Citizenship: Bulgarian and USA
Academic Record
M.Sc. - Chemical Engineering - 1962Higher Institute of Chemical Technology of Sofia (Bulgaria)(Thesis: Syntheses of Some Ester Lubricants)
Ph.D. - Organic Chemistry - 1971BulgarianAcademy of Sciences(Thesis: Coking Coal Structure and Thermoplasticity Phenomena)
D.Sc. - Coal Chemistry - 1988BulgarianAcademy of Sciences(Thesis: Structural Aspects of Coalification and Carbonization)
Research Positions
1979-1990 Associate ProfessorInstitute of Organic Chemistry of BulgarianAcademy of Sciences, Sofia
1992-1996 Senior Research AssociateOhio University, Chemical Engineering Department, Athens, Ohio
1974-1976 Max-Planck Institut fuer Kohlenforschung, Muelheim, GermanyAlexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow
1987-1988 Bergbau Forschung GmbH, Essen, GermanyVisiting Senior Researcher
1990-1992 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaVisiting Professor
Hands-on Research Experience
- Coal/Petroleum Fuels/Products Characterization
- Laboratory/Pilot Scale Coal Processing
- Separation and Chromatographic Characterization of Organic Fuel Liquids and Heavy Organic Products (GC, HPLC, GPC)
- Molecular Spectroscopy of Complex Organic Mixtures and Macromolecular Solids (NMR, IR, ESR)
- Active Carbons/Adsorbents/Catalyst Characterization
- Gas Stream/Flue Gas Analysis/Cleanup
- Air Sampling & Air Analysis
- Water Analysis
- Polymer Characterization (Termomechanical Analysis, Solvent Swelling)
- Vacuum/Pressure Techniques
- Wet Organic Laboratory; Classical Methods for Chemical Analysis
Selected papers in referred journals:
- L.Lazarov und G.Angelova, Die funktionellen Sauerstoffgruppen bei der thermishen Behandlung von Steinkohlen, Brennstoff-Chemie, 1965, 46(7), 204-206
- G.Angelova, L.Lazarov und I.Pumpalov, Ueber die funktionellen Zauerstoffgruppen und die Oberflaecheneigenschaften thermish behandelter Kokskohle, Brennstoff-Chemie, 1965, 46, 372-373
- M.Lason, L.Lazarov and J.Zolcinska, Sorption of Polar and Non-Polar Vapours on Carbonized Coals, Archiwum Gornictwa (Cracow), 1968, 13(2), 133-146
- L.Lazarov and G.Angelova, Treatment of Coals with Sodium in Liquid Ammonia Solution, Fuel, 1968, 47, 333-341
- L.Lazarov and G.Angelova, Origin of Chloroform-Extractable Material in Bituminous Coal, Fuel, 1968, 47, 342-352
- G.Angelova, L.Lazarov und V.Kovaceva, Ueber das Verhalten der Schwefelverbindungen in der Kohle bei deren Behandlung mit Natrium in Ammoniakalisher Loesung, Brennstoff-Chemie, 1969, 50(1), 11-14
- L.Lazarov and I.Ivanov, On the Kinetics of Formation of Chloroform Extractable Material in Bituminous Coal Carbonization, Solid Fuel Chemistry (Moscow), 1970, #6, 150-153
- L.Lazarov, E.Zgurovska and G.Angelova, Chloroform-Extractable Material from Bituminous Coals, Fuel, 1971, 50, 338-344
- L.Lazarov, M.Razvigorova and G.Angelova, On the thermal Dissolution of Coals in Tetralin, Solid Fuel Chemistry (Moscow), 1976, #2, 38-41
- L.Lazarov, I.Rashkov and S.Angelov, Direct Preparation of Ionic Potassium-Coal Adducts, Fuel, 1978, 57, 637-638
- L.Lazarov and S.Angelov, Reductive Alkylation of a Phenanthrene-Formaldehyde Resine, Fuel, 1980, 59, 55-58
- L.Lazarov and M.Stefanova, ESR Spectrometric Study of Directly Prepared Potassium-Coal Adducts, Fuel, 1981, 60, 723-726
