Catholic Social Teaching Chapter 3 Large


1. No man is an ___

3. The three divine persons are bound in a ___ of love

8. The most basic society to which humans belong

9. The principle of Catholic social teaching that holds that a higher unity of society should not do what a lower unit can do as well

12. A program that puts into practice the virtue of solidarity by respecting human dignity and promoting global economic justice

13. Subsidiarity supports the sharing of power and authority on the ___ level

14. A way individuals can make a difference is by supporting ___ candidates who have a global vision to helps other nations

15. The establishment of a just society would be impossible without this

18. She taught holiness by emphasizing the simple acceptance of God’s love for us

20. Preacher and novelist Fredrick Buechner compared the interconnectedness of life to this

23. The families of ___ have the right to the same protection of other families

24. The ___ option for the poor sees things from their perspective

27. One of the three essential elements of the common good: Social well-being and ___

30. Pope John Paul II spelled out the rights of family in The ___ of the Rights of the Family

31. The Ten Commandments were already present in the ___ and minds of the Chosen People

34. Jesus takes the side of those most in ___, physically and spiritually

35. One of the three essential elements of the common good: ___ for the persons

36. The virtue of social charity, friendship, and responsible sharing whereby we recognize our interdependence


2. The rules, ___ and procedures of society must serve people and not vice versa

4. God’s plan written into the way he made things

5. The precepts of natural law are ___

6. Natural law is the basis of this

7. These laws on the national level were (and are) necessary to guarantee that basic human rights are respected in all states

10. Because we have a social nature, we have ___ toward the communities in which we live

11. The family is the ______of social life

16. Individual ___ are the foundation, cause, and end of all social institutions

17. The natural law is unchangeable and ___

19. The Church in the Modern World says that everyone must consider his every neighbor without exception as another ___

21. The sum of the spiritual, material, and social conditions needed for a person to achieve full human dignity

22. This cannot be contracted except by free and full consent duly expressed by the spouses

25. We respect others when we feel or show ___ for them

26. A group of persons bound together organically by a principle of unity that goes beyond them

28. They are the first and foremost educators of children

29. ___ Relief Services is an international relief agency

32. Before God we are all ___

33. A way individuals can make a difference