For Immediate release
Healthwatch Derbyshire Enter and View report uncovers pitfalls of discharge from hospitals to care homes.
Derbyshire patients are being discharged from hospital to care homes in an unfit state according to a report from Healthwatch Derbyshire; an independent organisation set up to represent the views of the Derbyshire public on health and social care services.
Visits to ten care homes across the County revealed incidents of people being discharged from hospital improperly dressed and cases of patients’ that had had their medication, notes or personal possessions lost during their stay. Communication from hospitals about discharge arrangements was often poor, with residents being returned to their care home late at night or on a day that they weren’t expected.
In one instance an individual had to be sent back to hospital because appropriate actions had not been taken to control their diabetes during the discharge period. The resident was found to be in a diabetic coma when they arrived at the care home and the Manager had to insist the Ambulance crew take them back to the hospital.
Karen Ritchie, CEO of Healthwatch Derbyshire, said: “The issue of unsafe discharge from hospital to care homes is very concerning as it can be detrimental to the health and well-being of patients. We feel strongly that it is preventable through appropriate communication, care and co-ordination of services.”
Healthwatch has contacted thehospitals involved, both within Derbyshire and the surrounding Counties, to voice their concerns. The response so far has been encouraging with all parties taking the issue seriously and showing a commitment to improving service delivery.
Lynn Andrews, Director of Nursing & Patient Care at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, said: "The partnerships we build with other hospitals, residential and care homes are really important. When patients are ready for transfer communication is vital. A complete people-centred picture - from what they like to be called, to the food they dislike, and their medication and treatment - should be provided, ideally before they arrive in their new surroundings. We are working with other agencies to improve transfers, so high-quality care can continue seamlessly; and to make sure that everything a patient requires is in place for them, no matter where their care is being delivered."
Healthwatch are continuing to monitor the issue and are calling for patients and the public to get in touch with their experiences of the discharge process, whether it be praise, criticism or ideas for improvement. Call 01773 880786 if you would like to share your experience with Healthwatch.
Notes to editor
The individual Enter and View reports and a corresponding Executive Summary have been published at
For more information contact:
Lee Mellor
Communications Lead
01773 880786
About Healthwatch Derbyshire
Healthwatch Derbyshire is the new, independent consumer champion for health and social care in Derbyshire. The organisation will help to shape and improve local health and social care in our community. Healthwatch Derbyshire is part of the Healthwatch national network, established by the Government to ensure local patients and users have a greater input to shaping local services.
About Healthwatch England
Healthwatch England is the new, independent consumer champion for health and social care in England. The organisation has independent statutory powers, as stated in the Health and Social Care Act 2012, to ensure the consumers’ voice is heard and best practice is delivered in health and social care nationally. Healthwatch is also focused on providing leadership, guidance and support to the development of the Healthwatch network.