Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber
Healthcare Science Group
Life Sciences
5th June 2013
Room 1, Blenheim House, Leeds
Attendees: Joanna Andrew (York), Maria Pendlebury (Leeds), Richard Cartwright (NLAG), Elizabeth Sim (Barnsley), Robert Hill (Sheffield Teaching Hospital), Gillian Jaggar (University of Bradford), Jean Wardall (Doncaster & Bassetlaw), Anne Dalton (SCH), Mike Bosomworth-Chair (Leeds), Alison Sampson (HEYH), Sally Drew (HEYH)
Action/Notes1. / Welcome and introductions / Apologies: Paul Roberts, Ian Hanning, Steve Goodall
2. / Notes from April/Review of Action Points / All minutes agreed.
AS reported that EIB had not be held.
GJ confirmed that for the 2013 PTP intake she will sent out interview dates (nearer the time) inviting Trusts to attend if they which to be involved, as per the suggestion at the last meeting.
MB reported that he has still to write to the Academy and HPC as Chair of the group expressing concerns regarding registration of the current workforce. MB to action. AD reported that she has recently met with the Academy on this matter and reports some movement. Stated that IBMS ae becoming more positive about the proposed registration route by the Academy.
AD reported that point 6 of the April notes should reflect lack of engagement by the Consultant workforce in STP, as well as the HSST programme.
3. / Strategic Priorities and Terms of Reference / AS confirmed that the Terms of Reference would be reworded to reflect the previous suggestions by the group that the meetings should be more workforce planning based. SD to reword and to send out to the 3 HCS division groups for feedback.
4. / MSC Update / IMBS are reported to be working with Shirley Fletcher (National lead on CF2-4) on the next steps for CF2-4.
Regionally good interested reported in the Apprenticeship Pilot. HEYH are currently discussing next steps.
Funding guide is yet to be made available. AS reported that she is hopeful that £1000 has been secured for each year to support PTP students. SD to forward on link once available.
AS confirmed that funding is paid directly to the Universities to manage it as they see fit. GJ stressed that as present funding support is not ‘means tested’.AS to discuss further with finance team.
AS confirmed that all funding support for students on old schemes will remain the same.
SD reported that an email will shortly be sent out requesting ‘expression of interest’ in the 2014 STP. All are advised to read the regional document which confirms responsibly and timescales.
5. / Workforce Plan 2013/14 / Update on next round of the Workforce Planning cycle provided by the WF Team (previously known as Schedule 3). All attendees advised to liaise with HR and copy AS and SD into response that is sent from departments to HR. SD to forward on copy of email to Trusts for information.
AS and SD to compare WF returns from departments with those received by the WF Team.
Workforce Team confirmed the following:
Trusts are legally obligated to complete due to being signed up to the LDA.
For interested HEIs the information gained from the return can be shared via the Education Managers.
Summary of returns can be expected after Sept.
HSST will need to be included in 2014 returns.
AS keen that group could collaborate on potential risks in section 3 to give ‘weight’ to their significance.
AS reported that she is still keen to get the hisopathology workforce paper to LETB.MB to reword and circulate to the group for comment.
6. / AOB / SD asked for agenda items for the Joint HCS Group meeting that will take place 3rd December. Group to send ideas to SD.
AS reported that a suggestion has been made by the Medical Physics group that David Brettle (Member of the Themed Board) provided the region with an update on the work of the Themed Boards. SD to invite Themed Board representatives from Physiological Sciences and Life Sciences
Suggestion made by GJ that a PTP student is invited to present to the meeting on their experiences of the PTP programme. SD to liaise with GJ.
RH asked for items to take to the Partnership Council.
NEXT MEETING:WEDNESDAY 14TH August: 10am-12noon.