Health Informatics Bulletinbytesize issue 79
A summary of the latest news, information and forthcoming events in the north of England and beyond.
Latest announcements
N3 successor consultation
N3, the NHS national network is coming to the end of its contract and NHS Connecting for Health are consulting on its successor, N4. A letter has been sent to all trusts, COINS and other N3 users asking for contacts and interested parties to form an N4 User Council to help shape the options for the new service. Anyone interested in joining the council should please email . Further information about N4 is available at
HealthSpace closure
It has now been confirmed that HealthSpace will close on 14 December 2012. This is because the service has not been as popular as was expected and because alternative approaches are being planned to give patients fuller access to their health information. Check out the HealthSpace sectionof the NHS CFH website for further information.
EPS Communications
Videos of a GP and a practice manager using the Electronic Prescription Service(EPS)
Two new videos have been added to the NHS Connecting for Health website to assist GP practice staff prepare for going live with EPS. Jan Norgate, Practice Manager and Dr Nick Morley-Smithdiscuss their top tips, experiences and share their perspective on how the system is helping them and their colleagues provide a better service to patients. Visit the media and videos page.
In the news this week
22 November 2012 Barnsley Council hooks into PDS
Barnsley Council and Liquidlogic, a McKesson company, have achieved integration of NHS and social care records using the Personal Demographics Service. E-health Insider
22 November 2012 Study backs up-to-date support
A study has shown that clinical decision support can help clinicians to make quicker diagnoses and give patients more accurate treatment. E-health Insider
21 November 2012 Microsoft launches Identity Agent
Microsoft has launched software to enable NHS staff using modern versions of its Windows operating system to connect to the NHS Spine using NHS smartcards. E-health Insider
20 November 2012 North East Lincolnshire uses TPP social care
North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus is the first organisation to go-live with TPP's new social care module. E-health Insider
20 November 2012 Lancashire NHS trust trials authentication system
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust is evaluating new software used to authenticate NHS employees when accessing key infrastructure. Government Computing
20 November 2012 ICO produces anonymised data code of practice
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has published its Data Protection code of practice on managing the risks related to anonymisation. The code explains how to protect the privacy rights of individuals while providing rich sources of data. Government Computing
20 November 2012 NHS Trust deploys app for emergency response staff
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust (BHRUT) has deployed the Responder Smartphone application as part of an upgrade of its emergency response facilities. Government Computing
19 November 2012 Oxfordshire uses EDT hub for 111
NHS Oxfordshire is using PCTI’s electronic document transfer hub to deliver 111 messages to GP practices. E-health Insider
19 November 2012 NHS anticipates move to G-Cloud for secure email services
The NHS Commissioning Board is looking to use multiple secure email providers via the government’s G-Cloud framework. Computer Weekly
We welcome any comments about this bulletin or ideas for future development. If there is anyone who you would like to be included in this or any future bulletin, please letusknow.
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