- L.Lazarov, M.Stefanova and K.Petrov, Structural Study of Coal by Means of Directly Prepared Potassium-Coal Adducts, Fuel, 1982, 61(1), 57-62
- L.Lazarov, G.Nietfeld, K.Puschman, S.Angelov and E.Stumpp, Reactions of a Bituminous Coal with Metal Chlorides in Carbon Tetrachloride, Fuel, 1984, 63(7), 952-955
- S.P.Marinov, M.Stefanova and L.Lazarov, O-Butylation of Different Rank Coals, C.r. l'Acad.Bulg.Sci., 1983 36(9), 1195-1198
- G.Angelova, D.Dushanov, L.Lazarov and M.Razvigorova, Catalysts in Gasification of Lignites, Chem.Stosow. (Warsaw), 1984, 28(1), 85-89
- L.Lazarov, M.-F. Simeonov and S.P. Marinov, Structural Analysis of Alkylated Coal by 1H and 13C NMR Spectroscopy, Frezen.Z.Anal.Chem, 1984, 319(12), 552-555
- L.Lazarov and S.P.Marinov, Average Structure of Extracts of a Butylated Coking Coal, Fuel, 1987 66(2), 185-188
- L.Lazarov and S.P.Marinov, Modelling the Structure of a Cokong Coal, Fuel Proc.Techn., 1987 15, 411-422
- M.Stefanova and L.Lazarov, Fractionation and Analysis of Asphalthenes of Coal Liquefaction, Acta Montana (Prague), 1986, 73, 99-114
- M.Stefanova and L.Lazarov, GC-MC Study of Coal Derived Asphaltenes. Carbazole-Type Neutral Nitrogen Compounds, J.of Chromatography, 1988, 446, 293-304
- L.Lazarov, R.Gerhards, K.Handrick and W. Hodek, Structural Analysis of a Bituminous Coal Vitrinite by NaH Pretreatment and NMR Spectroscopy, Fuel, 1990, 69(3), 305-311
- I.E.Nosyrev, M.Stefanova, S.P.Marinov and L.Lazarov, Oxidation of Ionic Potassium-Coal Adducts, Fuel, 1990, 69(3), 322-327
- M.Stefanova, S.P.Marinov, L.Lazarov, J.Bimer and P.D.Salbut, Maltenes from the dissolution of Low Rank Coal by Methanol-Sodium Hydroxide Treatment, Fuel, 1992, 71, 925-928
- V.Marinov, S.P.Marinov, L.Lazarov and M.Stefanova, Ash Agglomeration during Fluidized Bed Gasification of High Sulfur Content Lignites, Fuel Proc.Techn., 1992, 31, 181-191
- D.Velinova, L.Lazarov and G.Angelova, NMR Investigation of Low-Rank Coal Lythotypes Pretreated with NaH, Fuel, 1993, 72(7), 991-996
- J.W.Larsen and L.Lazarov, Nonselective Absorption of Recycle Oil by Bituminous Coals, Energy & Fuels, 1993, 7(2), 215-218
Review Articles in Referred Journals:
- L.Lazarov and G.Angelova, Bituminous Coal Structure, Solid Fuel Chemistry (Moscow), 1976, #3, 15-23
- L.Lazarov, Moderne Vorstellungen ueber die Molecularstructur der Kohle, Freiberg.Forschungshefte, 1982, A668, 37-56
- L.Lazarov, On the Thermochemical Transformations in the Plastic Stage of Bituminous Coal Carbonization, Coke & Chemistry (Moscow), 1983, #2, 13-18
- L.Lazarov, Abbau der Kohle in Gemischen Naphtenaromatischer und Aromatischer Loesungsmittelkomponenten, Chem.Techn., 1985, 37(11), 462-466
- G.Angelova and L.Lazarov, Achievments in the Coal Structure Investigation, Acta Montana (Prague), 1986, 73, 13-28
U.S.Patent 5382267, 1995
R.L.Savage and L.Lazarov, Method of Desulfurization of Coals
Scientific Monograph:
L.Lazarov and G.Angelova, Structure and Reactions of Coals, 1990, Publishing House of the BulgarianAcademy of Sciences, Sofia, 230 p. (in Russian)
- Lazarin Lazarov, Bulgarian Exporter's Guide to the American Market, 1996, Siela Publishing, Sofia, 67 p. (in Bulgarian)
- Lazarin Lazarov, Thoughts from Abroad, 2000 (second revised edition), Sofia (IKTUS Print), 65 p. (in Bulgarian)
- Lazarin Lazarov, Memories of Communism, 2005, Sofia, ISBN 954-9417-06-9, 68 p., (in Bulgarian)