Vocabulary for Oxford Latin Course College Edition
Note: use this list for your vocabulary learning - unlike the book, it lists all the important forms from the beginning.
The following list includes all the vocabulary for which you are responsible. The best way to learn the vocabulary is to put them on 3X5 cards (you could cut these in half) with the Latin on one side and the English definition on the other. For each chapter there are verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. For the verbs, note that there are usually 4 forms – these are called principal parts and knowing all four becomes increasingly important so write them all down. The nouns have two forms: the nominative case and then the genitive case (in the singular unless otherwise noted) and they also have a designation for their gender (m. = masculine, f. = feminine, n = neuter, c = common (either feminine or masculine). We will go over the function of case in class. Adjectives have 3 forms: the nominative singular for all three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter. Finally, the prepositions include in the right most column not only their definition but also an indication of the case which they take: + acc. means that the preposition governs the accusative case, + abl. means that the preposition governs the ablative case.
Chapter / Latin word / Definition1 / ambulat (from: ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum) / he/she walks
1 / intrat (from: intro, intrare, intravi, intratum) / he/she enters
1 / iuvat (from: iuvo, iuvare, iuvavi, iuvatum) / he/she helps
1 / laborat (from: laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum) / he/she works
1 / laudat (from: laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum) / he/she praises
1 / parat (from: paro, parare, paravi, paratum) / he/she prepares
1 / portat (from: porto, portare, portavi, portatum) / he/she carries
1 / salutat (from: saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatum) / he/she greets
1 / spectat (from: specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum) / he/she watches
1 / vocat (from: voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum) / he/she calls
1 / est (from: sum, esse, fui, futurum) / he/she is
1 / aqua, aquae, f. / water
1 / casa, casae, f. / house, cottage
1 / cena, cenae, f. / dinner
1 / filia, filiae, f. / daughter
1 / puella, puellae, f. / girl
1 / iratus, irata, iratum / angry
1 / laetus, laeta, laetum / happy
1 / paratus, parata, paratum / ready
1 / non / not
1 / mox / soon
1 / in / in, into
1 / et / and
1 / sed / but
2a / festinat (from: festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatum) / he/she hurries
2a / manet (from: maneo, manēre, mansi, mansum) / he/she remains
2a / sedet (from: sedeo, sedēre, sedi, sessum) / he/she sits
2a / ascendit (from: ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensum) / he/she climbs
2a / cadit (from: cado, cadere, cecidi, casum) / he/she falls
2a / currit (from: curro, currere, cucurri, cursum) / he/she runs
2a / ducit (from: duco, ducere, duxi, ductum) / he/she leads
2a / mittit (from: mitto, mittere, misi, missum) / he/she sends
2a / surgit (from: surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum) / he/she rises, gets up
2a / it (from: eo, ire, ii, itum) / he/she goes
2a / exit (from: exeo, exire, exii, exitum) / he/she goes out
2a / redit (from: redeo, redire, redii, reditum) / he/she goes back, returns
2a / terra, terrae, f. / earth, land
2a / cibus, cibi, m. / food
2a / colonus, coloni, m. / farmer
2a / ager, agri, m. / field
2a / puer, pueri, m. / boy, child
2a / diu / for a long time
2a / tandem / at last
2a / subito / suddenly
2a / a/ab / +abl. from
2a / ad / + acc. to, towards
2a / e/ex / +abl. out of, from
2a / nam / for
2b / facit (from: facio, facere, feci, factum) / he/she makes, does
2b / audit (from: audio, audire, audivi, auditum) / he/she hears
2b / inquit / he/she says
2b / adest (from: adsum, adesse, adfui) / he/she is present
2b / adsunt (from: adsum, adesse, adfui) / they are present
2b / sunt (from: sum, esse, fui, futurum) / they are
2b / amicus, amici, m. / friend
2b / miser, misera, miserum / miserable
2b / multus, multa, multum / much, many
2b / alius, alia, aliud / other, another
2b / iam / now, already
2b / ubi / when
2c / venit (from: venio, venire, veni, ventum) / he/she comes
2c / advenit (from: advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum) / he/she arrives
2c / alii...alii / some...others
2c / cur / why?
2c / ille, illa, illud / he/she/that
2c / cum / +abl. with
3 / clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum / I shout
3 / rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum / I ask
3 / respondeo, respondēre, responsi, responsum / I answer
3 / accedo, accedere, accessi, accessum / I approach
3 / dico, dicere, dixi, dictum / I say
3 / pono, ponere, posui, positum / I put, place
3 / expono, ,exponere, exposui, expositum / I put out
3 / forum, fori, n. / forum (town center)
3 / locus, loci, m. / place
3 / vir, viri, m. / man/husband
3 / bonus, bona, bonum / good
3 / malus, mala, malum / bad
3 / unus, una, unum / one
3 / sic / thus
3 / in + acc / into
3 / per + acc / through
3 / cum + abl / with
3 / quod / because
3 / quid? / what?
