Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007466142
Authors Foster J. Papadopoulos C. Dadzie L. Jayasinghe N.
(Foster, Dadzie, Jayasinghe) Archway, London, United Kingdom.
(Papadopoulos) MiddlesexUniversity, Enfield Campuses, London, United Kingdom.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
A review of the literature concerning illicit drugs, prescription drugs of abuse and their link to mental health in Greek communities.
Journal of Substance Use. 12(5)(pp 311-322), 2007. Date of Publication: Oct 2007.
In Greece, alcohol is considered to be an important part of their culture and binge-drinking behaviours are largely avoided. However, using other substances including illicit drugs is traditionally frowned upon. As part of our investigation into advancing our understanding of the meaning of substance use in native and migrant Greeks, we investigate prescription, over the counter and illicit drug use trends, and their link to mental health by synthesizing previous literature on this subject. A search of various research databases returned a total of 184 articles, of which 23 were used. A quality assurance element was also built into the review process. The review reveals that illicit drug use had increased three-fold since 1984, with cannabis being the most frequently used drug by all age groups and both sexes. However, compared with other western nations, the use of opiates and cocaine is still comparatively rare and largely confined to treatment populations. We postulate that despite strong cultural disapproval, use is likely to continue to increase, especially since adolescents believe that access to such drugs is becoming easier.
ISSN 1465-9891
Publication Type Journal: Review
Journal Name Journal of Substance Use
Volume 12
Issue Part 5
Page 311-322
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Oct 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007481193
Authors Srinivasan A.K. Kaye J.D. Moldwin R.
(Srinivasan) The Arthur Smith Institute of Urology, North Shore and Long Island Jewish Health System, 425 Lakeville Road, New York, NY 11040, United States.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Myofascial dysfunction associated with chronic pelvic floor pain: Management strategies.
Current Pain and Headache Reports. 11(5)(pp 359-364), 2007. Date of Publication: Oct 2007.
Myofascial pain as a cause of chronic pelvic pain with or without pelvic organ pathology is well-documented in the literature. Causes of this pain are multifactorial, including specific pelvic organ pathologies, neuromuscular disorders, and psychologic causes. Management of this myofascial component of chronic pelvic pain involves a multidisciplinary approach including physicians, physical therapists, neurologists, and psychiatrists. Treatment strategies, including behavioral management, medications, physical therapy, trigger point injections, neuromodulation, botulinum toxin injection, and other lesser known treatment modalities, are discussed in detail in this article. Copyright copyright 2007 by Current Medicine Group LLC.
ISSN 1531-3433
Publication Type Journal: Review
Journal Name Current Pain and Headache Reports
Volume 11
Issue Part 5
Page 359-364
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Oct 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007476552
Authors Michels I.I. Fang Y.-X. Zhao D. Zhao L.-Y. Lu L.
(Michels) Office of the Federal Drug Commissioner, Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin10117, Germany.
(Fang) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224, United States.
(Zhao, Zhao, Lu) National Institute on Drug Dependence, PekingUniversity, Beijing 100083, China.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Comparison of drug abuse in Germany and China.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 28(10)(pp 1505-1518), 2007. Date of Publication: Oct 2007.
Drug abuse has a long, but also different history in Germany and China. The Opium War largely influenced the history of China in 19th century; however, China was once recognized as a drug-free nation for 3 decades from the 1950s to the 1980s. Drug abuse has spread quickly since re-emerging as a national problem in China in the late 1980s. The number of registered drug abusers increased from 70 000 in 1990 to more than 1 million by the end of 2005. In past decades, illicit drug trafficking and production have swept most provinces in China, and drug abuse has caused many problems for both abusers and the community. One major drug-related problem is the spread of HIV, which has caused major social and economic damage in China. Germany, the largest developed European country, also faces the drug and addiction problem. Germany has about 150 000 heroin addicts, for whom HIV/AIDS has become a serious threat since the mid 1980s. To control the drug problem, the German Government adopted the "Action Plan on Drugs and Addiction" in 2003; the China Central Government approved a similar regulation in the antidrug campaign in 2005. Germany has experience in reducing drug-related harm. The methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) program has run for more than 20 years and the public has become more tolerant of addicts. In 2003, China began the MMT program for controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS. It is necessary for China to learn from developed countries to acquire success in its antidrug campaign. In this review, we will go over the differences and similarities in drug abuse between Germany and China. The differences are related to history, population and economics, drug policy context, drug laws, HIV/hepatitis C virus infection, the MMT program and so on. These 2 nations have drug abuse problems with different histories and currently use different approaches to handle illicit drug marketing and use. The legal penalties for illicit drug offences reflect the social differences of these 2 nations with respect to the seriousness of particular types of crimes. The characteristics of the MMT program may also influence patterns of drug abuse in these 2 nations and China should improve the MMT program based on the successful model in Europe, the USA, and Australia. We recommend more dialogue and collaboration between Germany and China. copyright 2007 CPS and SIMM.
