


fufonk nLrkost@ TENDER DOCUMENT

fo|ky; Hkou] lEifr ,oa ifjlj dh lqj{kk O;oLFkk gsrq






fufonk nLrkost dh lkekxzh


dz0 la0 SL. NO. / ladfyr Lkkekxzh dk fooj.k
01 / fufonk lwpuk/ Tender Notice
02 / fufonkvksa dh fcdzh ,oa tek djus dh izfdz;k@Sale & submission of Tender Documents
03 / dk;Z {+ks= ,oa fufonkdkj gsrq lkekU; funsZ’k / Scope of work and general instruction for tenderer
04 / fu;e ,oa ‘krsZa/Terms & Conditions
05 / n.M dk izko/kku / Penalty Clause
06 / rduhdh cksyh gsrq ;ksX;rk dk ekin.M/ Technical Bid qualification criteria
07 / rduhdh cksyh gsrq izi= / Performa for Technical Bid
08 / vuqyXud dzekad & I ls IV rd / Annexure I to IV
09 / foRrh; cksyh gsrq izi= / Performa for Financial Bid
10 / Bsds ls iwoZ bZekunkjh le>kSrk / Pre-Contract Integrity Pact
11 / rduhdh fufonk gsrq tk¡p lwph @ CHECK LIST FOR TECH. BID




1. ‘lqj{kk ,oa fuxjkuh lsok’gsrq fufonk lwpuk /

dsUnzh; fo|ky;,अपर कैंप, nsgjknwu gsrq izfrf”Br, vuqHkoh ,oa vkfFkZd :i ls lEiUu ,oa deZpkjh jkT; chek fuxe(ESIC)] deZpkjh Hkfo”; fuf/k laxBu(EPFO) ,oa lsok&dj(SERVICE TAX) ls lEcfU/kr foHkkxksa esa iathd`r ,tsafl;ksa ls pkSchlksa ?k.Vs (24 x 7) “lqj{kk ,oa fuxjkuh lsok iznku djus gsrq” f}s-cksyh iz.kkyh (Hkkx-1 : rduhdh-cksyh ,oa Hkkx-2 : foRrh;-cksyh) ds vUrZxr lhycUn fufonk,a vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA Bsds dh vof/k ,d o”kZ dh gksxh ftls Bsdsnkj }kjk mDr o”kZ ds nkSjku iznRr lsokvksa dh leh{kk ds mijkUr fo|ky;dh iz’kklfud lqfo/kk ,oa t:jrksa ds vk/kkj ij vxys ,d o”kZ gsrq c<k;k tk ldrk gSAlsokvksa dk Bsdk fnukad 01-08-2017 ls vkjEHk gksxkA

2.Bsdsnkj }kjk fo|ky; dh ifjlEifRr;ksa dh pkSchlksa ?k.Vs (24X7),oavodk’k ds fnuksa esa Hkh“lqj{kk ,oa fuxjkuh lsok iznku djus gsrq” U;wure~ 03 rhu lqj{kk xkMZ (iq:”k)fu;qDr djus gksaxs ftUgsa 8-8 ?k.Vs dh dk;kZof/k gsrq fu;qDr djuk gksxkतथा एक सुरक्षा xkMZकेवल कार्यदिवसस्कूल के समय में नियुक्त करना होगा|lqj{kk xkMZ ‘kkjhfjd ,oa ekufld :i ls cyoku gksus pkfg, ftudh mez 25 ls 55 o”kZ ds e/; gks A

3.bPNqd ,tsafl;ksa dks fnukad 17.07.2017ds vijkgzu 1200 cts rd fufonk fof/kor~ Hkjdj cSad }kjk fuxZr :0 5,000/- dh jkf’ks dkekax-i= @Demand Draft tks “dsUnzh; fo|ky;,अपर कैंप, nsgjknwu” ds i{k esa gks, dks fufonk ds TECHNICAL BIDds lkFk, fcuk C;kt ds okilh ;ksX; Earnest money Deposit (EMD) ds :i esa, tek djuk gksxkA fufonk,a dsoy iathd`r @ Rofjr Mkd }kjk tek djkbZ tk ldrh gSA fu/kkZfjr le; ,oa frfFk ds mijkUr fufonk,a Lohdkj ugha dh tk,axh A ftu ,tsafl;ksa dh fufonk Lohd`r ugh gksrh gS vFkok ftudh njsa ij fo|ky; izca/ku dk vuqeksnu ugha gksrk gS ml fLFkfr esalEcfU/kr ,tsalh dksaEarnest money Deposit (EMD) dh jkf’k fcuk C;kt ds Hkqxrku ds okil dh tk,xh A

