

Please fill this form out very thoroughly, taking time to be as accurate as possible. Be as truthful and candid as possible. We want to determine as best we can if Vida Clara is a good fit with you. Since we usually do not have the benefit of a face-to-face visit with you, it is very important to be as complete in your answers as possible.



Email address

Phone Numbers

Birth date/Age


Current Living Situation

Relationship Status (For couples, each partner needs to fill out a separate questionnaire)
Education and Career Background

Current Health Status (please describe any past or present physical or emotional health issues)

Height and Weight

How did you hear about Vida Clara?

Have you ever visited Belize or Latin America?

Why are you interested in work/study here?

How long are you interested in work/study here?

Please describe any past experience as a volunteer or work/study student on a farm or gardens.

When would you be interested in coming to Vida Clara?

Fitness Level (please describe current exercise routine)

Current Energy Level


Habits: Do you smoke? Drink? Recreational drugs? How much of any of the foregoing?

Describe past use.

What is your experience with heat and humidity? How well do you tolerate it?

Please describe your typical diet

Personality description (please be describe your strengths and weaknesses)

How much time to like to spend in solitude each day?

How much time do like to spend with others each day?

How do you deal with your emotions (anger, hurt, sadness, etc.) on a day-day basis?

How do you deal these emotions during a crisis or during a periods of high stress?

How well can you speak up for yourself and your needs to others?

What types of people do you get along with best?

What types of people do you have most difficulty with?

What is your spiritual affiliation/inclination?

How much work in the gardens, orchard, group projects, general maintenance are you able and willing to do? How many hours per day?

How do you feel about animals and what experience do you have with them? (We have 2 dogs. We provide care for them, but we look for people who can take good care of them when we leave for periods of time.)

Do you have a love of nature? Please tell us about it.

Please describe how much experience you have with camping, backpacking, or other forms of "roughing it"?

Do you have financial means of support during your time in Belize (savings, etc.)?

To enter our program, you are required to submit a US$750 deposit to assure your space and as an incentive to carry out your commitment to a 3 month stay at Vida Clara. As you can imagine, this is a big commitment by us to you. And we understand it is a big commitment for you, too. This deposit serves to 'seal the deal' and demonstrate your strong commitment to your own health, growth and development.

Please describe your interest, knowledge, skills, experience you have in the following areas:

Natural Hygiene or Natural Health

Organic/Tropical gardening and farming


Handyman/Maintenance skills

Building Design/Construction

Solar and other off-grid energy

Warm tropical living

Community Living


Tell anything else you want to share about yourself.

  • Please attach a recent photo of yourself (headshot is best).
  • Please provide three references and email addresses of people who have known you for at least 1 year. If you have volunteered on a farm in the past, please include it as one of your references.

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