3 / quo? / where to?
4 / ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum / I walk
4 / narro, narrare, narravi, narratum / I tell
4 / debeo, debēre, debui, debitum / I ought, must
4 / doceo, docēre, docui, doctum / I teach
4 / iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussum / I order
4 / maneo, manēre, mansi, mansum / I remain
4 / video, vidēre, vidi, visum / I see
4 / disco, discere, didici / I learn
4 / scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum / I write
4 / cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum / I desire, want
4 / audio, audire, audivi, auditum / I hear
4 / eo, ire, ivi (ii), itum / I go
4 / possum, posse, potui / I am able, can
4 / noli, nolite + infinitive / don’t
4 / fabula, fabulae, f. / story
4 / littera, litterae, f. / a letter
4 / magister, magistri, m. / teacher
4 / puer, pueri, m. / boy, child
4 / is/ea/id / he, she, it; that
4 / nec/neque / and not
4 / nec/neque...nec/neque / neither…nor
4 / prope + acc / near
4 / ceteri, ceterae, cetera / the rest, remaining
4 / tacitus, tacita, tacitum / silent
4 / lente / slowly
5a / convoco, convocare, convocavi, convocatum / I call together
5a / navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum / I sail
5a / oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatum / I attack
5a / pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum / I fight
5a / incendo, incendere, incendi, incensum / I burn, set on fire
5a / occido, occidere, occidi, occisum / I kill
5a / resisto, resistere, restiti / I resist
5a / vinco, vincere, vici, victum / I conquer
5a / capio, capere, cepi, captum / I capture
5a / fugio, fugere, fugivi, fugitum / I flee
5a / convenio, convenire, conveni, conventum / I come together, meet
5a / hasta, hastae, f. / spear
5a / ira, irae, f. / anger
5a / pugna, pugnae, f. / fight
5a / annus, anni, m. / year
5a / bellum, belli, n. / war
5a / periculum, periculi, n. / danger
5a / arma, armorum, n. pl / arms, weapons
5a / comes, comitis, m. / companion
5a / frater, fratris, m. / brother
5a / pater, patris, m. / father
5a / mater, matris, f. / mother
5a / navis, navis, f. / ship
5a / pars, partis, f. / part
5a / princeps, principis, m. / prince
5a / rex, regis, m. / king
5a / urbs, urbis, f / city
5a / exercitus, exercitus, m. / army
5a / fortiter / bravely
5a / carus, cara, carum / dear
5a / fortis, forte / brave
5a / omnis, omne / all
5a / -que / and
5b / exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatum / I wait
5b / oro, orare, oravi, oratum / I pray, beg
5b / servo, servare, servavi, servatum / I save
5b / traho, trahere, traxi, tractum / I drag
5b / verto, vertere, verti, versum / I turn
5b / conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectum / I hurl
5b / iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum / I throw
5b / deus, dei, m. / god
5b / filius, filii, m. / son
5b / murus, muri, m. / wall
5b / mors, mortis, f. / death
5b / corpus, corporis, n. / body
5b / nox, noctis, f. / night
5b / uxor, uxoris, f. / wife
5b / mortuus, mortua, mortuum / dead
5b / solus, sola, solum / alone
5b / territus, territa, territum / terrified
6a / despero, desperare, desperavi, desperatum / I despair, give up hope
6a / do, dare, dedi, datum / I give
6a / gaudeo, gaudēre, -, gavisus sum / I rejoice
6a / timeo, timēre, timui / I fear, am afraid of
6a / constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum / I decide
6a / credo, credere, credidi, creditum / I believe, I trust (+dat.)
6a / peto, petere, petivi, petitum / I seek, pursue, make for
6a / relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum / I leave behind
6a / accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptum / I receive
6a / dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum / I sleep
6a / insula, insulae, f. / island
6a / luna, lunae, f. / moon
6a / nauta, nautae, m. / sailor
6a / unda, undae, f. / wave
6a / equus, equi, m. / horse
6a / consilium, consili, n. / plan
6a / verbum, verbi, n. / word
6a / litus, litoris, n. / shore
6a / nil = nihil / nothing
6a / novus, nova, novum / new
6a / pauci, paucae, pauca / few
6a / totus, tota, totum / whole
6a / ingens (gen. ingentis) / huge
6a / saepe / often
6a / quis? quid? / who? what?
