bring back to their committee one regional issue that all coalitions can focus on and pull together for grant purposes. Dr. Brown asked for this coalition to decide on one topic. Jamie Rafferty and Rich Nading voiced that in all seven counties the Healthy Henderson Coalition is by far the most active and they would like to see this momentum in the other counties as well.

Teen Issues/Teenage Pregnancy – Jamie Like reported they are continuing their discussion with implementing the Boys and Girls Club in Henderson. The advisory council was formed about two weeks ago at United Way. Melissa Clements reminded everyone the Boys and Girls Club is a youth organization that serves children between

the ages of 6-18 in three different areas: good character and citizenship, academic success, and healthy lifestyle. United Way has been getting several phone calls for what options are available for children in this age group. Steven Winkler, Executive Director of Boys and Girls Club in Daviess County came to the advisory council meeting and spoke to the group. The primary focus now is finding the location for this club. The cost is $12.00/year and they also offer scholarships. Steve Gold, County Attorney, was present and discussed crimes being committed in the area; they are running approximately 800 drug screens on juveniles in this community. Nancy Satterfield with the school system has offered her services with grant writing to assist with the financial portion. Sheldon with the YMCA is also supportive. The teen issues group discussed today how are teens are growing up in our society with lack of respect and community involvement.

Kris Williams asked if they are looking at specific locations. Mrs. Clements informed everyone they are looking at a few places including the JFK Center, or possibly having it in a school. Daviess County has expanded their Boys and Girls Club to Rockport in their school system. An option to partner with schools or other community places such as the college, or non-profit organizations like the hospital, and private donors has also been discussed. The group plans to meet again in January to discuss all options. Karen Goldie asked if they will offer multiple locations. Henderson is looking for one location to start off serving approximately 150 kids with the possibility of growth in the future. Leslie Newman asked about funding. Mrs. Clements reported they are looking at government grants and fundraising with the hopes of raising $40,000-$60,000 for an after school program. If expanded to a full year program, covering summer and winter breaks, could cost approximately $100,000-$150,000.

Kelly Schnieder asked about Audubon Kids Zone (AKZ). Mrs. Clements explains this project is different and would be in addition to the Audubon Kids Zone and feels the programs would compliment each other well. They also hope to partner with them in data collecting to elaborate on what AKZ is doing.

Jamie Like reported Dr. Malcom Smith came and spoke with 50 junior high students, high school students, and gave a presentation for the adult community. He serves on a national crisis response team. He has been involved in profiling with school shootings. He talked about bullying and our “meanest generation of kids”. Ms. Like stated are kids are really truly lacking in empathy skills. Dr. Smith developed a curriculum called “Courage to Care”. Dr. Smith’s presentation has motivated the school system to get back involved with this. They will send people for training in January and plan to implement this at North and South Junior High Schools.

Libby reported Audubon Kids Zone was awarded the $15,000 POW Grant.

Obesity/Diabetes –

Karen Goldie reported on the Hunting Down Diabetes Run with approximately 100 participants. She will report next month on the total money raised as this information is still being gathered. The weather was beautiful and overall considered a success. Shannon Long shared that one of the patients was watching from his room and commented on how nice the event looked from his bed.

Emily Smith reported Community Baptist program, “Hoops and Cheer” has agreed to serve several Better Bites in their concession stand. The Better Bites Committee ordered t-shirts, stickers, and fliers to hand out at the Downtown Henderson Trick-or-Treating event, handing out whole grain rice crispy treats to approximately 500-650 kids. The goal was to get the Better Bites name out and have people start identifying the logo. The Committee has applied for two more grants through WalMart and a grant at the Extension Office. They are planning goals for the summer, working on YMCA Better Bites snack machine ordering signs to advertise Better Bites. Their goal for the winter months is to get Better Bites in the Zion Baptist Church Upward program. The Committee will meet today at 4:00 p.m. at Prevention and Wellness if anyone wants to join the meeting. Mrs. Smith stated they have tried to include people from all different community groups to reach out to as many areas as possible. Angela Woosley asked if she could obtain a list of 3-4 healthy snack ideas that they could hand out to teens. Kelly Schneider asked if Mrs. Smith could share the requirements to qualify for Better Bites. Mrs. Smith reported they are also working on an adult Better Bites option. Dana will send the requirements out to the Coalition. Melissa Clements reported the Boys and Girls Club in Owensboro has implemented the Better Bites program as well. Mrs. Smith is hoping with getting the word out the program will help grow. Karen reported the City pool offered bottled water and bottled soft drinks this past summer and found they sold more water.

Smoking Cessation -
Susan Hughes welcomed new committee member, Shawnda Daughtery who works closely with Melanie Chapman, nurse practitioner with Health First. Mrs. Chapman is very proactive with smoking cessation, prescribing nicotine replacement and providing resources.

Jamie Rafferty and Rich Nading continue their relationship with the WARM Center about every six weeks presenting, “Plan to Be Tobacco Free” and e-cig and smoking cessation education. Cathy Titzer has invited the WARM Center members to be involved in their D.O. Residency Program. Mrs. Rafferty and Mr. Rich would like to start seeing the WARM residents earlier in their stay. They will be looking into this and a few other opportunities.

Mrs. Rafferty and Mr. Rich met with the educators at the school system and will continue to offer services and resource information.

Susan Hughes announced the smoking facilitators at Methodist Hospital are looking at another smoking cessation program, “Freedom From Smoking”, and plan to send employees for training in February.

Announcements –

Dr. Brown announced the Living Healthy Series will be held on Tuesday, November 22nd from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Thelma B. Johnson Learning Center – Professional

Development Building. Free Hemoglobin A1C’s will be offered and Emily Smith, RD will have a presentation, “Take Charge of Your Holiday Eating”.

Rich Nading will plan to speak at the next Living Healthy Series in December on E-cigs and smoking cessation.

Dr. Kris Williams suggested smoking cessation as the regional issue to focus on as a whole. Jamie Like made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Angela Woosley. A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Melissa Clements reminded everyone that the United Way Campaign is going on and will be ending on November 15, 2016. Two agencies present today in our Coalition include YMCA and Easter Seales. She asked all to participate and/or call her with any questions.

The next Healthy Henderson Coalition will be December 5, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 1:02p.