Health Scienceexam II Study Guide

Health Scienceexam II Study Guide

Health ScienceExam II Study Guide

Chapter 12-Nutrition

  • What are essential nutrients? What are the six essential nutrients? Which ones supply energy? How many calories per gram does each essential nutrient contain?
  • What is the main role of each essential nutrient?
  • Know the main (gastrointestinal tract) and accessory organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas) of digestion and what role

does each one play?

  • What are chemical and mechanical digestion?
  • What is a calorie? How is it measured?
  • What are lipids (fats), proteins and carbohydrates composed of?
  • What is the difference between whole grains and refined grains? Which ones are better for health?
  • What are simple/complex carbohydrates? What is an incomplete/complete protein?
  • What is the glycemic index important to consider for health? What types of foods have high/low glycemic indexes?
  • What are the differences between type I and type II diabetes? What is hyperglycemia? Hypoglycemia? How do these

latter terms relate to type II diabetes?

  • What are the three classes of lipids?
  • What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? Which type is better for health?
  • What are HDL’s and LDL’s? What general role do they have in lipid transport? Which one is good/bad for you?
  • What are the dangers of high fat diets?
  • What are the AMDRs for each essential nutrient that supplies energy?
  • What food sources supply carbohydrates, lipids (sat. and unsat.), and proteins?
  • What is fiber? Why is it important for health? Where do you obtain fiber? Difference between functional and dietary fiber?
  • what is the purpose of food additives?
  • Organic food requirements.
  • What are the dietary guidelines for Americans?

Ch. 13 Exercise for Health and Fitness

  • What are the current levels of physical activity among American adults compared to Healthy People targets?
  • What is the difference between physical activity and physical fitness?
  • What are the five components of physical fitness and what do they involve?
  • What are the benefits of exercise discussed in class?
  • What are the short and long term benefits of exercise?
  • How do you develop each component of physical fitness in terms of intensity, time, frequency and type?
  • What are the basic principles of physical training?
  • What is reversibility?
  • Preventing and Managing Athletic Injuries
  • Can you design an exercise program based on the recommendations given in class and how to develop any component of physical fitness?

Ch. 14 Weight Management

  • What are the health risks associated with obesity?
  • What is the difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat?
  • What is percent body fat?
  • What are the methods for calculating percent body fat? Which one is most accurate?
  • What are the principles for each method of calculating percent body fat (ex. Electrical impedance is based on the fact that lean tissue (muscle) conducts electricity faster than fat (adipose) tissue)
  • Know which BMI values reflect underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese.
  • At what waist circumference (for men and women) do you increase your risk for chronic disease?
  • What is the energy balance equation and what is it important for?
  • What is caloric intake due to and what are the ways to expend calories?
  • What is the difference between apples and pears? What groups tend to be apples? Pears?
  • Which location is most dangerous for fat storage and why?
  • What is the female athlete triad?
  • What are the lifestyle, physiological and hormonal factors that can lead to obesity?
  • What is BDD, anorexia and bulimia nervosa? What are the symptoms/characteristics?