The Virginia Public Health Association’s Fall 2013 Conference:

Health on the Homefront: Addressing the Health Needs of Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Veterans and Their Families

October 21 - 22-2013, Hampton, VA

The estimated size of the active duty military and veteran communities in Virginia (including family members) is approximately 2.36 million individuals as of 2012, out of a total population of 8.186 million, or more than 28% of the residents of the Commonwealth. In some school districts, over 35% of the students are connected to someone who is now or was in the past a member of the military.

Given the health needs of military service members, veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, older veterans and their families, VAPHA has partnered with the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services to offer this critical forum on the issues facing military service members, veterans and their families and the implications for public health, and the public health workforce of Virginia.

The program has been designed with tracks of sessions focused on topics of interest to military health and behavioral health, public health, primary care and behavioral health professionals.

Who should attend: Military health and behavioral health, primary care, public health, behavioral health professionals, advocates, concerned citizens, educators, policy makers and planners, social service organizations, and anyone with an interest in the health of nearly a third of Virginia’s residents who are serving or have served their country.

Continuing Education Credit: The program qualifies for 12.5 hours of continuing education.

When:October 21-22, 2013

Where: Hampton Roads Convention Center

Registration fee: $120 for current members of VAPHA, $155 for nonmembers (includes one-year membership in VAPHA), $65 for students. That’s less than $10 per credit! After October 7th, price increases to $150 for members and $185 for nonmembers.

A limited number of scholarships are available, through grant funding and sponsorship support, to fund the registration of individuals who have limited funds available to attend the program. Scholarship recipients are responsible for any travel costs associated with their attendance at the program. Special consideration will be given to community residents and to applicants who work at smaller organizations, non-profit organizations or organizations with limited professional development budgets as well as students of any health-related discipline.

Hotel information: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Embassy Suites Hampton Roads on Coliseum Drive in Hampton at the per diem rate of $77 single/$87 double plus tax. Reservations may be made by calling 757/827-8200 or 1-800-EMBASSY and providing group code “VPH.” The rooms will be released by the hotel on September 20th.

Conference Partners

The Virginia Public Health Association would like to thank the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program, Virginia Department of Veterans Services and the Commonwealth Public Health training Center for their support in developing this program.

The Virginia Public Health Association’s Fall Conference

Health on the Homefront: Addressing the Health Needs of Members

of the U.S. Armed Forces, Veterans and Their Families

Hampton Roads Convention Center, Hampton, Virginia

October 21-22, 2013,

Monday, October 21
8:00 a.m. (0800) / Open registration, Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. (0830) / 1. Opening General Session – Our Sons Died Fighting Different Battles: One Family’s Story, Major General Mark Graham and Mrs. Carol Graham
9:30 a.m. (0930) / Change break – proceed to Breakout sessions
Conference tracks: / Public Health Practitioners / Primary Care Practitioners / Behavioral Health Practitioners
9:40 a.m. (0940) Breakout sessions / 2. Mission Critical: Understanding Force/Fleet Readiness through Health Data / 3. Family Matters: Examining Mental Healthcare Utilization among Navy Beneficiaries / 4. PTSD, Its Clinical Description, Treatment and Underlying Pathophysiology
10:40 a.m. (1040) / Beverage Break/Exhibits
11:05 a.m. (1105)
Breakout sessions / 5. Formation of a Wounded, Ill, and Injured Registry for Navy and Marine Corps Service Members / 6. Deployment-Related Acinetobacter Species Infections in Sailors and Marines Deployed to the United States Central Command Area of Responsibility / 7. Measuring Quality of Care within Navy Medicine for Selected Mental Health Topics: Major Depressive Disorder, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Substance Use Disorder
12:05 p.m. (1200) / Lunch Break/Exhibits
12:50 p.m. (1250)
Breakout sessions / 8. Impact of Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune on Virginia’s Veterans / 9. Traumatic Brain Injury Surveillance, Department of the Navy Sailors and Marines Diagnosed and Treated in Military Treatment Facilities in Virginia 2001-2012 / 10. Empowerment for Recovery: A Way to Manage Addiction and Trauma
1:50 p.m. (1350) / Change break
2:00 p.m. (1400)
Breakout sessions / 11. Malaria Incidence in Relation to Country of Birth and Exposure Region among Navy and Marine Corps Active Duty Service Members / 12. Measuring Navy Medicine Mental Health Access to Care from Fiscal Year 2008-2013 / 13. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
3:00 p.m. (1500) / Beverage Break/Exhibits
3:20 p.m. (1520)
Breakout sessions / 14. Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Multidrug-Resistant Organism Infections among Department of Defense Beneficiaries / 15. Assessing resource demand for treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Navy Medicine Ambulatory Clinics / 16. The Mission Continues
4:20 p.m. (1620) / Change break
4:30 p.m. (1630) / 17. Closing general session – How Can Virginia Public Health Help Veterans?, Dr. Cynthia Romero, Virginia Health Commissioner
5:15 p.m. (1715) / Sessions adjourn for day. Reception.
Tuesday, October 22
8:00 a.m. (0800) / Open registration, Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. (0830) / 18. General Session – Suicide in the Military, Dr. Jan Kemp
9:35 a.m. (0935) / 19. General Session – Overview of the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program and It’s Federal, State and Local Partners (panel presentation)
10:35 a.m. (1035) / Beverage Break/Exhibits
Conference tracks: / Public Health Practitioners / Primary Care Practitioners / Behavioral Health Practitioners
10:55 a.m. (1055)
Breakout sessions / 20. Veterans and Broadband Access in Virginia: implications for healthcare planning and policy / 21. Integration of Primary Care& Mental Health Services / 22. Traumatic Brain Injury and Challenging Behaviors in Wounded Warriors
11:55 a.m. (1155) / Lunch Break/Exhibits
12:45 p.m. (1245)
Breakout sessions / 23. Housing Issues for Transitioning Service Members, Veterans and Their Families / 24. Attempted Suicides in the United States Marine Corps, Calendar Year 2010 / 25. Substance Abuse Cessation for Veterans Coping with Mental Illness
1:45 p.m. (1345) / Change break
1:55 p.m. (1355)
Breakout sessions / 26. Driving Policy Through Evidence-Based Analysis / 27. To Be Announced / 28. Mental Health First Aid
2:55 p.m. (1455) / Beverage Break/Exhibits
3:15 p.m. (1515) / 29. Closing Session- Catherine A. Wilson, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Department of Veterans Services and Executive Director, Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
4:15 p.m. (1615) / Adjourn


