Board Meeting

27 June 2017

5:00 – 7:00 Tuesday 27 June 2017

Healthwatch Hub, Stepney Way

Royal London Hospital

Agenda / Time
1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies / 5:00-5:05
2 / AgreeMinutes of May 2017 and actions / 5:05-5:15
3 / Review our draft 2017/18 work programme (page 6) against our contract measures and targets (page . / 5:15-6:00
4 / Agree whether to continue LHM online intelligence gathering system / 6:00-6:05
5 / Set date and agenda for Communication and engagement subcommittee meeting / 6:05-6:10
6 / Agree date and structure for Locality event and AGM / 6:10-6:20
Community Intelligence
7 / Review initial Maternity services and Royal London Hospital reports / 6:20-6:45
Influence and Impact
8 / Update on Strategic Advisory Group and Tower Hamlets Together User and Stakeholder Group. / 6:45-6:55
9 / AOB / 6:55-7:00
For information
7 / Update on GP Care Group

Next Board Meeting: ??

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Board Meeting

Minutes Tuesday 9th May

Members: Charlie Ladyman (CL), Myra Garrett (MG), David Burbidge (DB), Randal Smith (RS), Tim Oliver (TO), Karen Bollan (KB).
Staff: John Cooke (JC), Dianne Barham (DB), Raluca Enescu (RE), Aurora Todisco (AT)
Apologies Peter Alexandrou (PA), Iain Macleod (IM)
Agenda Item & discussion / Actions
1Welcomes, introductions & apologies
Members welcomed Aurora Todisco as the new Finance and Information Officer.
2 - Minutes and actions from last meeting
Minutes of 21st March 2017 agreed as accurate.
Charlie and Di met with Simon Hall (Acting Chief Officer) and Ellie Hobart (Engagement Lead) at the CCG. We should agree a more structured Agenda for the next meeting. / Board to agree points to raise prior the next CCG leaders meeting
Look into JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)
Director of Public Health is arranging a workshop on refreshing the JSNA Reference group and will invite Healthwatch. Agreed that the Community Intelligence Analyst (Raluca Enescu) should attend to develop credibility and build networks, sharing intelligence during the workshop. Also to develop links with theTower Hamlets Together (THT) Community Intelligence Network.
Comms & Engagement group to meet
Waiting for all the staff to be in place. The new outreach and engagement officer (Sab Siddiq)will start on 05/06/2017.
3 Finance, personnel and review committee recommendations
The Board:
  • Approved recommendation of salary of Outreach and Engagement Officer. This is a one thousand pound increase and will put him on the same salary as the Community Intelligence Analyst.

