SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG) Implementation for Parental Engagement
Project Plan for ______School
Action / Who / When / CompletedP
1. Ensure that SLT support the project and know why we are implementing SLG.
2. Identify who will be involved in planning and implementing the project.
Appoint a senior person as the project leader.
3. Review:
· Instruction documents for logging in and other SLG cribsheets provided by CMBC SIMS Team.
· Reports in for issuing users with their login details etc...
All documentation is available in the Calderdale SLG Resource Pack:
Amend the documentation as necessary.
4. Pilot the rollout by issuing a user account to a parental governor who is IT literate.
· Provision the new user in and wait 24 hours for their password to be created.
· Run reports to get their username and password.
· Give them their login details, instruction documents and cribsheets.
· Ask them to test SLG and provide feedback on the documentation, login process, data they could access and if they found the system easy to use.
5. Review the pilot roll-out and make changes to the process/documentation as necessary.
6. Find out which pupils and parents have access to the internet at home.
Consider what to do about those that don’t have access.
7. Consider what data we can share and with whom.
· Data protection and safety.
· Should all parents be given access?
8. Contact contacts with parental responsibility by letter to:
· Introduce SLG and explain what it is.
· Ask whether their child’s other contacts with parental responsibility should have access to SLG.
· Ask for parents’ email addresses and record in This is required for parents to be able to reset their own passwords using the Parent Password Reset utility (without contacting the school)
(Suggestion: use the letter designed by CMBC SIMS Team – see resource pack )
9. Collate a list of parents who should be issued with an account for SLG.
10. Decide how to manage creating user accounts:
Whole school at once? One year group at once? One class at once?
11. Provision new user accounts for parents using and wait 24 hours for passwords to be created.
12. Run reports to get parents’ usernames.
13. Issue parents with their usernames by letter and ask them to return tear-off slip to confirm they have received it.
14. Collate a list of parents who have confirmed receipt.
15. Run reports to get parents’ passwords.
16. Issue parents with their passwords by letter.
Give them instruction documents for logging into SLG and any other cribsheets.