The Aconbury Centre
Autumn TermNewsletter 2016
We are sad to have said‘goodbye’ to our outstanding Art and PSHE teacher, Ms Salisbury. Ms Salisbury has worked within the service for 29 years! I am sure you will join me in wishing Ms Salisbury a happy retirement. Miss Snowzell has now joined the team and will continue the excellent work carried out by Ms Salisbury.
Also, we have said‘goodbye’ to Ms Alderdice who was covering Mr Warley teaching Humanities. Ms Alderdice has been a valued member of team and we wish her the best for the future.
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Dixon has returned to work and will resume her role as Head of Centre.
Themes and Values
Our themes for the autumn term are:
- Respect
- Trust
- Perseverance
Curriculum visit to S&A Produce (UK) Ltd.
On July 19th some of our year 8 and 9 students ventured out to Marden in the minibus to visit Brook Farm.
We had a very interesting morning being shown around the workers’ accommodation before moving into the fields to see where the strawberries are grown and picked.
It was a very hot day and under the polytunnels, used to grow the fruit, it was even hotter! We were able to sample a few varieties and learnt how the plants are grown and looked after. We had not realised the science used and how other countries are involved in the process. We saw boxes of bees that had been imported from Belgium especially to pollinate the plants.
We then moved into the packing plant. Luckily no cameras were allowed in this area as we had to wear hairnets, coats and high visibility jackets!
From being wilting in the sun, we were soon freezing in the cold rooms and enormous room size fridges. We learnt that blueberries need to be kept colder than strawberries.
We were able to see the entire process; from being picked to being in punnets ready for the lorries. The company has a huge workforce and only close on Christmas day. The machinery involved was very impressive; special machines are able to sort out the soft fruits and separate the good from the bad.
It was a very informative visit and we came away with a box full of punnets of strawberries.
We would like to say a huge thank you to S&A Produce (UK) Ltd, and the many staff who gave up their time to take us around and tell us all we wanted to know.
Students have been working on a project to design and make their own unique glove puppets. They have learnt about how designers work with Design Briefs and Design Specifications. They have drafted their own patterns and hand sewn the puppets together.
The results are fabulous:
Reward Trip – Go Karting
Students from years 8 and 9 who achieved above 75% for positive behaviour and attendance chose to go on a go-karting trip at Hereford Raceway. The students enjoyed the experience and all improved their times the second time around the circuit. Our students were a credit to the school both on the journey to and from the course and whilst they were there. They were a pleasure to take out for the day. All reported having a brilliant time.
Poetry Book: Student authors!
A collection of the student’s work has now been collated into a book after a series of poetry workshops with Joelle Taylor earlier in the year. Each student who contributed to the anthology was given their own copy of the book to take home. Both the sessions and the printing of the book were made possible through funding from The Ledbury Poetry Festival, who have been working with the school for a number of years. The book is a beautiful keepsake from the student’s time at Aconbury and they should be very proud of this achievement.
British ‘ness’ Day
Students enjoyed a 4 week program exploring all things British which culminated in a ‘wear something red, white or blue day’. The day culminated with a fish and chip lunch provided by the local fish and chip shop.
Fish and chips for dinner anyone?
Year 9 Leavers
We have said a sad ‘goodbye and good luck’ to the Year 9 leavers who have now moved on to St David’s.
We wish Martin, Eden, Courtney, Ruby, Shannon, Jess and Amy every success for the future. A goodbye BBQ was held on their last day. Mr Warley was in charge of the cooking and Doug (our regular taxi driver) stood in as photographer.
Students have started the term looking very smart for the new school year. Thank you to our parents and carers for your part in this.
The Centre can be chilly in the mornings and it is a good idea for students to bring a plain school jumper to wear. We have a few warm fleeces for emergency use.
If you wish to purchase a black fleece (£12.00) or plain polos (white or blue £5.00) please contact the office. They wash brilliantly and are excellent quality.
Term dates
Included with this newsletter you’ll find:
- 2016-2017 term dates
- Information about keeping us informed of student absence.
- Information about our new Attendance Reward System.
The Aconbury Centre
TEL: 01432 341 096 | FAX: 01432 355 387 | EMAIL:
08th September 2016
Dear Parents/Carers,
To encourage our students to attend regularly and on time we are offering students the opportunity to be awarded prizes for good attendance.
- When a student attends schoolon time for the whole week they will be gain 10 attendance points.
- When a student achieves 40 attendance points they will be awarded a £5 voucher.
- To promote a savings culture, students will be able to ‘bank’ their £5 and wait to spend their money until they have a greater amount in their Aconbury account.
Students will always order the prize with a member of staff present and all gifts will have to be deemed ‘appropriate’ by the Head of Centre.
Yours sincerely
Mr Matthew Warley
Assistant Head of Centre