Contact VAPHA Administrator, Mary Kidd, CMP, at 804/367-4860 or by e-mail to .

___ Yes, I want to attend Health on the Homefront!

Name: ______


Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

(copy this form for additional registrants)

Please select the breakout sessions you wish to attend.

Conference tracks: / Public Health Practitioners / Primary Care Practitioners / Behavioral Health Practitioners
Monday, 9:40 a.m. (0940) / ___ 2. Mission Critical / ___ 3. Family Matters / ___ 4. PTSD
11:05 a.m. (1105) / ___ 5. Formation of a Wounded, Ill, and Injured Registry / ___ 6. Deployment-Related Acinetobacter Species Infections / ___ 7. Measuring Quality of Care within Navy Medicine for Selected Mental Health Topics
12:50 p.m. (1250) / ___ 8. Impact of Contaminated Water / ___ 9. Traumatic Brain Injury Surveillance / ___ 10. Empowerment for Recovery
2:00 p.m. (1400) / ___ 11. Malaria Incidence / ___ 12. Mental Health Access to Care / ___ 13. Tragedy Assistance Program
3:20 p.m. (1520) / ___ 14. Healthcare-Associated Multidrug-Resistant Organism Infections / ___ 15. Assessing Resource Demand for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury / ___ 16. The Mission Continues
Tuesday, 10:55 a.m. (1055) / ___ 20. Veterans and Broadband Access / ___ 21. Integration of Primary Care& Mental Health Services / ___ 22. Traumatic Brain Injury and Challenging Behaviors
12:45 p.m. (1245) / ___ 23. Housing Issues / ___ 24. Attempted Suicides / ___ 25. Substance Abuse Cessation
1:55 p.m. (1355) / ___ 26. Driving Policy Through Evidence-Based Analysis / ___ 27. To Be Announced / ___ 28. Mental Health First Aid

__ VAPHA Member fee $120.00 ($150 after October 7th)

__ Nonmember fee $155.00 – includes one year-membership in VAPHA ($185.00 after October 7th)

__ Student fee $65.00 ($95.00 after October 7th)

One-day registrations are also available. Call for details.

Payment Information

Return this form with checks made payable to Virginia Public Health Association (or VAPHA) to 2415-B Westwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23230, or complete the credit card payment information below and return by fax to 804-288-3551 or by e-mail to . A credit card receipt will be e-mailed to the address provided above. VAPHA accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard and VISA.

Name on Card: ______

Credit Card Number: ______

Expiration Date: ______Customer Verification #: ______

(from back of card)

Signature: ______

Questions? For questions about the program please contact Mary Kidd, VAPHA Administrator, at 804-367-4860 or e-mail .