4. izFke pj.k esa rduhdh cksyh @TECHNICAL BIDfnuakd 17.07.2017dks अपराहन1400cts lEcfU/kr ,tsafl;ksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa ds le{k, ;fn dksbZ mifLFkr gkss,fo|ky;esa [kksyh tk,axh A

इसके उपरांतf}rh; pj.k esa fnuakd 17.07.2017dkss dsoy mUgh ,tsafl;ksa ls lEcfU/kr foRrh; cksyh @FINANCIAL BID [kksyh tk,xh tks rduhdh cksyh @TECHNICAL BID esas ;ksX; ik;s x;s gksa A

5. fo|ky; izcU/ku vius ikl ;g vf/kdkj lqjf{kr j[krk gS fd os fdlh Hkh fufonk vFkok lHkh fufonkvksa dks fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk, jn~n dj ldrs gS ,oa fufonk nLrkost esa mfYyf[kr fu;eksa ,oa ‘krksZs esa la’kks/ku @ fujLr dj ldrs gSaA




SALE:FROM 01.07.2017 TO 15.07.2017 BETWEEN 1000 HRS TO 1200 HRS ON



  • The Tender Form can be obtained from the office of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Uppert Camp, Dehradun on any working day from 01.07.2017to 15.07.2017 between 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs on payment of Rs500 (Cost of Tender form: Rs 500/- ) by Demand Draft/ Pay Order drawn in favour of “Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun” payable at Dehradun OR on payment of Cash.
  • In case the Tender Form is downloaded from the website of Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun, the Demand Draft/ Pay Order of `. 500/- Rs five hundred only) in favour of “Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun” payable at Dehradun be sent separately alongwith the TECHNICAL BID of Tender Form, failing which the tender of the concerned Agency will be rejected OR deposited in cash in the Vidyalaya
  • The tender shall be accepted under TWO BID SYSTEM. The interestedService Providers are advised to submit Technical & Financial bids in two separate sealed envelopes superscribing as :-(1) "TECHNICAL BID FOR PROVIDING WATCH & WARD SERVICES and, (2) "FINANCIAL BID FOR PROVIDING WATCH & WARD SERVICES” to Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun respectively. Both sealed envelopes should be kept in a third bigger sealed envelope superscribing "TENDER FOR PROVIDING “WATCH & WARD SERVICES”and be sent through REGD. POST/ SPEED POST to Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun.
  • An Earnest Money of Rs. 5,000/- only (Rs. Five thousand only) per tender shall have to be deposited by the Agency by way of DEMAND DRAFT favouring “Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun” alongwith the TECHNICAL BID.
  • The tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) duly completed in all respect may be submitted in the Vidyalaya on any working day between 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs on or before 17.07.2017through Registered Post/Speed Post only.



3. dk;Z {+ks= ,oa fufonkdkj gsrq lkekU; funsZ’k

1. Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradunrequires the services ofreputed, well established and financially sound Watch & Ward service providers(hereinafter referred to as "Service Providers " ) to provide watch & ward service for the Vidyalaya.

2. The number of Securityin school time Guards to be deployed by the Agency shall be 03+01(only on working days ). They shall be put on duty in such a way that 01 (one) security Guard should be on duty during working hours of Vidyalaya and other 03 (three) Security Guards for remaining period one by one.

3.The contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of letter awarding the contract, which can be extended for such period notexceeding one more year as may be decided by the Vidyalaya authority,after review of performance of the service provider.,

4. The tender shall be accepted under Two Bid System. The interestedService Providers are advised to submit Technical & Financial bids in two separate sealed envelopes superscribing "TECHNICAL BID FOR PROVIDING WATCH & WARD SERVICES to Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun and, "FINANCIAL BID FOR PROVIDING WATCH & WARD SERVICES to Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun"respectively. Both sealed envelopes should be kept in a third biggersealed envelope superscribing "TENDER FOR PROVIDING WATCH & WARD SERVICES to Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun".

