Healthwatch Waltham Forest News, December 2014


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Healthwatch England Annual Report

Training for Patient Representatives

Page 3

Waltham Forest ‘Big Hitters’ Join Forces for Dementia

Excellence in Older People’s Programme

Page 4

Take Control of Your Health This Winter

Have You Had a Cough for Three Weeks or More?

Page 5

Launch of Waltham Forest’s Community Education Provider Network

Support to Councils for Meeting Care Act Requirements on Information & Advice

Page 6

'Brain Scan Not Always Needed' to Diagnose Dementia

The Right to View Medical Records Online

Page 7

Free Tai Chi Taster Sessions for Disabled and Older People

Fit for Fun Sporting Activities Programme

Whipps Cross – ‘War Hospital’

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New Story: Healthwatch England Annual Report

Healthwatch England is the ‘umbrella organisation’ of local Healthwatch organisations across England. providing central support, advice and guidance.

Established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 as the ‘consumer champion’ for health and

social care, it highlights the collective issues that matter most to people, advising the Secretary of State for Health, NHS England, the Care Quality Commission, Monitor and local authorities across England, among others, on where change is needed.

Recently Healthwatch England released its annual report at the Houses of Parliament. At the event Healthwatch Waltham Forest Manager Jaime Walsh met Sir Robert Francis, Chair of the 2010 Public Inquiry on failings at Mid Staffs Hospital. The Annual Report is available online now and in a range of accessible formats. Story End.

New Story: Training for Patient Representatives

Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group (WFCCG) and Healthwatch Waltham Forest are holding a series of interactive and participatory training workshops for patient representatives in 2015.

The purpose is to support the development and

learning of current patient representatives, as well as those interested in becoming new patient representatives.

The training will use local case studies led by

WFCCG staff as well as outlining the local context.

The training consists of 5 separate modules and participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions.

Training is available to members of WFCCG Patient Reference and Rapid Response Groups, GP Patient Participation Group (PPG) members, existing Healthwatch participants and members of the public wishing to get more involved in health and social care.

Training dates will be published soon so watch this space!

To find out more phone 020 3078 9990 or email . Story End.

New Story: Policy Volunteer Vacancy

Healthwatch Waltham Forest is looking for a policy volunteer, to start in the New Year.

The role is to review national health and social care policy developments to ensure we understand the local impact and respond accordingly.

If you are interested in this field and have the time to spend on it, initially up to 20 hours a month, we would like to hear from you!

Please complete the volunteer form on the website by 5th January 2015. Story End.

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New Story: Local ‘Big Hitters’ Join Forces for Dementia

Police Officers, Football Clubs, MPs, Housing Associations, Superstores and Voluntary Groups united on 23rd October with the Mayor of Waltham Forest to support the estimated 2,055 people living with Dementia in the east London borough.

Leyton Orient football ground played host to the launch of the Waltham Forest Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) with special guests including John Cryer MP and Chief Inspector Chris Jones.

The launch comes after an Alzheimer’s Society report found that less than half of people living with Dementia feel a part of the community (47%) and nearly three quarters (73%) of UK adults do not think society is geared up to deal with Dementia.

The aim of the Dementia Action Alliance is to help create a community where people with Dementia feel confident, understood and supported to live well.

Linda Milton, Chair of Dementia Action Alliance said:

“It’s vital that people living with Dementia should still be able to enjoy all Waltham Forest has to offer. Many people with Dementia have reported feeling trapped in their own homes and let down by their communities, with one in three only getting out once a week. This is simply unacceptable.”

To get involved with DAA, contact Nafisa Saboowala on 020 8556 8171 or . Story End.

New Story: Excellence in Older People’s Programme

The Excellence in Older People’s programme, introduced last year across all of the elderly care wards at Barts Health, brings ‘a special focus to a commitment to providing the very best standards of care for older people’.

Under the programme, all 500 Barts Health staff directly involved in providing care for older people spent a week on an intensive developmental patient experience and care learning exercise, which included individual and team based assessments.

Barts ‘welcomes the opportunity to build on the principles of this work’, and in partnership with Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), national charity The Patients Association will be working with them at Whipps Cross Hospital to ‘further drive forward improvements in the experience of older people’.

The Patients Association will initially be based on Mary Ward at Whipps Cross for drop in appointments and support for relatives and families, as well as being available on site to talk directly to staff, patients and the public.

If you have any suggestions for improvement, or would like to discuss your own experiences, please don’t hesitate to contact the Patients Association on 020 8423 8999 or . Story End.

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New Story: Take Control of Your Health This Winter

GP’s in Waltham Forest are encouraging local people to ‘take control of their health this winter’.

The recent Self Care Week 2014,was all about supporting people to look after their own health. Many common winter ailments don’t require antibiotics and your pharmacist is well placed to give you advice and treatment for a whole range of conditions – from coughs, colds to a grazed knee.

Dr Anwar Khan, local GP and Chair of NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Taking some simple steps, such as keeping fit and healthy, can help you to fight off common winter bugs. Basic medical supplies such as paracetamol, aspirin, indigestion medication, plasters or a

“Understanding the options available for self-care can also help you to recover more quickly, saving you an unnecessary trip to the GP and freeing up vital appointments for the people that really need them, at a time of year when the NHS is under most pressure.” Story End.

New Story: Recent Inspection of Whipps Cross Hospital

National health and social care regulator the CQC (Care Quality Commission) has recently inspected Whipps Cross Hospital, with findings expected to be reported in January 2015. Watch this space! Story End.

New Story: Have You Had a Cough for 3 Weeks or More?

Local GP’s in Waltham Forest say if you have had a cough for three weeks or more, you should make an appointment to see your GP.