  • Agreedto approach the Canary Wharf Group to seek advice on how we might work with large Canary Wharf companies. Committee to agree key messages and a portfolio of potential projects including: the Healthwatch Hub, Healthwatch Youth Club etc. Guided by priorities developed by the Board.
  • AgreedthatAurora will be trained on QuickBooks, she will receive handover from Emma Taylor (UI Finance person) to centralise the Accounting process and reduce the cost of external services. (currently there are 4 people doing different aspects and has a high impact cost on a small organisation. We need to find a person interested to spend 2/3 hours a month with Aurora just to double check figures and processes, maybe a volunteer or a new retired person with a Finance background. They do not need to be a qualified accountant, but be interested to support charities. Annual reports will be Margaret Trotter’s duty as usual.
  • Considered escalation of non-response to Healthwatch reports and recommendation by RLH. Committee suggest we write to the Barts Trust indicating that they have not responded to our recommendations. If we don’t get a response within fourteen days then we will escalate to the Health Scrutiny Sub Committee.
Members Feedback
  • Are we moving to the new premises? This is still being discussed. About a 50% chance of moving to David Hughes. Still having difficulty getting a clear response. Likely to be less expensive than Mile End. David and Di to follow up.
/ Di/Randal/Iain to work on developing a proposal.
Di to look at how we might recruit a volunteer to undertake financial oversight.
Write to Barts escalating non response to recommendations.
Follow up David Hughes premises and report to next Board.
4/5 – Community Intelligence and Priority setting process
  • Raluca Enescu provided broad trends analysis report highlighting issues in relation to health and social care services from January 2016 to May 2017.
  • Randal took Board through prioritisation criteria and what we could realistically take on within current resourcing.
From the Community Intelligence the Board discussed setting the following priorities:
  • Residents receiving health and social care in their home
We have a very little intelligence in this area and it is therefore a key gap. We would look at working with providers like LBTH and THT to support us by sharing existing user data / promoting us to users. We could develop a baseline to measure the impact of social care cuts, the implementation of integrated care, the change of home care and community health providers and the quality of hospital discharge. / Di to talk to relevant partners and bring a project plan back to the Board
  • Improvement in maternity service
Received the most comments and the most concerns. Project summary attached with papersapproval. Involvesworking with Social Action for Health to undertake Enter and Views to acute (HWTH) and primary (SAfH) maternity services. Use existing feedback as a baseline and to focus E&V visits.
Raluca is developing a summary report based on Maternity data. Still awaiting retrospective PALS and Complaints data. Suggested that include a focus on experience of the Bangladeshi community and people with English as second language?
  • Analyse the journey of cancer patients
The project has been approved and about to start.
Part founded by Macmillan and we are looking for additional funding. Important that we include HWTH’s costs in funding applications.
  • Healthwatch Youth Club
Often difficult for providers to gather the views of young people and to understand their needs. Supporting young people on placements enable us to: gather intelligence, empower young people to use services appropriated and educate their families. We can support young people to develop their own projects and peer research. Enables us to have a large pool of active volunteers who can gather intelligence.Research new found resources.
  • Other projects
Walking campaign: not our business
Children’s Health: if we receive extra funds we can develop our own project
Advice and information at RLH: NHS priority but we don’t deliver services
Adults with learning disabilities: there was a bid of 60K+ but it is not our work / should be consideredby charities that support Mental Health disabilities, we can be only a local partner
Autism: it has been highlighted that there is a high % in Tower Hamlets. We could build for them a report of users’ experience of the gap we have between services related to disability support and work in pairs with other organisations.
It is not classified as learning disability or mental health condition.
Health and social care is different to health and wellbeing.
Mental Health Task group: on going, we can share in the next Board Meeting the report of the project
Patient leader (supported by our name but not financially involved) and Patient panel
  • Approved Maternity Project
Why high maternity response feedback? 1st admission hospital UK, working on comment from NHS Choice because classified as one of the worse service
Find methodology regarding other departments, ask to share with us their data
Partnership/finance resources/sharing intelligence. We can pick up issues across the Care Pathway.
E.g. report on discharged and readmitted not only discharged
Health and Social Care home based, feedback
CCG how can we make real change? / compare different services (TH Together) / some services are good / Care Plan
Build access info users Adult and Social Care / existing reports / we can work on recommendations
  • Noted Locality Event Report Barkantine Event and Cancer Project go live.
Members Feedback
Provide for the future presentations a full report where and how the data had been collected/shared that shows partnership: NHS Choice, East London Foundation, Barts, RLH only, I want Great Care where is going to have an impact.
Consider other hospital and services and include primary and secondary HWTH outreach events comments
Are we giving an accurate reflection of reality? Under-representative departments
Give a base line of number of comments/not shown how many
Work on other comments: transport (to follow impactchanging contractor) and nutrition report (quality food, change supplier). / Provide Board with the project summary and budget update.
Develop project outline when new outreach and engagement officer starts.
  • Agreed to develop Adult Social Care Project (project summary to come back to next Board).
reports will be based on support in the community as there is a transition from Barts to TH Together
Strategic on Advisory Group (SAG) to identify gaps/issues, deal with them / Bring Adult Social Care Project back to the Board
6 –Influence and Impact
  • Input into the response to the Quality Account statements for ELFT and Barts due 18th May 2017
  • Considered distribution of the Trends Analysis Report 2016/2017. Decided to not proceed until it is further developed and consider it during the next meeting.
Members Feedback
A lot of things could be improved if they could fix the admin both with the management of appointment letters, phones etc but also just reception staff being nice.
We need to collect data (outreach) and check if there is any performance improvement of e.g. 1 year later and find gap/what is missing and what worked well.
Analyse % negative comments and change impact.
Push that we are an independent national voice.
RLH has own engagement that cost them a lot, contract with them to do their engagement as we provide better quality.
Actions Log / Who / Update / RAG
Board to agree points to raise prior the next CCG leaders meeting / All / Meeting was postponed this month / A
Work on developing a fund raising proposal. / Di, Randal, Iain / Randal/Di /Iain have met once. Randal has written to Canary Wharf Group. Follow up now we have the work programme and priorities. / A
Write to Barts escalating non response to recommendations / Di / Met with Lucie Butler Director of Nursing and they had emailed it to the wrong person. We have now. / G
Follow up David Hughes premises and report to next Board / Di / Di met with Kenny Hanlon. Associate Director of Estates & Facilities. Still saying that we can move in but nothing in writing and no clear dates. / A
Talk to relevant partners and bring a project plan back to the Board for adult social care / Di / Di met with Keith Burns and talked to SAG members. Agreed to look at the information we already had. Particularly THT and the patient experience team. Raluca is writing a report based on all of the information we were able to access on ASC including LBTH User Survey, CQC Reports, social media. This will help us to develop the project idea. / A


The voice of local health and social care users

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Work Programme 2017/18

A. Strategic Context and Relationships– HWTH has a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the local health and social care system, and is valued as a credible stakeholder(lead Chief Executive)

Key Outcomes:

  • HWTH is a credible network, due to its knowledge of local services, impact on local people, and effective working relationships with key stakeholders;
  • HWTH develops priorities based on the experience and concerns of the public, whilst recognising the local health and social care context and priorities;
  • HWTH has trusting, collaborative relationships with key local decision makers through regular formal and informal meetings, where its role in providing constructive, and where appropriate challenging, input as a critical friend is understood; and
  • HWTH plays a clear and distinct role in key local decision making structures (going beyond its formal position in the Health and Wellbeing Board) and contributes to better decision-making.

