Health Class Syllabus
Welcome to Mr. Spina’s Health Class at BellevilleHigh School. The keys to being successful are hard work, dedication, and responsibility. Our main focus this semester is teaching you how to maintain your personal health and well being. We will begin our semester studying the human body and its major components. We will then learn how the body responds to external factors such as physical activity, stress, substance abuse, diet and nutrition, as well as internal factors such as genetics and aging. We will also examine emotional health and the keys to forming intra and interpersonal relationships. Finally, we will cover the human reproductive cycle and topics such as abstinence, safe sex, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. This document will list all of the important topics, grading policies, course materials, and any other information related to this course.
Instructor Information:
John Spina, BellevilleHigh School Graduate, Physical Education Teacher, and Head Girls Volleyball Coach. Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science and Sport Studies from RutgersUniversity (2000) and Masters Degree in Physical Education from MontclairStateUniversity (2004).
Required Course Materials:
2 Subject Notebook or loose leaf paper with a 1” binder.
3 Ring Binder (minimum 1 inch)
Pen or Pencil for note taking
Email Address
80% - Tests, Quizzes, Notebook
10% Homework
Points may be made up with teacher permission, and will be done at the teacher’s convenience. Any missed assignments due to illness must be made up immediately upon return.
Email is the best way to get a quick response to any questions you may have.
Course Syllabus
Unit 1-
Health Intro and Health Risk Behaviors (6 Components of Health)
- Students will be given important class documents, reading lists, and expectations.
- Goals will be set based on baseline quizzing and classroom guidelines and procedures.
Unit 2 – Life Skills and Goal Setting
- 10 life skills
- GREAT decision Making Model
- Peer Pressure
- Setting Healthy Goals
Unit 3 – Self Esteem and Mental Health
- Self esteem
- Communication
- Mental and emotional health
- Mental disorders
Unit 4 – Managing Stress and Coping with Loss
- Life change stressors
- Dealing with stress
- Coping with loss
- Suicide prevention
Unit 5 – Preventing Violence and Abuse
- Conflict resolution
- Preventing abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Communication skills
Unit 6 – Fitness For Life
- Weight Training
- Cardiovascular Exercise
- Flexibility
- Relaxation Techniques
- Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercises
- Sport Specific Questions
Unit 7 Nutrition for Life
- Carbohydrates, fat , proteins
- Vitamins, Minerals, Water
- Meeting your nutritional needs
- Choosing a healthful diet
Unit 8 – Weight Management and Eating Behaviors
- Food and your body weight
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Eating disorders
- Preventing food related illness
Unit 9- Understanding Drugs and Medicines
- Drugs
- Drugs and Medicines
- Drugs and the brain
Unit 10 – Alcohol
- The effects of alcohol on the body, brain, family.
Unit 11 – Tobacco
- The effects of tobacco on the body, brain, family.