Council Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2017
This regular scheduled meeting of the Village of Shoreham on February 8, 2017 was called to order by President Pro-Tem Robert Lawrence at 7:30 p.m.
Lawrence asked everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The clerk, Debra Trapikas, was asked to take the roll call. Those present were Brian Bird, Stephanie Clarke, Marie-Christine Escoda-Risto, Bob Lawrence and RenetaMais. Absent was Ken Keller. In addition, Clerk Debra Trapikas and Attorney Jessica Fette were present. The Treasurer Dan Maxon was not present.
A motion to accept the consent agenda including the minutes of the January 11, 2017 council meeting, the enforcement officer report and the building inspector report was made by RenetaMais and seconded by Brian Bird. There being no discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Public comment was opened to the floor. There was no response. Bob asked if we might step out of order of the agenda to hear from John Olson. John said the Twincats has nothing listed for our one and only road, Brown School Road. The next meeting will be in two weeks.
Bob then asked for the Treasurer’s Report. Debra stated that Dan Maxon was not there, nor had she been given a Treasurer’s Report prior to the meeting. Concern was given regarding the absence of the Treasurer and the lack of the report. Debra was asked to have a meeting with Dan to make sure he understood the importance of being at all meetings, and to always have a Treasurek 1933 r’s report at each meeting. Debra stated she would schedule a meeting with Dan in the next week.
Bills to be Paid were then called for and Debra read aloud the Bills to Be Paid:
Check 1932 for Banyon, BanyonFette and Campbell was written for $420.00
Check 1933 to the Michigan Association of Mayors was written for $85.00
Check 1934 to Staples was written for $408.96
Check 1935 was written to Verizon for $24.45
Check 1936 was written to St Joseph (for water) for $27.75
Check 1937 was written to Vern Shoff for $750.00
Local Roads Check #428 was written to Southwest Transport for $1254.96
Major Roads Check #360 was written to Southwest Transport for $257.04
There being no other checks written, RenetaMais made a motion to approve all bills and Stephanie Clarke seconded the motion. A roll call vote was made with 5 AYES and 0 NAYS, with 2 ABSENTS
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Council Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2017
Clerk Debra Trapika reported that with a total of only seven checks being sent out this month, it caused her concern because bills that come in within the next week will be paid late next month, causing late fees to be assessed us. Apparently this is how we have operated our books, but she feels this can be easily remedied with a few phone calls to get dates to be paid set at an earlier, or later time of the month. She asked that we pay the normal utility bills, not to exceed $1700.00 if they come in within the next two weeks and would otherwise be late in paying them next month.
RenetaMais made the motion to pay the bills, not to exceed $1700.00 prior to the next meeting. Stephanie Clarke seconded it. A roll call was made with those present voting in the affirmative.
Ken Keller joined the meeting, coming directly from work.
RenetaMais then made a motion to pay all bills from the Village Hall and not from anyone’s home. The Clerk stated that we are already doing that. She stated the procedure in which the bills to be paid are processed as a reference.
There was no President’s report as he was not able to make the meeting. The Clerk was asked if she had anything to report. She did not.
The new street administrator, Brian Bird, had nothing to report except that TJ Niksich and Melanie Stanage from Wightman & Associates were present and prepared to give an updated presentation on the Wissing Lane and Shoreham Drive Bidding Process for the two roads to be prepared this spring. They would like to add a mulch blanket to be included in their bid because it will solidify the soil placed on top of the ground and will hold it together. They will include this in the bid they send to contractors, and will coordinate the bid openings with Brian Bird at the Village Hall.
The clerk reported that Tony Gano will be the building inspector and the Enforcement Officer for the Village and the Township. The clerk asked if the council wants to hear an updated report on the area crime rate from the Village Police Chief and they replied in the affirmative.
Bob Lawrence then asked if there was a Parks Report as Krystin Hanley (Parks Commissioner) was not present. The Parks Committee will go out for bids for the lawn-mowing. Ken Keller stated he knew someone that had expressed interest in providing us landscape services. He was asked to send Debra the information so that person could bid on the services as well.
Bob Lawrence reported the Water and Sewer Authority continue to do their best to keep the costs down.
Debra reported the Planning Commission Public Hearing will be April 25th for the acceptance of the Zoning Ordinances. RenetaMais stated how pleased she was with the work of Alex Wallace.
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Council Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2017
Marie Christine Escoda-Risto stated she had attended the SJCT meeting and it was noted the rubbish fund would be exhausted in 2019. They will be asking for additional millage and will vote on that as a piggyback to the 2018 elections.
Debra was asked to report on the Events Committee. She noted there will be a meeting on the 23rd of February at the Village Hall.
Brian Bird has been good enough to offer to the patch the potholes himself so residents would not have to wait. Bob Lawrence made a motion that we pay Brian the cost of supplies to fill the potholes, as well as a stipend of 53 cents per mile to go to Lowes (or other stores) to pick up the supplies. In addition, Bob made a motion to pay Briain $25 for every pot hole filled by him. The supplies are not to exceed $500.00. When he runs out, he can ask the council for more funds.
Ken Keller seconded the motion and the motion was called by Bob. A vote was taken and all present approved.
Bob agreed to read the First Reading of the Budget as presented by the Budget Committee. There were a few questions which were discussed, but not changes. A copy of the first reading is attached to these minutes. The second reading will be at the March meeting.
Finally, it was discussed whether or not the Council wants business cards. Debra will design the cards and order them
There being no further business before the Village of Shoreham Council., the meeting was adourned at 8:43 p.m.
Approved at the March 15, 2015 Village of Shoreham Council Meeting