Psych 2580 - 3 -
Health Psychology - Psychology 2580
University of North Texas
Fall Term, 2002
Class Time: Monday 6:30 pm – 9:20 pm Instructors: Mark Vosvick, Ph.D.
Location: Biology 117 Amy O’Neill, B.S.
Office Hours: By Appointment Phone: (940) 565 4715
Office: Terrill Hall, Room 369 Email:
Required Text and Workbooks
Linda Brannon & Jess Feist. Health Psychology; An Introduction to Behavior and Health,(Fourth Edition). Wadsworth, 2000.
Ruth Schelkun. Life Challenge Inventory. Human Network, Inc., 1988.
Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire, National Wellness Institute, 1989.
Course Description
Health Psychology satisfies the Wellness requirement of the University Core Curriculum. In this class we will explore the biopsychosocial factors associated with health and wellness. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with behavioral changes that facilitate the acquisition and maintenance of health, primary and secondary prevention, and the role of psychosocial factors such as stress in the development of illness.
The format of the course will include both lecture, discussion and group work. New material will be presented in the readings as well as in lectures.
Course Objectives
· Students will acquire knowledge and appreciation of biopsychosocial and behavioral factors associated with health, wellness and illness
· Students will be encouraged to develop skills and behavioral strategies for lifestyle change and to promote health and wellness
Course Activities
· Lecture
· Discussion and clarification of issues and concerns in the readings and lectures
· Group work
· Three exams
Course Evaluation
1. Attend each class, be on time and complete the assigned readings indicated for each session. Be prepared to discuss readings and to contribute to the general discussion. If you must miss a class you must email the instructor prior to the class with an explanation and you must turn in a one (1) page paper reviewing the assigned chapter for that class. [50 points]
2. The class will be divided randomly into small groups. Each group will work on projects together during class time. These groups will focus on special topics or skills related to health psychology. Each time teams work on a project, they will turn in a product along with a roster of group members who contributed to the project. You must be present at these groups to be evaluated. [100 points]
3. In-class exams will include true and false as well as multiple-choice formats. All make-up exams will be brief essays and will be scheduled within one day of the missed exam. Note: You will be permitted one (1) 8½ x 11 piece of paper with writing on both sides during the exam. No other materials may be used. [100 points each]
4. Extra credit can be earned up to 70 additional points. Completion of all three assessments (the Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire (LAQ) – one (1) time for 20 points & the Life Challenge Inventory (LIC) – twice, once at beginning & end of term for 10 points each) will earn you 40 points. The completion of a Daily HealthΤ Log will earn you 30 points. Participation in research projects will earn you 4 points for each project.
Τ Daily Health Log – a day by day self observation and analysis in the following categories: eating habits, sleep habits, alcohol use, nicotine use, controlled substance use, safety habits, exercise routine and relaxation behaviors.
Summary of Course Points:
Attendance & participation 50 points
Group projects 100
Exams 300
Total Possible Points 450
Extra credit 70
Please note:
The Department of Psychology cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities (cf. Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504, Rehabilitation Act). If you have not registered with ODA, we encourage you to do so. Please present your written Accommodation Request to your instructor on or before the 12th class day. If you experience any problems in getting reasonable accommodations, please contact the Psychology Department Liaison or ODA. Also, the Department complies with the University’s policies concerning discrimination and sexual harassment. If you have any complaints please contact the departmental chairperson or UNT’s Equal Opportunity Office.
If you take an “I” (Incomplete) in any course, you must complete the work and have the “i” removed within one year or you must re-enroll in the course again.
If extra credit for experimental participation is allowed by an instructor for up to 10 points, students who do not wish to volunteer must be provided an equivalent alternative (such as a paper or written review of research articles) for an equal number of extra credit points that substitute for research participation credit. Also, no student under 18 can participate as a subject in research unless the consent form is signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Course Outline
August 26 / Introduction: History & Models in Health & Illness / Chapter 1Chapter 17
September 2 / Labor Day – No Class
September 9 / Research Methods & Issues in Health Psychology / Chapter 2
Turn in LAC & LCI
September 16 / Health and Wellness / Chapter 3
September 23 / Behavioral Interventions in Health & Medicine / Chapter 4
First Exam*
September 30 / Definitions & Models of Stress / Chapter 5October 7 / Stress & Disease / Chapter 6
October 14 / The Experience of Pain / Chapter 7
October 21 / Stress & Coping / Chapter 8
October 28 / Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine / Chapter 9
Second Exam*
November 4 / Psycho-oncology / Chapter 10November 11 / Chronic Illness
Preventing Injuries / Chapter 11
Chapter 12
November 18 / Smoking Tobacco
Using Alcohol & Drugs / Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Turn in LCI
November 25 / Eating to Control Weight
Exercising / Chapter 15
Chapter 16
December 2 / Pre-Finals Week / No Reading
December 9 /
Final Exam*
* You are responsible for bringing a pencil and Scantron answer sheet to each exam