Healthwatch Representatives Feedback Form
Please note that the majority of the content of this feedback form has to be suitable for external communication as it will be published on our website. However, we have left some space to give you the opportunity to share with Healthwatch Exec, staff and other reps confidential information. What you write in the paragraph in red will not be published on our website.
Representative name / Peter WestHealthwatch Lead for relations with CQC
Meeting / Regular Liaison meeting between Healthwatch Wandsworth and the Care Quality Commission
Date & Time / 12pm Friday 7 February 2014
Who attended / CQC: Roger James, Regional Compliance Manager, Ann Munday, Compliance Inspector –Adult Social Care and named inspector link for Wandsworth inspections
HWW: Peter West, Sara Turner, Martin Haddon
Key issues / The first part of the meeting discussed the forthcoming CQC inspections of St George’s and the Mental Health Trust.
HWW has publicised the listening event on 10 February and will have an information stall there.
CQC clarified that lead commissioners and lead Healthwatch bodies (both Wandsworth) have been told about this single opportunity – there are no separate events in Merton, Richmond, Kingston or Lambeth.
We were given assurance by CQC that issues raised at the listening event would be taken into account even though the St George’s inspection is starting the next day. (The critical feedback gathered at the Mushkil Aasaan event will be fed into the intelligence that the inspection team is given in advance of visiting the hospital, leading to relevant lines of enquiry.)
The 42-strong inspection team for St George’s will include 9 Experts by Experience. For the inspection of community health services, as many as 6 community nurses will be shadowed for the day.
CQC later confirmed that HWW will be invited to a post inspection Quality Summits to discuss findings and issues.
The second part of the meeting focussed on planned HWW Enter and View visits to care homes. The context was explained and CQC advised on where to send reports on the homes. (HWW will send to CQC the template we are using for the reports. Also our methodologies should be sent to CQC Methodology leads.)
CQC later gave us information on CQC activity on our three first homes.
The meeting finished by talking about future liaison arrangements following CQC restructuring into three distinct London wide teams for inspecting hospitals, adult social care services and primary care. This happens on 1 April 2014 and locally focused teams will go.
CQC will ensure that HWW is notified of the new arrangements for the next liaison meeting in around May. AM can be contacted as a constant until then.
Healthwatch Actions / 1. Review with Wandsworth CCG and CQC the invitation arrangements for the listening event for future reference.
2. Try to get local feedback on the listening event to pass back to CQC. Monitor how issues raised at the events get picked up by the CQC inspection team- through attendance at Quality Summit and reading of final inspection reports.
3. Send Enter and View documents to CQC
The Meeting in one sentence (for blog, FB, Tweeter, newsletter) / A positive exchange with the regulator demonstrating how we can support and learn from one another in our different roles but with our similar ambitions.