AE Health Education/Life Science
Mrs. Milliken
Woodland Hills Academy
2007-2008 Academic School Year
Room 7
(818) 266-2900
Welcome back for the 2007-2008 academic school year. You will be involved in learning a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts important in health and life science education. For the first semester you will learn about the levels of organization, how to develop “healthy” practices, effective strategies for prevention, and information sources that may be helpful or harmful to health. During the second semester we will be involved in scientific investigations that surround cells, genetics, earth history, and structure and function of living things. Moreover, we will be meeting all of the Los Angeles Unified School District Standards for seventh grade health and science.
The textbooks used will be Teen Health-Course 2 and Focus on Life Science. The course will be divided into four areas: Human Body Systems- this section will include many aspects of health education which will involve the human body, organ systems, nutrition, reproduction, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, diseases, personal health, environmental health, growth, and healthy behaviors; Cell Biologyand Genetics- this material will include structure, function of cells, and the science of heredity; Evolution and Earth’s History- this section will include evolutionary theories, fossils, and the study of geographic changes; and Structure and Function in Living Things-which will cover an introduction into the six kingdoms.
Assignments will be posted daily online at
(Assignments include: homework, class notes, and class work). Homework will be given at least 4 times a week, and all students are expected to complete assignments when they are due. My grade book will also be periodically posted for each class so that you may see how you are doing, and if you are missing any assigned work or homework. Any missing work may be made up as long as it is turned in before the deadline set for each grading period. After any 3 missing assignments, you will receive a “U” for work habits on your report card.
Projects are not considered an assignment. All projects are given 3-4 weeks in advance and therefore are due on the due date regardless of whether you are present or not. Projects will NOT be taken late. If you are absent you must make arrangements to get the project to me by the end of the school day or else you will receive a zero on the project and an automatic “U” for Work Habits.
Grading policy:
Grades will be based upon:
Homework 4-20 pts each
Class work (Health/Science Notebook,
warm ups, vocabulary) 5- 30 pts each
Tests60- 100 pts each
Quizzes10- 30 pts each
Projects and Reports30- 50 pts each
Lab Activities15- 30 pts each
Class participation20 pts each term
Tests are always announced at least 4 days in advance. Students that are absent are responsible for making up the test on the next scheduled makeup day. Grades are determined based on percentages, not by a curve. Percentages are calculated using the total points earned for all assignments.
100% - 90% = A
89% - 80% = B
79% - 70% = C
69% - 60% = D
59% or below = F
Students are required to have paper, a HEALTH/SCIENCE NOTEBOOK, their AGENDA, their WORKBOOKS, pens, pencils and other materials as needed for class. The student store can provide students with stationary items they may run out of, rather than borrowing from other students and disrupting the learning process. AGENDA BOOKS AND HEALTH/SCIENCE NOTEBOOKS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES!