October 21,2015
This regular meeting of the Bath Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Mr. Pitstick. Other township personnel in attendance wereMistersRoss, Heizer, Burchett, and Miller, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Brown.Mr. Ross made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 7thmeeting; seconded by Mr. Pitstick. Roll call: two ayes, no nays, motion carried. Mr. Rossmade a motion to approve the payment of bills totaling $66,971.30; seconded by Mr. Pitstick. Roll call: twoayes, no nays, motion carried. This total included $24,672.13 for the compact track loader 323E---net price $52,172.13 less $27,500 trade-in for old backhoe.
OLD BUSINESS:Mrs. Brown, Fiscal Officer, reported that Marc Smith had returned the signed agreement for the turn-around pad and a check was issued to him for the additional cost for commercial grade concrete.
STAFF REPORTS: Mr. Heizer, Road Supervisor, reported that the ONYX Mastic Surface Treatment has been applied to Stonemont Court and the roads in Country Club Village and it looks good. He received a quote from Strawser to treat the walking path in the park next summer for $4,611. We would need to remove grass/weeds from any cracks andthe park would be closed for a day or two. Mr. Heizer noted that the handicap parking spaces have been painted to proper specifications. Mr. Heizer reported that he and Mr. Pitstick had talked with Josh Wallace at the County Engineer’s meeting about State Route 235 at Byron Road. Mr. Pitstick reported that ODOT would like for Cemex to move the fence on the southwest corner and in return ODOT would keep it mowed. This would provide a longer line of sight for vehicles approaching the intersection.Mr. Pitstick said he would discuss this with Cemex.The turn lane on Bath Road at State Route 4 is still on ODOT’s agenda, probably next year. Mr. Heizer reported that the road departments in the county are meeting Friday at Xenia Township. There will be a guest speaker, a CPR demonstration, and vendors. They hope to reestablish this as an annual event. Mr. Heizer also noted that on Monday Bob Geyer, Greene County Engineer, had posted an online“forsale” notice for our 1995 International truck to Ohio County Engineers and our local townships. Mr. Heizer received an inquiry this morning. Mr. Pitstick spoke of the success that Mr. Geyer had selling four of his old trucks. Mr. Pitstick noted that he was impressed with the mastic application as well. There was a brief discussion about the originalinstallation and maintenance of the walking path.
Mrs. Phillips, Cemetery Supervisor, reported that the TruGreen fall application to the cemetery grounds has been done. The concrete for the wash pad has been poured. There is still some asphalt patching needed around it. The last of the footers for the season have been poured.
Mr. Miller, Zoning Inspector, reported on a preliminary inquiry about zoning of the parcels next to Eco-Green Recycling. The parcels are currently zoned agriculture. They would need to be rezoned to business. Lot size and road frontage requirements are met. Mr. Miller thought that the entrance drive at the existing traffic signal might increase safety, but adjustment to the light cycle would need to be agreed upon by the parties involved.
NEW BUSINESS:Mr. Ross made a motion to approve the following appropriations: Resolution 36-2015—in the Permissive Motor Vehicle License Fund-Rents & Leases,$3600 (for the Smith-Lieberman Pine Hill Road turn-around pad); Resolution 37-2015—in the Cemetery Fund-Motor Vehicles, $28,500 (for the F350 dump body), $2,000 for Improvement of Sites (concrete wash pad and landscaping), and $2,000 for Operating Supplies-Footers; and Resolution 38-2015 for 2016 Freightliner—in the General Fund-Motor Vehicles, $18,310 and a Permanent Appropriation in the Capital Projects-Dump Truck 2017—Motor Vehicles, $118,750.00. Mr. Pitstick seconded the motion. Roll call: two ayes, no nays, motion carried.
Mr. Ross made a motion to reallocate $1,900 in the Cemetery Fund to Operating Supplies from Machinery, Equipment, Furniture; seconded by Mr. Pitstick. Roll call: two ayes, no nays, motion carried.
- Frank Harmon, Ohio Insurance Services: email and letter about the Ohio Public Entity Consortium-Healthcare Cooperative January 1, 2016 renewal. Based on poor claim performance in June, July and August, OPEC is expecting a $6-7 million deficit by year end. There are 160 groups in OPEC-HC. The deficit recovery is being built into the monthly premium. The trend in healthcare is averaging about 12%. Taking into account the deficit, our renewal is 25%. There are three options with increasing deductibles available.
Mr. Pitstick recognized Joe and Mary Batman, 935 N. Enon Road. He then called on Mr. David Anderson, 3600 S. Byron Road, who had a question about restoration work done at Byron Cemetery that was mentioned at the October 7th meeting. Mr. Pitstick explained that this was the work done to the monuments in the old section. Mr. Anderson then asked if it wasn’t proper to put a scrap metal value on the old cemetery pickup truck that is now at the road department and have the road department compensate the cemetery. Mr. Pitstick explained that the pickup had been purchased with General Fund monies and that Cemetery funds were not used for the purchase.
Mr. Ross noted that he would like to present TIF 5 before the end of the year. This is the final TIF and covers the area west of the railroad and Route 4. He reported that there are school meetings coming up. The School Board is looking for a building site either inside or outside the City of Fairborn.
Noting that he had attended the meeting with Mr. Heizer, Mr. Pitstick stated his appreciation for County Engineer Geyer’s setting up the meeting with Josh Wallace, ODOT Greene County Superintendent. Although new to the job, Mr. Wallace was aware of the SR 235-Byron Road intersection problem. Mr. Pitstick would like to have him over for a brain-storming session on what can be done. Mr. Heizer thought the asphalt fix at the northwest corner had helped. Mr. Pitstick noted that the Fairborn police are ticketing commercial semis for improper use of Byron Road. Mr. Miller explained that city police can ticket on roads adjoining a city.
Mr. Miller and the Board discussed what to do about the house at 4953 Bath Road.Mr. Miller reported that he had inspected it several weeks ago and noted that more of the ceiling has collapsed. He disagrees with the Health Department’s position that it is still a solid structure and doesn’t qualify for demolition although there are no funds available for demolition anyway. Apparently the Health Department needs the owner’s social security number in order to issue a citation. Mr. Pitstick will bring this issue to the attention of Representative Perales.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Elaine M. Brown, Fiscal OfficerTom Pitstick, Vice Chairman