ISSN 1671-4083
Publication Type Journal: Review
Journal Name Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Volume 28
Issue Part 10
Page 1505-1518
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Oct 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007375548
Authors Quasim S. Coleman J.J.
(Quasim) UniversityHospitalCoventry, Clifford Bridge Road, CoventryCV2 2DX, United Kingdom.
(Coleman) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, QueenElizabethHospital, Edgbaston, BirminghamB15 2TH, United Kingdom.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Drugs of abuse - A review.
CPD Anaesthesia. 9(1)(pp 30-37), 2007. Date of Publication: 2007.
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the drugs commonly abused in the United Kingdom. The management of overdose of these drugs is outlined, with particular reference to critical care. copyright Copyright 2007 Rila Publications Ltd.
ISSN 1466-2922
Publication Type Journal: Review
Journal Name CPD Anaesthesia
Volume 9
Issue Part 1
Page 30-37
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007443960
Authors Harth W. Hermes B.
(Harth, Hermes) Department of Dermatology and Phlebology, Vivantes Clinic, Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany.
(Harth) Department of Dermatology and Phlebology, Vivantes Clinic, Berlin-Friedrichshain Academic Teaching Hospital of the Charite University Hospital, Berlin, Landsberger Allee 49, D-10249 Berlin, Germany.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Psychosomatic disturbances and cosmetic surgery.
Original Title
Psychosomatische storungen bei kosmetischen operationen.
JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology. 5(9)(pp 736-743), 2007. Date of Publication: Sep 2007.
Medical activity in recent years has experienced a marked expansion of possi-bilities for aesthetic surgery, usually requested by patients. Especially in derma-tology, an increasing demand for and use of doctor/medical services by healthy individuals has resulted in a drastic change to cosmetic dermatology. The request for cosmetic surgery is emotionally or psychosocially motivated. Patients with psychological disturbances sometimes push aside possible risks and complications or deny side effects and interactions of the procedures. Subjective impairments of appearance, feelings of inferiority and social pho-bias may be in the background of somatizing disorders. These emotional disor-ders, such as body dysmorphic disorder, personality disorder or polysurgical addiction, often remain undiscovered but should be excluded in any patient receiving cosmetic procedures. copyright 2007 The Authors.
ISSN 1610-0379
Publication Type Journal: Review
Journal Name JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology
Volume 5
Issue Part 9
Page 736-743
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Sep 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007402925
Authors Kwee A.W.
(Kwee) Meier Clinics Foundation, Wheaton, IL, United States.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Constructing addiction from experience and context: Peele and Brodsky's love and addiction revisited.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 14(3)(pp 221-237), 2007. Date of Publication: Jul 2007.
Peele and Brodsky (1975) first proposed the experiential-constructivist model of addiction utilizing the construct of compulsive interpersonal attachment (then not viewed as an addiction) as a vehicle to argue that substance addiction is rooted in experiential and contextual forces. One of these contextual forces is the prevalence of the disease mindset itself. With increasing legitimacy accorded to disordered love attachments as addiction "diseases," we can now explore this hypothesis in relation to sexual addiction using as illustration religious "chaste sex addicts" and Homosexuals Anonymous. Treatment recommendations are then considered in the light of effective interventions outside of the disease model.
ISSN 1072-0162
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Volume 14
Issue Part 3
Page 221-237
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Jul 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007430154
Authors Bertakis K.D. Azari R.
(Bertakis) Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA, United States.
(Azari) Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, CA, United States.
(Bertakis) Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California, Davis, 4860 Y Street, Sacramento, CA 95817, United States.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Determinants of physician discussion regarding tobacco and alcohol abuse.
Journal of Health Communication. 12(6)(pp 513-525), 2007. Date of Publication: Sep 2007.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that clinicians screen adults for tobacco and alcohol abuse and provide appropriate interventions. This study employed direct observation and interactional analysis of medical visits to investigate factors associated with physician discussion of tobacco and alcohol use with patients. New adult patients were randomly assigned to primary care at a university medical center. Videotapes of the visits were analyzed using the Davis observation code. Regression equations related discussions of substance use (alcohol and other substances), smoking, and health promotion to patient health status, depression, age, education, income, gender, alcohol abuse, and current smoking. Patients reporting better physical health were more likely to have their physicians employ a practice style emphasizing addiction behaviors (p=.0186). Substance use (p=.0117) and health promotion counseling (p=.0130) occurred more frequently with younger patients. Physicians discussed substance use (p=<.0001) and addiction (p<.0001) more often with male patients. Problem drinkers were more likely to have physicians address their substance use (p=.0069) and focus on addiction behaviors (p=.0017). Physicians adopted an addiction-oriented practice style (p<.0001), addressing substance use (p=.0009) and smoking (p<.0001), more often with patients who smoked. Physicians appear more apt to discuss these behavioral risk factors with healthier, younger, male patients who abuse tobacco and alcohol. Copyright copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
ISSN 1081-0730
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Journal of Health Communication
Volume 12
Issue Part 6
Page 513-525
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Sep 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007279701
Authors Levert N.P.