5. TECHNICAL BID of the service providers mustnecessarily be accompanied with Earnest Money of Rs 5,000/-(Rupees Five thousand only), refundable (without interest),in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order drawn in favour of ‘Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun’ failing which thetender shall be rejected summarily. ,

6. The rates of contract awarded would be subject to review on revision of rates of WAGES ONLY by the appropriate authority after the award of the contract.

7. The successful tenderer will have to deposit Performance Security Deposit (SD) of 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand only) in the form of an Accountpayee Demand Draft. The performance security shouldremain valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days beyond the date of cessationof the contract for initial one year and completion of all contractualobligations of the bidder including warranty obligations. In case, thecontract is further extended beyond the initial period, the performancesecurity will have to be accordingly renewed by the successful tenderer.

8. Conditional bids shall not be considered and will beout rightly rejected.

9. All entries in the tender form should be legible and filled clearly. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. No overwriting or cutting is permitted in the Financial Bid Form. In no case shouldthere be any change in the format of the financial bid. In such cases, the tender shall be summarily rejected. However, the cuttings, if any, in the Technical Bid Application, the same must be attested by the person authorized to sign the tender bids.

10. In case of partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or general power of attorney duly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamped paper duly sworn or affirmed by all the partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney.

The attested copy of the CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION of firm should also be enclosed along with the tender alongwith the name of authorized partner to interact with Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun.

11. Each page of the tender document as well as annexure should be signed by the tenderer or by authorized signatories with seal of the firm.

12. The TECHNICAL BID shall be opened on the scheduled date and time at 1400 hrs on 20.07.2016, in the Vidyalaya in the presence of the representatives of the Agency / firm if any, who wish to be present at the time of opening the tender.

13. The FINANCIAL BID of only those tenderers will be opened who qualify in the technical bid. The financial bids will be opened followed by opening of technical bid on 20.07.2016 at Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun, in the presence of representatives of the Agency/firm, if any who have qualified in the Technical Bid.

14. The bidding firm has to give a self-certified certificate that it has not been blacklisted by any Central Government Department/ Autonomous Body/ PSUs/

Banks, etc. If it is subsequently found out that the bidding firm has given false information or facts or has suppressed facts or manipulated the documents, etc, the earnest money/ Security Deposit of the firm/ Agency will be forfeited and the bid/contract will be rejected/ cancelled.

15. No bidding firm will be allowed to withdraw its bids after technical bids have been opened. If any firm intends to withdraw after opening of technical bids, it’s Earnest Money (EMD) will be forfeited.

16. If after award of the contract, the successful bidder (L1) fails to providerequired number of Security men/ Security Guards, the contract is liable to be cancelledalongwith forfeiture of SECURITY DEPOSIT and other consequentialactions such as blacklisting, as deemed appropriate.

17. The lowest (L1) bidder will be decided on the basis of SERVICE CHARGESasdefined in the Financial Bid form.




4- fu;e ,oa ‘krsZa

1. The contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date ofawarding of the contract, which can be extended for such period as may be decided by the KV, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun authority, but not more than one year afterreview of performance.

2. The contract can be short closed on account of unsatisfactory servicesupon performance review by the Authority of KendriyaVidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun. The unsatisfactory service shall mean and includenon-compliance and non-fulfilment of any of the contractualobligations by the Service Provider and or poor performance andviolation of any of the terms and conditions of the tender/contract andfailure on its part to correct the discrepancies/shortcomings brought toits notice in writing by the authority of Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun.

3. By virtue of this agreement, no relationship will be created between theSecurity Guards and Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun/ KVS. It will be the sole responsibility of the ServiceProvider to pay salary and other perks to its Security Guards meeting all statutoryobligations and no complaints by any of its Security Guards in this regard will beentertained by the Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun / KVS.

4. The agreement can be terminated earlier by giving two month's writtennotice on Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun side and three months' notice on the side of Service Provider without assigning any reason and thedecision of the Vidyalaya authority shall be binding on the ServiceProvider. No claims for compensation of loss/revenues due to suchdecision shall be entertained.

  1. The Security Guards should be Male and between theage group of 25 yrs to 55 yrs. Theyshould be physically and mentally fit.

The Security Guards should be neatly dressed up with proper uniform and shoes.

6. The Contractor shall get the Security Personnel screened for visual, hearing and major physical defects and contagious diseases and will provide a certificate to this effect to the Vidyalaya. Only physically fit personnel shall be deployed for duty.