6b / erro, errare, erravi, erratum / I wander, err, am wrong
6b / condo, condere, condidi, conditum / I found, establish
6b / conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensum / I board (a ship)
6b / invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum / I find
6b / labor, laboris, m. / work, hardship, suffering
6b / mons, montis, m. / mountain
6b / parvus, parva, parvum / small
6b / mox / soon
6b / tamen / however, but
6b / inter + acc / among, between
7 / caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum / I cut, slaughter
7 / quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum / I ask, seek
7 / tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum / I lift, raise
7 / subeo, subire, subivi (subii), subitum / I undergo
7 / silva, silvae, f. / forest
7 / caelum, caeli, n. / sky
7 / saxum, saxi, n / rock
7 / aequor, aequoris, n. / sea
7 / clamor, clamoris, m. / shout
7 / homo, hominis, c. / man, human being
7 / lux, lucis, f. / light
7 / nubes, nubis, f. / cloud
7 / preces, precum, f. pl. / prayers
7 / fluctus, fluctūs, m. / wave
7 / manus, manūs, f. / hand
7 / dies, diei, m. / day
7 / spes, spei, f. / hope
7 / primus, prima, primum / first
7 / summus, summa, summum / highest, greatest
7 / hic / here
7 / huc / (to) here, hither
7 / vix / scarcely
7 / de + abl / down from, about, concerning
7 / sub + abl / under
8a / teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentum / I hold
8a / cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognotum / I get to know, learn
8a / fero, ferre, tuli, latum / I carry, bear
8a / occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursum / +dat. I meet
8a / succurro, succurrere, succurri, succursum / +dat. I help
8a / vado, vadere, vasi, vasum / I go
8a / eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptum / I snatch away, rescue
8a / respicio, respicere, respexi, respectum / I look back (at)
8a / regina, reginae, f. / queen
8a / animus, animi, m. / mind
8a / ventus, venti, m. / wind
8a / amor, amoris, m. / love
8a / ignis, ignis, m. / fire
8a / salus, salutis, f. / safety; greetings, health
8a / tempestas, tempestatis / storm
8a / cursus, cursūs, m. / course
8a / portus, portūs, m. / port, harbor
8a / ignotus, ignota, ignotum / unknown
8a / magnus, magna, magnum / great, big
8a / medius, media, medium / middle
8a / notus, nota, notum / known
8a / tantus, tanta, tantum / so great
8a / etiam / even, also
8a / frustra / in vain
8a / semper / always
8a / dum / while
8b / sto, stare, steti, statum / I stand
8b / refero, referre, retuli, relatum / I carry back; report
8b / volvo, volvere, volvi, volutum / I roll, turn over
8b / somnus, somni, m. / sleep
8b / hostis, hostis, c. / enemy
8b / iuvenis, iuvenis, m. / young man
8b / mens, mentis, f. / mind
8b / vulnus, vulneris, n. / wound
8b / nullus, nulla, nullum / no, not any
9 / amo, amare, amavi, amatum / I love
9 / impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatum / +dat. I order
9 / volo, velle, volui / I wish, am willing
9 / pareo, parēre, parui, paritum / (+dat.) I obey
9 / cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum / I grow, increase
9 / demitto, demittere, demisi, demisum / I send down, let down
9 / discedo, discedere, discessi, discessum / I go away, depart
9 / exstruo, exstruere, exstruxi, exstructum / I build
9 / incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptum / I begin
9 / poena, poenae, f. / punishment
9 / fumus, funi, m. / smoke
9 / gladius, gladii, m. / sword
9 / nuntius, nuntii, m. / messenger, message
9 / oculus, oculi, m. / eye
9 / imperium, imperii, n. / order
9 / finis, finis, m. / end, finish
9 / aureus, aurea, aureum / golden
9 / dirus, dira, dirum / terrible
9 / tristis, triste / sad
9 / statim / at once
9 / valde / very
9 / interea / meanwhile
9 / etiam / even
9 / ibi / there
9 / post + acc / after
9 / supra + acc / above
9 / aut…aut / either…or
10a / creo,creare,creavi / I make, elect
10a / fero, ferre, tuli / I carry, bear
10a / promitto, promittere, promisi / I promise
10a / sum, esse, fui / I am
10a / aura, aurae, f. / breeze, air
10a / colonia, coloniae , f. / colony, country town
10a / turba, turbae, f. / crowd
10a / divitiae, divitiarum, f. / riches
10a / nuntius, nuntii, m. / message
10a / argentum, argenti, n. / silver
10a / arbor, arboris, f. / tree
10a / oratio, orationis, f. / speech
10a / tumultus, tumultūs, m. / riot, uproar
10a / candidus, candida, candidum / white
10a / optimus, optima, optimum / best
10a / pessimus, pessima, pessimum / worst
10a / pauper, pauperis / poor