It may be nothing serious, but for people who are or have been a smoker, and that are suffering from breathlessness as well, it could be an early symptom of lung cancer.

Every year over 3,500 people in London are diagnosed with lung cancer and 2,900 die from it. In east London, about 300 people a year are diagnosed with lung cancer and on average about 250 people die from the disease annually.

Dr Anwar Khan, local GP and Chair of NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “The earlier you get to see your GP, the earlier we can help or refer you to a specialist if it is something serious such as lung cancer. If you have symptoms – a persistent cough, shortness of breath or you are coughing up blood – make an appointment to see your GP and get the help that you need.”

“If your doctor is concerned, they may send you for a chest x-ray. Taking an x-ray is quick and simple and nothing to worry about. If you know anyone who has any of these symptoms, insist they see their doctor. It’s probably nothing serious but they should get it checked out.”

Get more at the NHS Stop Smoking Service. Story End.

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New Story: Community Education Provider Network

NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) have joined forces to tackle some of the key workforce issues facing health and community services in the borough.

The CCG and NELFT are working together through a new Community Education Provider Network (CEPN) to support health staff in the borough to achieve this. The network aims to ensure they have ‘compassionate, knowledgeable and highly skilled people who have the education and training they need to help local residents keep well’.

The key principle of the CEPN is that ‘through learning together we work better together’.

A first step is finding out what sort of training staff across the health professions need. GP’s and other community healthcare professionals (such as Practice Nurses, Pharmacists and Healthcare Assistants) will be given opportunities to learn together in joint education and training sessions.

Waltham Forest CEPN meets monthly and consists of representatives from Primary Care (such as GP’s; Community Pharmacies, Dentists and Optometrists); Hospitals; Community Health Service Providers (such as NELFT); Higher Education Institutions; and Patient Groups.

To find out more email . Story End.

New Story: Support on Meeting Care Act Requirements

A new Guide has recently been published to help councils meet the April 2015 deadline to improve the information about support services available in their local communities - a requirement under the new Care Act.

‘Information, Advice & Brokerage: Shaping the Future, Gearing Up & Seeing the Benefits’ shows councils how to improve the way people find out about care services and get the best in place to meet their needs. Story End.

New Story: Closure of The Morley Centre

As part of the council’s review of day care services across the borough, they have announced the closure of The Morley Centre.

The day centre, predominantly for older people provides low cost activities, meals and other services.

Your Views?

If you or a family member currently use day care services in Waltham Forest please contact Healthwatch Waltham Forest and tell us about your experience of these services.

We will pass your views, in confidence to the people that manage local day care services. Story End.

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New Story: 'Dementia - Brain Scan ‘Not Always Needed’

Dementia is a clinical syndrome and at one level simply implies brain failure (analogous to heart failure or liver failure).

The diagnosis is a two stage process:

First, to make a diagnosis of Dementia you need to differentiate it from: depression; delirium; the effect of drugs and; the changes in memory expected as part of normal ageing. Second is to determine the cause of condition – the commoner causes are Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia.

Both stages are based on comprehensive assessment including a history, including one from someone who knows the patient well, a physical and mental state examination, including a specific assessment of cognitive function.

Any clinician who has the appropriate skills can recognise and make a diagnosis of Dementia, once it is established. In terms of brain scanning, the NICE Dementia Guideline states “imaging may not always be needed in those presenting with moderate to severe dementia, if the diagnosis is already clear.”

This may particularly apply to older and frailer patients with established Dementia. Story End.

New Story: The Right to View Medical Records Online

More than two-thirds of patients do not realise that they have the right to see their records online, research shows.

As many as 71% of people are unaware that technology allows them to access their GP record online or via a smartphone, according to the results of a YouGov survey of 2,243 adults. Respondents added that they would use the technology, or thought it would help manage their health better.

From next April, all patients registered with a GP in England should be able to have online access to their medical records, under a commitment given by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt as part of the Patient Online initiative, designed to allow patients to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and monitor their records online. GP’s can now control the amount of information given to patients online, by using settings tailored to particular groups of patients, for example, those with long-term conditions. Story End.

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New Story: Free Tai Chi for Disabled and Older People

The Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre introduces free taster sessions that are ‘ideal for people seeking a gentler form of physical activity’:

Tuesdays 2nd & 9th December, 13th& 20th January at 90 Crownfield Road, Leytonstone, E15 2BG

Tai Chi combines deep breathing and relaxation with slow and gentle movements. It can help to reduce stress, improve balance and general mobility, and increase muscle strength in the legs. You can also take part sitting down or in a wheelchair.

Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre is fully accessible. Buses 58 and 69 stop just outside the Hub. Leyton tube is 10 – 15 mins walk away!

For more information and a booking form phone 020 8534 1589 or email . Story End.

New Story: Get ‘Fit for Fun’ Chair Based Exercise!

20 Weeks of free chair based exercise through the Fit for Fun Sporting Activities Programme!

Fridays, 2.30pm – 3.30pm at Infinite Oasis Care, 807 High Road, E10 7AA

The instructor is very the popular Lorraine Douglas! Please bring a bottle of water & dress appropriately with trainers! Also, bring any medication you require for exercising such as asthma inhalers.

For more information contact Lorna Wisdom on 0208 558 2552. Story End.

New Story: Whipps Cross: War Hospital

This exciting new project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, seeks to research and record personal stories from the Great War period, particularly in relation to Whipps Cross Hospital, known as the ‘War Hospital’.

During the 1914 - 1918 period, the hospital served injured troops from the front lines, and was visited by the King and Queen to recognise it's work.

The first few reminiscence sessions at the hospital have been completed, with more coming up at the hospital and other local venues in the new year.

Do you have a story to share from the area and period? If so, get in touch! Email for more information. Story End.

This is the end of the newsletter. Thankyou for listening!