Dear Ministry Partner,

July was another exciting month for the orphanage! We’re very excited to see all three of the children so much healthierand happier than when they first came in!Just to see them doing well physically is a great blessing in itself, but an even greater blessing is to see them doing well spiritually. It really blesses our hearts to see the children learning how to pay attention in church, memorize Bible verses, and pray! Rowenn’s behavior has improved so much that he is now able to sit quietly in church and doesn’t have to stay in the nursery ministry!

Please continue praying for these three in every aspect of their lives and also for everyone working with them, that we would all be effective in raising them up in a godly manner. We want this ministry to be much more than just a regular orphanage, we want it to be a godly, family environment where these children will know that they are loved and where they will learn to love God and others. These first three siblings that we’ve taken in are only now starting to understand what it means to have brotherly love towards each other. When they first came in they displayed very little love towards each other (and anyone else) and Roseann and Rowenn wouldoften fight and argue over the simplest things, but now they are doing MUCH better, praise God!

Healthy, happy, and learning how to get along with each other!

Please pray for the upcoming land purchase to go smoothly. We expect to be able to transact with the land owner this August as we now have the entire 400k saved up, praise God! Pray also that it won’t be long before we have the funds needed to start the initial phase of construction work so that we can quickly begin to bring in more children who are on our list of candidates. Our continued prayer is that we will have things setup and properly running with around 20 children before mid-2018.

God indeed has a special place in His heart for orphans; He sure has been proving that over the past few months since we got the orphanage ministry up and running! Members at our church in Mexico, Pampanga are eager to assist in many ways. Many of those folks help look after the kids and enjoy buying things for them. One man recently gave some money to purchase new school uniforms for the kids and another lady bought the children raincoats as the rainy season is upon us here now. When some of the parents at the schools found out that these kids were orphans they started donating things to the kids also!

One church in America (that I’ve never even visited personally) is sending in regular monthly support that will be sufficient to support 5-6 children on a monthly basis once we’ve completed the land purchase and have a couple of rooms put up. Some other churches (that I haven’t personally visited yet either) have sent in some very generous offerings also and my home church at Highland Missionary Baptist Church in Gainesville has been sending in regular, generous donations for the orphanage also! There are even a couple of churches here in the Philippines that have started supporting the orphanage ministry with monthly offerings!It’s totally amazing as my schedule here as a missionary is overflowing and I haven’t had any time at all to make any visits to promote this ministry, yet God is already providing! It’s been said, “Whatever God Orders, He Pays For!”

Such cute school children! Can you tell they're brothers!?

Thanks so much to everyone out there who is supporting this ministry, without your faithful financial support none of this would be possible! God is providing for the orphanage THROUGH YOU! A couple of churches recently took up special offerings for the orphanage during their VBS ministries and the Pastor from one church even spent some time in a dunk tank to assist in raising funds, how awesome! God bless you all mightily!

Other important prayer requests:

  1. Schooling of Roseann and Rowenn
  2. Continued good health for all three of the children, praise God they’re all very healthy!
  3. More orphanage workers for upcoming expansion and current worker, Bro Roger
  4. More partnering churches who will support on a monthly basis. The ministry needs approximately 5,000 pesos per month for each of the children.

Yours in Christ,

Jeremy Ferguson (Orphanage Director)

Psalms 82:3, “Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.”

GROWING PAINS: Rowenn decided to try something new recently. He plugged in the iron and tested it out on the tip of his finger, whoops! After crying for a few minutes he came to say sorry for what he had done. He learned that wasn’t a good idea and we also learned that it’s not a good idea to have an iron in the orphan room!

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July 2017 Financial Report (in Philippine pesos)

Previous Balance (296,047) + Offerings (123,300) - Expenses (12,155) = Ending Balance (407,192)


Highland Missionary Baptist Church (Gainesville, Florida, USA) = 9,000

Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (Stuttgart, AR, USA) = 26,000

Oak Dale Baptist Church (Newberry, Florida, USA) = 41,000

First Baptist Church (Inwood, West VA, USA) = 34,500

Midway Baptist Church (Babatgnon, Leyte, Philippines) =5,600

Logos Bible Baptist Church (Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines) = 1,000

New Life Baptist Church (Mexico, Pampanga, Philippines) = 2,000

New Life Baptist Aeta Church (Porac, Pampanga, Philippines) = 200

Ancient Landmark Baptist Church (Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines) = 1,500

Angeles Missionary Baptist Church (Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines) = 2,000

Malate Baptist Mission (Malate, Manila, Philippines) = 500


Groceries = 5,498

Worker Support for Bro Roger = 5,000

Electricity = 1,000

Bed sheets= 167

School book for Roseann = 290

School id for Ann = 50

Monthly school fee for Rowenn = 150

Thanks for your love and care, we are praying for all of you!