(Levert) CentrePointe Couseling, Inc.,
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
A comparison of christian and non-christian males, authoritarianism, and their relationship to internet pornography addiction/compulsion.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 14(2)(pp 145-166), 2007. Date of Publication: Apr 2007.
This study sought to determine whether right-wing authoritarian (RWA) tendencies were traits common to Christian and non-Christian males who were Internet pornography compulsives. Participants of the study included males (N = 120), 18 or older, who had Internet access. An online survey that included the Kalichman Sexual Compulsivity Scale (KSCS), the Right-Wing Authoritarian Scale (RWA Scale), and a general demographics questionnaire was administered. A two-way factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted for the study. The ANOVA indicated significant interaction between compulsivity and RWA, F (1, 116) = 13.92, p < .0001, partial eta squared = .11. However, Christian compulsives did not appear to demonstrate more right-wing authoritarian tendencies than non-Christian compulsives, F (1, 116) = .52, p = .45, partial eta squared = .005. The results strengthen the field of Internet pornography research because the understanding of RWA and compulsives is necessary for the treatment of cybersexuals.
ISSN 1072-0162
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Volume 14
Issue Part 2
Page 145-166
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Apr 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007279700
Authors Briken P. Habermann N. Berner W. Hill A.
(Briken, Habermann, Berner, Hill) Institute of Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry, Centre for Psychosocial Medicine, University HospitalHamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Diagnosis and treatment of sexual addiction: A survey among German sex therapists.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 14(2)(pp 131-143), 2007. Date of Publication: Apr 2007.
Controversies exist about the diagnostic concept of "sexual addiction." The aim of this study was to investigate if German specialized sex therapists are confronted with patients who possess sexual addiction symptoms and to obtain information about diagnoses, comorbidity and treatment. A 12-item questionnaire was sent to all members of the German Society of Sex Research asking them about diagnoses, comorbidity and treatment of patients who experienced sexual addiction problems. Forty-three out of 149 members (28.9%) responded to the survey and reported about 97 patients with sexual addiction symptoms. Most common were pornography dependence, compulsive masturbation, and protracted promiscuity. Using ICD-10 definition "excessive sexual drive" was diagnosed more often in women while "disorder of sexual preference" was mainly diagnosed in men. In women neurotic (e.g., anxiety disorders) and eating disorders were most commonly diagnosed as comorbid disorders, while in men substance disorders were most commonly diagnosed. Most patients were treated by individual psychotherapy. We discuss the difficulties of the "sexual addiction" concept critically and propose an algorithm to facilitate the diagnostic process. This algorithm differentiates between the paraphilic and non-paraphilic (we use the term paraphilia-related disorder) types of excessive sexual behavior first. As a second step it includes a dynamic perspective differentiating between a progressive and a non-progressive course.
ISSN 1072-0162
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Volume 14
Issue Part 2
Page 131-143
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Apr 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007279699
Authors Raymond N.C. Lloyd M.D. Miner M.H. Kim S.W.
(Raymond) Program in Human Sexuality, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
(Lloyd) Program in Human Sexuality, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
(Miner) Program in Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
(Kim) Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
Preliminary report on the development and validation of the sexual symptom assessment scale.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 14(2)(pp 119-129), 2007. Date of Publication: Apr 2007.
In order to measure the severity of symptoms of Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSB) the Sexual Symptom Assessment Scale (S-SAS) was developed. The S-SAS is a 12-item, self-rated scale, with each item scored 0-8; higher scores indicate more severe symptoms. [symptomatology-the study of symptoms] The S-SAS was found to have good test-retest reliability. It also demonstrated good convergent and divergent validity in that it showed a strong correlation with the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory, a measure of the CSB traits, and with clinician ratings of CSB symptoms. In contrast, the S-SAS did not display a significant correlation with ratings of overall psychopathology.
ISSN 1072-0162
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Volume 14
Issue Part 2
Page 119-129
Year of Publication 2007
Date of Publication Apr 2007
Database EMBASE
Accession Number 2007279698
Authors Bensimon P.
Country of Publication
United Kingdom
The role of pornography in sexual offending.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 14(2)(pp 95-117), 2007. Date of Publication: Apr 2007.
This paper provides a review of the literature pertinent to the link between exposure to pornography and sexual offences. Research concerning the use of pornography as a precursor to sexual offending has yielded mixed results. Inconsistent findings can be attributed to differing research methodologies, including sampling strategies, measures, and genre(s) of pornography included. While the debate rages on regarding the potentially damaging effects of pornography, there is a consensus on one point: the availability and consumption of pornography does nothing to mitigate the likelihood that consumers will sexually offend. Very little research has been devoted to examining the impact of pornography consumption on incarcerated individuals. This is an important avenue of investigation for future studies.
ISSN 1072-0162
Publication Type Journal: Article
Journal Name Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity