Health Sciences Research Plenary

Nomination Cover Form

FHS Graduate Faculty Excellence in Supervision Award


FHS Graduate Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award


These awards are for Faculty Members in Health Sciences who have demonstrated outstanding mentorship/supervision of graduate students, and/or excellence in teaching in the Health Sciences Graduate Programs.

Faculty must be:

1)  A graduate faculty member in the Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Programs (Biochemistry, Medical Sciences, Health Research Methodology, Nursing, Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy), or in an Interdisciplinary Program (Biomedical Engineering, e-Health, Global Health, Health Management, Health Policy, Neuroscience).

2)  They must have graduate faculty member status (ie: full-time/joint faculty or associate/part-time faculty) in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Nomination Package to include:

1)  HSGSF Faculty Awards Nomination form


The deadline for receipt of the nomination form is 4:00pm on April 1st, 2010. Nominations should be delivered to the Health Sciences Graduate Programs Office (MDCL 2235) or emailed to Gabi Brooks at . Please include “HSGSF Faculty Award” in subject line. Only complete nomination forms will be considered.

** All nominations will be kept confidential and will be destroyed after they have been reviewed. Faculty members will NOT have access to these forms. **

If you have any questions about these awards, please direct them to HSGSF Co-presidents, Janet Pritchard () or Rhandi Senaratne ().

HSGSF Faculty Awards - Nomination Form

Faculty Member’s Full Name: Type here

Faculty Member’s Home Department, Rank and Status: Type here

Faculty Member’s Program: Type here

Nominating Graduate Student’s Name: Type here

Nominating Graduate Student’s Program: Type here

Capacity that you know the Faculty Member:

Taught graduate level course

Primary supervisor

On supervisory committee

Other. Please specify: Please type

Award that Faculty Member is being nominated for (please check box):

a)  HSGSF Excellence in Supervision Award

Please consider the following characteristics (not limited to) for the HSGSF Excellence in Supervision Award:

HSGSF Awards - Version 1 (March 14, 2010)

·  Accessibility

·  Timely feedback

·  Knowledge

·  Supportiveness and encouragement

·  Provision of material resources

·  Advice and guidance

·  Opportunities for networking

·  Role modeling

HSGSF Awards - Version 1 (March 14, 2010)

b)  HSGSF Excellence in Teaching Award

Please consider the following characteristics (not limited to) for the HSGSF Excellence in Teaching Award:

HSGSF Awards - Version 1 (March 14, 2010)

·  Knowledge of content

·  Ability to stimulate discussion in class

·  Encourages growth and learning

·  Learning environment

·  Preparedness

·  Evaluation techniques

·  Accessibility

·  Timely feedback

HSGSF Awards - Version 1 (March 14, 2010)

Please answer following questions to let the selection committee know why you are nominating the faculty member for the HSGSF Excellence in Supervision or HSGSF Excellence in Teaching Award

1)  What is the overall effectiveness of the faculty member as a mentor (for HSGSF Excellence in Supervision Award) or teacher (for HSGSF Excellence in Teaching Award)? Type here

2) Please provide at least 2 reasons why you feel this nominee is deserving of receiving the award. Be as specific as possible, using examples. You may attach additional pages if needed. Type here

HSGSF Awards - Version 1 (March 14, 2010)