Health Education England, KSS GP School
Process for applying for approval for an overlap of GP Traineesconcurrently (training ‘overlap’)
It has been normal in the past for GP Trainers to have only one GP trainee in their practice at any one time, and indeed this is still desirable today, for a number of reasons. However, HEE KSS and the GP School recognises that with the increased period of time training in General Practice in the ST1 and ST2 years and the increased number of trainees undertaking LTFT training that GP Trainers may need to have an overlap of trainees to support capacity requirements.
GP Trainers wishing to have approval for training two GP trainees concurrently should follow these instructions:
- All GP trainees in Practice must have a nominated (GMC approved) GP Trainer, who will take full responsibility for the educational supervision of that doctor
- No GP Trainer can take more than two GP trainees at any one time. Approval will be considered for a training overlapprovided that there are the resources and capacity within the practice to do this
- Normally, an overlap of up to 2 weeks will not need approval, as this period of overlap is sometimes necessary in general practice to cover different end and start dates
- GP Trainers who need to organise an overlap of trainees for longer than 2 weeks should contact the Patch Associate Dean directly to first discuss their request with them and then if this is considered appropriate, complete the application form
- GP Trainers applying for this will need to ensure that the GP trainees can be accommodated appropriately for the clinical sessions, and that appropriate teaching and educational supervision will be delivered. They should submit a timetable with the application demonstrating how this will occur, particularly if the practice is hosting any other learners (e.g. FY2 doctors) at that time
- PADs will report approved overlaps on a monthly basis to the GP Ops meeting, allowing for discussion of any exceptional cases, (forms will be filed in the trainer file held by the Q&R team)
The maximum time that will be agreed for any overlap will normally be 6 months. Should a period of longer than this be required, then the specific circumstances of this will need to be approved by the Head of GP School.
Where an overlap is approved the Trainer should complete the Trainer SLA and the Trainers Grant claim form.
Updated October 2016
Name of Trainer applyingName and Address of Practice
a) Name of first GP trainee:
GMC No: ………………………………
Training year: ST1, ST2, ST3
Please circle/delete as appropriate
Trainee employed by Acute Trust? Yes/No / Intended training period
From: __/__/____ / To: __/__/____
b) Name of second GP trainee to overlap with:
GMC No: ………………………………
Training year: ST1, ST2, ST3
Please circle/delete as appropriate
Trainee employed by Acute Trust? Yes/No / Intended training period
From: __/__/____ / To: __/__/____
Total time of overlap period of GP trainees (in months)?
Names of other GP trainers in Practice?
Give details of any other learners, who will be in the practice during the overlap period and who will be supervising them:
Please briefly describe how the GP trainees will be accommodated for their clinical sessions.
Please briefly describe how the educational supervision will be carried out, with particular reference to the assessments for MRCGP.
Please describe how the Clinical Supervision will be carried out, and how those members of the team undertaking this have been informed and briefed for their role.
Name of applying Trainer:…………………………………………………………
Signature of applying Trainer:…………………………………………. Date:……………….
☐ I attach a timetable showing how the educational and clinical sessions will be delivered.
PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO yourPatch Associate GP Dean, by email:
East Kent
Kim Stillman / / West Kent
Debbie Taylor /
East Surrey
Cathy O’Leary / Catherine.O' / West Surrey
Tariq Hussain /
East Sussex
Mary-Rose Shears / / West Sussex
Liz Norris /
I have checked this application and am happy to support and monitor this overlap.
Confirmed by Patch Associate Dean: Yes / No
Signed: ………………………………………………. Date: ……………….
Confirmed by Head of School (if over 6 months): Yes / No
Signed: ………………………………………………. Date: ……………….
Once approval has been given the Trainer should complete the Trainer SLA & the Trainer Grant Claim form which is available on the web site:
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