THURSDAY 19thMay2016 7:30PM


1)Welcome from the chair – Laurence Penn

Attendees: Laurence Penn, Rachel Maynard,Giles Taylor, Jess Worthington, Geraldine Gallagher, Kenn Michaels, Helen Barrison, Mary Selfe, Mary Savage- May, Annette O’Kelly, Bronwyn De Cholewa, Laura Williamson, Helen Brough, Wim Oppenheimer, Maria Ohrman, Hannah McConnell Harris, Caroline Maclean

Apologies: Jo Taylor, Clare Leach, Richardson reps Lynne and Catherine, Zoe Rahman.

2)Matters Arising from the Last Minutes and signed-off items

Minutes from the last SMSA meeting will be signed off at the next meeting. There are no outstanding matters from the last meeting.

KS1 climbing frame is now safe for use but needs the flooring repairing and some underfilling work done as the frame had to be moved as it was too close to the wall, Health and Safety would not sign it off. The company who provided it will be paid when the remedial work if finished which they will do over the summer holidays.

3)Review and Summary of Governor’s Forum- Geraldine Gallagher

This was a summary of the projects discussed at the recent Governor’s Forum which unfortunately was only attended by about 5 parents.

One of the things discussed was how to spend some of the Governor’s fund money. There is a budget of money set aside for a school improvement project but the Governor’s would like parents to have some input in which project is chosen. There are 3 possible options but only one can be paid for at the present time. They will send an email on the 20th May with a like to survey monkey for parents to vote on their preferred choice. All 3 projects have their own merits and no one is more important than the others.

1-conversion of the teachers residence which is a 2 storey 2 bed house on the side of the school which is no longer used. This would need to be turned back into school space making music rooms with sound proofing, teaching spaces and a meeting room. This would free up the music rooms round the school for sm teaching sessions and lesson planning.

The added advantage of this scheme is that it can create a revenue for the school as these rooms can be hired out out of school hours. With recent budget cuts from the LA the school need to find new ways to make an income.

Est cost c. £80k

2-this is a complete refurb of the 2 year 6 classrooms and this would not come into effect until just over 12 months, probably ready for Sept 2017. The classrooms are not working as modern classrooms and the aim is to do 2 classrooms each year until they are all done but starting with year 6. It would mean new décor, new furniture which would be more flexible in use and easier to move for different class configurations throughout the day. New storage, possibly 2-3 whiteboards per classroom and wiring upgrade to support new IT.

Est cost c £80k per 2 classrooms

3-Upgrade of IT infrastructure. Formal quotes are pending on this. It would mean upgrading wifi capabilities to support ipads. The aim is to start with 15 ipads for teachers so they can start using them in their teaching and become trained on them. Further down the line more ipads would be bought for students to start using but not in this current plan.

Est cost c £30k depending on formal quote

There are enough funds to pay for 1 project currently.

4)Finance- Giles Taylor

See separate sheet.

Currently have £1,386 available to spend and with expected income from events we hope to have £6.5k available by the end of the summer term.

5)Wish List

Mr Whiting is running a weeks worth of events for National Sports Week, beginning 20th June.

He has asked for £350 to pay for 2 workshops that will be held during the week which will also include the sports days, Year 4 cricket, tag rugby tournament, Year 5 athletics. The workshops are Zumba and hula hoop workshops that each year group will get to experience from years 2-6 for 30 mins each time.

This was a unanimous yes vote.

It was discussed that we need to find out whether the workshops plan to sell hoops as we don’t want parents to feel pressured to buy hoops at inflated costs with very little benefit to the school.

6)Recent Events

Footie Funday- great weather. Fun day, very smooth running and timetabling. BBQ was a big success thanks to Bill Nathan and his team.

Raised in the region of £1000.

We are looking for a group of parents to take this on and organise this event for next year.

The awards have been presented in assembly.

7)Future Events

Fun Run Sunday June 19th- the forms went out to parents on Tuesday. The t- shirts can be worn from next thurs and for the 2 Fridays when we return after half term. Entry forms can be left in the SMSA postbox and t- shirts will be distributed in the playground.

The forms include gift aid but we can’t do gift aid so no need to fill this out.

We need lots of marshals and volunteers for the refreshment stand. Every rep has been asked to find at least 2 volunteers to marshal for at least half of the event.

Summer Fair Saturday July 2nd 12noon- 4pm

The stall list will go out to reps the week after half term with a couple of days notice and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Main equipment is booked and donkeys.

Also there will be a timetable of entertainment provided by the after school clubs.

Campout Saturday July 16th- forms will go out nearer the time

Future SMSA meetings-

NB the date for the SMSA AGM has been changed to Thursday June 30th

Refreshments will be provided. Anyone who would like to know what the SMSA does or would like to volunteer as a trustee, rep or committee member should come along.

Anyone who would like to join the committee should email the SMSA and we can explain in more detail.


Helen Brough brought the letters sent by the Kirima sponsored children and these were passed round. They will be displayed at school for the children to see.

She is looking for more volunteers to help with the Kirima charity.

Donations can be made at the Virgin just giving Kirima page as they are currently fund raising for school desks and need £1.5k of which they have about £1k.