Bishop Philip McDevitt-Assembly 920
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM. There were 25 Sir Knights in attendance.
Opening ceremonies were conducted by Faithful Navigator Paul Shellenberger.
The minutes of the 8-2-2013 meeting were read and approved
Two thank you notes from SK Workinger
Two thank you notes for supporting Operation Paperback.
Old Business:
Audit to be completed following the meeting.
Next degrees are 10-6 at St. Rose School. Are a 1st and 2nd.
Assembly picnic was held on 8-18 at Yoe Park. 16 persons attended. Next year’s picnic will be at the same site with a possibility of being held later in the year.
September 29th is 5th Sunday Mass at Holy Infant, Be there not later than 7:45 if you want a seat! December 29th will be at St. Rose at the 7:30 Mass. Be there at 7:15.
Christmas Party is on 12-14 -2013 at the Valencia Ballroom. All are invited. The cost is $30.00. A motion was present for the Assembly to donate $50.00 for purchase of “spirits” for a basket of cheer to be used as a raffle item at the dance. The motion passed by voice vote.
As of 8-2, St. Patrick’s council has now raised approximately $11,000 of the $13,000 needed to provide an Ultra Sound Machine to Pro-Life.
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New Business:
The fruit sale will start the weekend of October 5/6 with orders due by 11-15. Anticipated delevery date is 12-3.
The annual fishers of Men dinner is 10-4 at the Keeler Center. Cost is $1,000 for a table of 8, $800 for a table of 6, or $150 per individual.
Still some seats available for the trip to New Haven sponsored by Council 4057 in Carlisle.
Color Guard:
Requested for events related to:
Hispanic Heritage Mass at Cathedral in 9-15. Be there at 2:30 for a 3:30 Mass
Mass for deceased Knights at the Cathedral on 11-3. Times to be set.
Report of the Councils:
1530: Will be selling perogies on Sept 21/22 and 28/29 weekends.
Delivery on October 5/6 weekend
6353: Bingo on Thursdays
Play and Pray on 9-28
10474: Bingo every Tuesday at Emigsville fire hall
Soccer kickoff on 10-14
10870: Chicken Bar-b-q on 9-22
Golf tournament on 9-14.
11872: Chicken bar-b-q on 9-22
14349: NR
15673: NR
Good of the Order:
Keep in our Prayers: Tony Danna, George Tutino, John Wills, Sally Owens, all seminarians, Paul Hardish, Brenda Kelley, Father Hoke, Jim Huddleston, and all military, Father Louis, Christine Greenawalt, Pat Workinger, Father Houser’s sister, Ed Bamburg, Eleanor Prince, Bob Fedroff, Kirk Shaffer, June O’Donnoghue, Dolly Zoller, Matt Raley, Corey Lehmann, Juana Ayala, Liam Steeper, Jack Lambert, Sharon Bleacher, Laura Kuntz and family, Blair family, Suzanne Shoup, Vic Straka, Lou Cedrone.
Next meeting Friday 10-4-2013 at St. Joseph’s Church-EY. Mass at 6, social at 6:30, meeting at 7
Respectfully submitted
Chester Young
Faithful Scribe
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