Literary Terms List 1

1.) enigma- a riddle or mystery

2.) apathy- a lack of emotion or interest

3.) indifferent- having no preference; not caring either way

4.) revere- to worship or honor; to hold in high opinion

5.) candor- honesty and openness; frankness

6.) reticent- restrained or uncommunicative

7.) aesthetic- dealing with art, beauty or appearance

8.) autonomy- self-rule; independence

9.) disdain- contempt

10.) ascetic- without indulgence or luxuries

Literary Terms List 2

1.) banal- commonplace; dull or ordinary

2.) ambiguous- unclear or undecided

3.) anarchy- lack of government; chaos

4.) ameliorate- to improve or make better

5.) atrophy- to waste away from lack of use

6.) innovate- to make changes; to modernize

7.) servile- overly submissive; cringing

8.) extol- to praise

9.) augment- to add to; to increase

10.) innocuous- harmless; insignificant

Literary Terms List 3

1.) derision- contempt; ridicule

2.) disparity- inequality; a large difference between

3.) flagrant- glaringly wrong; conspicuously evil; obviously wrong

4.) indolence- laziness

5.) acquiesce- to give in; to agree or submit

6.) prodigal- extravagant; wasteful

7.) capricious- whimsical, unpredictable

8.) prosaic- commonplace, uninspired, dull

9.) austere- severe; strict

10.) benevolent- kindly; harmless; intending a positive reaction

Literary Terms List 4

1.) compliance- conforming to a request or demand

2.) dubious- doubtful; questionable

3.) ephemeral; short-lived; fleeting

4.) inevitable- unavoidable; bound to happen

5.) insipid- bland; boring

6.) obscure- unclear; clouded; partially hidden

7.) depravity- corruption; wickedness

8.) discern- to distinguish one thing from another

9.) expedite- to quicken

10.) complacent- smug; self-satisfied

Literary Terms List 5

1.) taciturn- quiet; uncommunicative; silent

2.) apprehensive- fearful; worried

3.) expedient- advantageous; convenient

4.) fastidious- finicky; overly critical

5.) novel- new; interesting

6.) parsimony- stinginess

7.) provincial- narrow-minded; unsophisticated

8.) respite- to break; to rest

9.) anecdote- a brief, humorous story

10.) peripheral- on the edge; unimportant

Literary Terms List 6

1.) desecrate- to show disrespect; to deface something sacred

2.) euphonious- melodious; pleasant sounding

3.) cacophonous- harsh sounding

4.) guile- cunning; deceitfulness

5.) immutable- unchanging; permanent

6.) incessant- never stopping

7.) static- unchanging; not moving or developing

8.) bastion- a stronghold; a fort

9.) benign- kindly; good-natured; harmless

10.) drone- to talk on and on in dull way

Literary Terms List 7

1.) disparage- to speak poorly of

2.) eccentric- odd; out of the ordinary; quirky

3.) philanthropist- someone who benefits mankind

4.) squander- to waste

5.) virulent- harmful

6.) zeal- enthusiasm

7.) acuity- sharpness of perception or mind

8.) affable- friendly; agreeable

9.) assuage- to reduce pain

10.) credulous- gullible; ready to believe without proof

Literary Terms List 8

1.) dissonance- lack of agreement or harmony

2.) listless- without energy or enthusiasm

3.) philistine- one who lacks culture or taste

4.) scrupulous- concerned; conscientious; proper

5.) tentative- not final; uncertain

6.) adulation- adoration

7.) dogmatic- stubbornly opinionated

8.) futile- hopeless; without effect

9.) languid- slow and listless

10.) avarice- greed

Literary Terms List 9

1.) ponderous- weighty; heavy

2.) protracted- drawn out; lengthy

3.) deference- a show of respect

4.) heretic- someone who goes against accepted religious beliefs

5.) paucity- scarcity

6.) profuse- very abundant; flowing

7.) conciliate- to soothe anger

8.) contrite- thoroughly sorry

9.) didactic- intending to teach

10.) pious- religious; devout

Literary Terms List 10

1.) digression- straying from a topic

2.) dissent- disagreement

3.) elucidate- to explain; to make clear

4.) gullible- overly trusting

5.) strut- a self-important walk

6.) denounce- to speak out against publicly

7.) laud- to praise

8.) surreptitious- secret

9.) astute- clever; shrewd; ready-witted

10.) diffident- shy; lacking confidence

Literary Terms List 11

1.) blasphemy- irreverent talk about God

2.) censure- severely criticize; blame

3.) pedestrian- commonplace; ordinary

4.) pedantic- narrow, ostentatious concern for book learning and rules

5.) sinecure- a position that requires little or no work but provides a salary

6.) gentrification- an influx of wealthy people into a lower-income neighborhood, often displacing the original, less-wealthy inhabitants

7.) solicitude- the state of being anxious or concerned, often for another; hovering

8.) expostulate- to reason earnestly with someone in an effort to correct or dissuade

9.) epicurean- devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, especially food and comfort

10.) prostrate- to put or throw flat with the face down; to overcome

Literary Terms List 12

1.)  colloquial- informal or conversational

2.) tepid- lukewarm; lacking in emotion

3.)  sanctimonious- showing false piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness

4.)  florid- flushed with rosy color; flowery

5.)  corpulent- excessively fat

6.)  echolalia- immediate and involuntary repetition of the words of others.

7.)  condescension- the act of showing a patronizingly superior attitude

8.)  discordant- not being in accord; harsh; disagreement

9.)  crescendo- a steady increase; the peak of intensity

10.)  bravado- a show of false bravery; defiant