7. The Security Guards should be well versed with Hindi and should have educational qualification of minimum Class- VIII / MiddlePass.

8. The Security Guard deployed ON NIGHT DUTY should have Torch, Whistle, Lathi, Ballam, etc which will be provided by the Agency. The Security Guard who is deployed on night duty will have to carry a Ballam all the time with him and he shall blowthe whistle while moving around the campus and ring the school bell at hourly basis between 2200 hrs to 0500 hrs.

9. Labour Regulations: The Contractor shall comply with all Labour Laws and regulations in force. The contractor shall also abide by and comply with the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, Payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employees Liability Act 1938, Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Maternity Benefits Act 1961, Apprentices Act, 1961, EPF & MP Act, ESI Act or the modifications thereof or any other laws relating there to and the rules made there-under from time to time. The contractor is fully responsible to observe the above laws as amended from time to time in regard to his employees and compensation and other benefits/ risks in relation to employees to be engaged by him. The contractor shall maintain all the statutory registers, required under labour laws. The contractor shall also produce these records on demand by Principal, KV, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and Principal, KV, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun may at its discretion cancel the contract without prejudice to any other action under the law and contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the acts.

The Firm/Agency shall ensure that the wages to the SECURITY GUARDS will be paid by the Firm/Agency in accordance with the MINIMUM WAGES ACT in force at Dehradun (rates fixed by the Central Labour Commissioner office, Dehradun / State Labour Commissioner, whichever are higher) and other mandatory rules as in force. Further, the Firm/Agency shall also ensure that the contribution towards the EPF and ESI in respect of each worker is being remitted to the concerned authorities on time.

10.The said Firm/Agency will be solely responsible in regard to LEGAL OBLIGATIONS on Security Personnel employed by it and deployed in Kendriya Vidyalaya, UPPER CAMP, Dehradun.

11.Verification of CHARACTER AND ANTECEDENTSof the Security Personnel through POLICE is mandatory and shall be the responsibility of the Security Agency. A declaration on the printed letter-head of the firm, stating inter-alia thatthe Security Personnel provided are of good character, duly verified by the Police from security angle should be provided to the Vidyalaya immediately after award of Contract.

12. The Vidyalaya shall not provide any accommodation or living facilities to the Security Personnel. However, a Security Post is available at the main gate of Vidyalaya for day duty Security Guards.

13. The services shall be provided on 24x7 basis(round the clock) including Holidays.

14. The watch & ward duty shall cover over all the movable and immovable assets belonging to the Vidyalaya, staff and students within the Vidyalaya campus. The Agency shall be held responsible for any loss to the property belonging to the Vidyalaya, staff and students. Losses caused to the Vidyalaya due to negligence on the part of Security Personnel will be recovered from the Agency/Contractor.

15. Opening and closing of the offices, Class Rooms, Labs, etc on working days and proper locking after working hours and on holidays shall be the responsibility of the Security Guards and they shall ensure that all lights/ fans and other electrical equipments are switched off immediately after the students and staff have left. The Security Guard shall not leave the premises until his reliever reports for duty. The Security Guard shall have to maintain a register for visitors.

16. The Security Guards should also know the usage of various types of FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS.

17.The Security Personnel provided by the Service Provider should be well mannered,courteous and polite. The Security Personnel should not smoke or consume liquor while on duty and shouldnot play cards, etc. in the Vidyalaya.

18. During the period of leave of any of the Security Personnel, theService Provider shall deploy another Security Personnel with prior information to the Vidyalaya.

19. The Service Provider shall be responsible for complying with obligationsunder Service Tax, Income tax, ESI, PF, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)Act, Wages Act, Labour Laws, etc. The Service Provider shall be responsible for complying with obligations for damages to third party arising dueto accident, etc.

20. It will be the responsibility of the Service provider to comply with allstatutory obligations on his part arising out of this contract.

21. The payment to the Agency / Service Provider will be made against running bills on monthly basis subject to services being satisfactory. The monthly bill shall include Wages, EPF, ESI, Service Charges/Adm./ Supervisory charges. The attendance record, acquaintance, etc shall be required for processing of the payment. No payment shall be made in advance. The Service Provider shall submit the bill in the first week of following month in respect of previous month for sanction of the amount of bill and passing the bill for payment. All payments shall be made by cheque only.