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Congratulations on taking the first step to creating a health and wellbeing program tailored to your workplace. Consultation is vital to ensuring you create a program that is relevant to your staff, which means you’re more likely to see success and create positive behaviour change in your workplace.

Please find on the following pages consultation questions you can distribute to your employees, which will help you to develop a workplace health and wellbeing action plan. Feel free to add in any other questions you feel are important for your workplace. Refer to our Consultation Fact Sheet for guidance on how to distribute this survey effectively. For an online version, which can be distributed via email, please contact Healthier Workplace WA.

It is important to include a summary of why you are asking survey questions, as this will give context to staff members and promote a higher response rate. It is vital that you ensure staff are informed that their answers are completely anonymous and are reassured that the survey is in no way connected to employee performance management.

Healthier Workplace WA encourages you to promote the survey prior to distribution. This allows employees the opportunity to ask questions and for you to put to rest any concerns they may have. Having a promotional lead up time to the survey will allow employees time to feel comfortable with providing responses, which can promote a higher response rate.

It’s important to manage the expectations of staff, therefore you need to ensure staff are aware that not all requests will be able to be implemented. Reassure staff that the program is a long-term priority and that their requests, although may not be implemented immediately, may be considered in the future.

Below is an example of what can be included with the survey for employees to read.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this health and wellbeing survey.

[Insert company name] takes the health and wellbeing of its staff members seriously and are keen to develop a program that will make a real, positive difference. Your responses to these questions will allow [insert company name] to create a health and wellbeing program that is relevant to you.

Please answer all questions honestly. This survey is completely anonymous and is in no way connected to employee performance. If you have any concerns regarding this survey, please speak with [insert coordinator’s name and contact details].

Although we appreciate all feedback and will take all answers into consideration, we may not be able to deliver on all requests. However, some items may be considered again in the future.

Once responses have been collected, you can either create your own database to collate them or you can use the one we have created. Keep the collated responses on file so that when you repeat the survey as part of your evaluation, you can compare your results and see if the program has had the desired impact.

If you have any questions about this survey or staff consultation, contact Healthier Workplace WA by email or by calling 1300 550 271.

Date: ______

Thank you for taking part! Please answer all of the questions below as honestly as possible. Remember, all answers are completely anonymous.


1.  Which category best describes you?

/ I smoke regularly with no intention to stop
/ I smoke regularly but plan to stop
/ I smoke occasionally with no intention to stop
/ I smoke occasionally but plan to stop
/ I don’t smoke now
/ I’ve never smoked

Eating and Drinking

1.  How many serves of fruit do you need to eat each day for good health?

One serve of fruit equals:
- One medium piece (e.g. a medium apple, banana or orange)
- Two small pieces of fresh fruit (e.g. two kiwis, plums or mandarins)
- One cup of chopped or canned fruit

/ Less than 1 serve per day
/ 1 serve per day
/ 2 serves per day
/ 3 or more serves per day

2.  How many serves of vegetables do you need to eat each day for good health?

One serve of vegetables equals:

-  ½ cup cooked vegetables

-  1 cup raw / salad vegetables

/ Less than 1 serve per day
/ 1 serve per day
/ 2 serves per day
/ 3 serves per day
/ 4 serves per day
/ 5 or more serves per day

3.  Which category best describes you?

/ Overall, my diet is not healthy and I do not intend to eat healthier in the next 6 months
/ Overall, my diet is not healthy, but I am thinking about starting to eat healthier in the next 6 months
/ Overall, my diet is healthy, but not regularly
/ Overall, my diet is healthy regularly, but it has only become so within the last 6 months
/ Overall, my diet is healthy regularly, and has been so for longer than 6 months

4.  How many serves of fruit do you usually eat per day?

One serve of fruit equals:

One medium piece (e.g. a medium apple, banana or orange)

Two small pieces of fresh fruit (e.g. two kiwis, plums or mandarins)

-  One cup of chopped or canned fruit

/ Less than 1 serve per day
/ 1 serve per day
/ 2 serves per day
/ 3 or more serves per day

5.  How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat per day?

One serve of vegetables equals:

-  ½ cup cooked vegetables

-  1 cup raw / salad vegetables

/ Less than 1 serve per day
/ 1 serve per day
/ 2 serves per day
/ 3 serves per day
/ 4 serves per day
/ 5 or more serves per day


1.  How many standard drinks of alcohol on any one day will increase your lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury?

A standard drink is equal to:

-  30 mL (a nip) of spirits

-  100 mL of wine

A can or stubbie (375 mL) of mid-strength beer

/ 2 or more
/ 3 or more
/ 4 or more
/ 5 or more

2.  How many standard drinks of alcohol on any one day will increase your risk of alcohol-related injury arising from that single occasion?

A standard drink is equal to:

-  30 mL (a nip) of spirits

-  100 mL of wine

A can or stubbie (375 mL) of mid-strength beer

/ None
/ 2 or more
/ 3 or more
/ 4 or more
/ 5 or more
/ 6 or more

3.  Which category best describes you?

/ Overall, my alcohol consumption is not healthy, and I do not intend to drink less alcohol in the next 6 months
/ Overall, my alcohol consumption is not healthy, but I am thinking about starting to drink less alcohol in the next 6 months
/ Overall, my levels of alcohol consumption are healthy, but occasionally I drink too much
/ Overall, my levels of alcohol consumption are healthy, but it has only become so within the last 6 months
/ Overall, my levels of alcohol consumption are healthy, and this has been so for longer than 6 months

4.  How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

/ Never
/ Monthly or less
/ Monthly
/ Weekly
/ Daily or almost daily

5.  How many standard drinks do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

A standard drink is equal to:

-  30 mL (a nip) of spirits

-  100 mL of wine

A can or stubbie (375 mL) of mid-strength beer

/ 1 to 2
/ 3 to 4
/ 5 to 6
/ 7 to 8
/ 9 to 10
/ More than 10

Physical activity

1.  What is the minimum amount of moderate intensity physical activity that you need to achieve on at least 5 days per week for good health?

Moderate intensity exercise will cause a slight but noticeable increase in your breathing and heart rate

/ None
/ At least 15 minutes per day
/ At least 30 minutes per day
/ At least 30 to 60 minutes per day

2.  How many times a week do you need to do muscle strengthening activities for good health?

/ None
/ At least 1 day
/ At least 2 days
/ At least 3 days

3.  Prolonged, undisturbed sitting time is bad for your health.

/ True
/ False

4.  Which category best describes you?

/ Overall, I am not physically active and I do not intend to be more physically active in the next 6 months
/ Overall, I am not physically active, but I am thinking about starting to be more physically active in the next 6 months
/ Overall, I am physically active, but not regularly
/ Overall, I am physically active regularly, but I have only become so within the last 6 months
/ Overall, I am physically active regularly, and have been so for longer than 6 months

5.  On how many days during the last week did you exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes?

/ None
/ 1
/ 2
/ 3
/ 4
/ 5
/ 6
/ 7

6.  Which best describes your sedentary time throughout the working day?

/ I spend most of the day sitting
/ I spend most of the day sitting, but regularly interrupt my sitting (for at least 2 – 4 minutes/hour)
/ I spend most of the day standing


1.  What strategies would you like to see implemented in the workplace health and wellbeing program? (include policies, facilities, education, activities)

2.  What would assist you to make healthier choices at work?

3.  What is currently supporting you to be healthy at work?

4.  Are there anything stopping you or making it hard for you to be healthy at work?

5.  Do you think there are adequate facilities to support you to be healthy at work? If no, what could be improved?

6.  What would encourage you to participate in a workplace health and wellbeing program?