Area / Project / Activity / Outcomes / Impact
Priority setting / Healthwatch Priority Setting / Healthwatch Board review annual trends analysis reports and HWB and SAG priorities alongside the HWTH priority setting framework, to set key areas of project work for the year. Agree 4 & 6 priority work areas on the basis of community need and capacity to have a real impact on the health and wellbeing of local people. / Healthwatch focus on key areas of identified community need and that we are able to influence by influencing commissioners, decision makers and the community.
Healthwatch make recommendations to commissioners and providers that are used to improve service design and health outcomes. / Strategic partners make better decisions on the services and support that they provide to the community and health outcomes improve as a result.
Contribute to the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy outcomes and impacts.
Healthwatch contribute to key outcomes of the HWB and THT.
Strategic partnerships / Strategic Advisory Group / The partner organisations of the HWB meet with Healthwatch monthly initially to ensure that we
  • are collaborating; avoiding duplication; and agreeing potential areas of impact.
  • Share community intelligence and agree priorities.
  • Circulate regular community intelligence reports and updates to the SAG and the THT Community Intelligence Network.
  • Report back on the difference that community intelligence has had.
/ SAG members agree to:
  • HWTH work programme
  • share all of their community intelligence in the Healthwatch Community Intelligence Repository.
  • set clear priorities for gathering community intelligence
  • report back to Healthwatch the impact of having community intelligence – what difference has it made. You said, We did.
/ Strategic partners implement suggested Healthwatch actions and recommendations
Strategic partners understand and support the activity and outcomes of our work and facilitate their delivering an impact
Healthwatch are able to put the community voice at the heart of health and social care decision making and design. .
Relationships / Meeting key decision makers / Regular formal and informal meetings with:
Co-Chair and CCG CEO
Co-Chair and Barts CE
CE and RLH Director of Nursing
Co-Chair and Director of Adults Services LBTH
CQC – lead for RLH / Healthwatch flag any issues identified from the Community Intelligence Reports. Agree possible actions or need for further investigation.
Partners flag any areas where they feel community intelligence would help to improve services.
Highlight any concerns about responses to Healthwatch Recommendations. / Commissioners and providers have early notification of concerns in the community and are able to act quickly.
Healthwatch has early notification of key areas of work where they might be able to have an influence by bringing together greater patient voice.
Health and social care system responds rapidly to patient concerns. Healthwatch is seen as playing a critical role.
Producing Quality Account Statements / To review the quality accounts for Barts, ELFT and LBTH. To review our community intelligence reports. Provide a written statement on the quality of providers based on our knowledge and their reporting recognising success and suggesting areas of improvement. / Providers are held to account on the reporting and response to patient and user engagement.
Improvement in the gathering and use of patient and user experience. / An improvement in the gathering of patient and user experience.
An improvement in patient and user experience.
Representation / Healthwatch identifies and supports effective community leaders to represent the findings of our community intelligence / Co-Chairs sit on HWB and HSC. Board member rep on Primary Care Committee. Community Intelligence Analyst on JSNA Group. Board reps on THT Stakeholder Council, STP Community Council.
The Board, Patient Leaders, Patient Panel Reps, and other key community representatives receive regular community intelligence trends analysis reports to enable them to take on representative roles effectively.
Appropriate training and opportunities to relevant conferences is provided.
Review the balance of ‘collaborative partner’ and ‘critical friend’ roles of Healthwatch reps / Record of attendance and participation at boards, committees and groups. (minutes and notes from meetings)
Positive feedback from health and social care partners (annual survey)
Community Voice at the heart of decision making in HWB and THT. /
  • Community representatives are able to speak authoritatively at decision making meetings as they have a body of patient experience on which to base their views.
  • Community representatives influence decision making at a wide range of meetings across health and social care.
  • Community representatives are highly valued by stakeholders and frequently sort to sit on decision making groups.
  • Communities are diving change.
  • Healthwatch Tower Hamlets is centraltodevelopingtheHWSandadvisestheHWBoninnovativeformsofengagementinits work.

LBTH Monitoring Requirements

Measure / Target / Supporting Documents
1 / Views expressed by health and social care partners (annually; survey based on Healthwatch Quality Statements); / Annual Survey Based on Healthwatch Quality Statements / Survey results report
2 / Production and updating of work programme / Quarterly update to Council / Work programme (quarterly update)
3 / Record of HWTH attendance and participation at boards, committees and groups (to be agreed with the council) / Quarterly update to Council / Attendance and participation record (quarterly update)
4 / Record of consideration and discussion of work programme by Strategic Advisory Group. / Minutes of Strategic Advisory Group meetings where discussion(s) held / Minutes of Strategic Advisory Group meetings where discussion(s) held

B. Community Voice and Influence- HWTH enables local people to have their views, ideas and concerns represented as part of the commissioning, delivery, re-design and scrutiny of health and social care services. (lead Outreach and Engagement Officer)