Parish / Latimer and Ley Hill Parish Council / Locations / Botley Road, Ley Hill (opposite 219/221)
Rushmere Lane, Ley Hill (outside Silver Birches)
Botley through Ley Hill (by School)
Jasons Hill (outside Polperro) / Name of Assessor / Anne Hyde
Date of Assessment / 7th March 2018 / Work Activity / Erecting, Using and Dismantling the SID on street furniture or a tripod / Frequency Duration / As required


What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? Who is especially at risk? / What are you currently doing? (Control measures, including those for people at risk) / What further action is necessary (Further Control Measures) / Action by whom / Action by when / Done / Risk Factor taking all controls into consideration
Likelihood / Severity / Risk Level
Moving to and from site / Operatives, and passengers or drivers of vehicles, members of the public, animals – involvement in road traffic incident / Operatives trained by Thames Valley Police (TVP) to comply with appropriate health and safety procedures as documented in the Community Speedwatch (CSW) Code of Conduct and Guidance /
  • Allow adequate time
  • Wear suitable footwear(no open toe shoes) and a high visibility vest
  • Use extreme caution when walking on the carriageway or verges.
  • All volunteers receive a copy of the CSW Code of Conduct and Guidance
  • All CSW Checks must take place on a footpath.
  • Ensure that operatives always face oncoming traffic when walking on the carriageway.
/ Operatives / As arises / L / M / L
Live traffic / Operatives, members of the public or other road users – involvement in highway incident / High visibility vests, warning triangle and signage provided. Apply advice in the Community Speedwatch Code of Conduct and Guidance /
  • Operatives will always follow safe crossing procedures when crossing the main carriageway - The Green Cross Code
  • High visibility vests will be worn at all times while undertaking work and moving equipment on or adjacent to the live carriageway.
  • Operatives must always face oncoming traffic when walking on the carriageway.
  • Stay alert while carrying out work and do not stray outside the safely assessed area onto the carriageway
  • All necessary operations on the highway will be undertaken by competent operatives with the appropriate Speed Indicating Device Training.
  • All operatives receive a copy of the CSW Code of Conduct and Guidance
  • Operatives must take great care to ensure that equipment does not fall onto the live carriagewayat any time
  • No work will be undertaken during darkness or adverse weather conditions.
  • No work will be undertaken if there are cars parked close to the device
/ Operatives / As arises / L / M / L
Slips, trips and falls / Operative / Correct footwear. Sites have been Risk Assessed by Thames Valley Police as suitable. Operatives given a copy of the Community Speed Watch Code of Conduct . All operatives are trained. /
  • Wear appropriate footwear at all times- Stout footwear suitable for the ground conditions with no open toe shoes.
  • Operatives to work in pairs with access to a working mobile phone
  • Mobile phone to be used to report incidents and summon appropriate help
/ Operative / As arises / L / M / L
Adverse weather conditions / Operative / Operatives to follow and abide by the CSW Code of Conduct and Guidance. CSW Checks will not take place in icy conditions, fog and heavy rain. All operatives receive a copy of the CSW Code of Conduct and Guidance /
  • Check weather forecast before commencing work.
  • Work will not be undertaken during darkness or poor weather conditions.
  • If the weather changes to adverse weather during a CSW Check then a decision should be made to cease the activity.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather conditions at the time.
  • Ensure minimal skin exposure to sunlight when risk factors are high.
  • It is suggested operatives consider applying sun barrier cream before leaving home in periods of strong sunlight.
/ Operative / As arises / L / M / L
Manual handling / erecting/dismantling / carrying loads – Speed Indicating Device, tripod and associated materials / Operatives could suffer back/general physical injuries from lifting heavy items. Pregnant women, disabled or those already affected by back or physical injuries are at special risk. / Operatives to take care when lifting heavy items and consider using two people if required. /
  • The SID comes with a hard case for ease of carrying as does the CSW Sign.
  • A minimum of two people will be at the site where the CSW Check is taking place.
  • Use safe lifting techniques
/ Parish Council / As arises / L / M / L
Aggression/Violence / Operatives /
  • Training is given to all operatives on avoiding confrontation
  • One member of the CSW Team will have a mobile phone which can be used to dial 999 if required
  • A copy of a Thames Valley Police letter is available for the operative to hand to the driver explaining what the CSW Check is about
  • Avoid confrontation at all times (where possible).
  • Avoid getting into conversation about specific details.
  • Operatives work in pairs, in daylight and in full public view. No lone working.
  • A copy of the Code of Conduct and Guidance to be given to all CSW Volunteers as part of their training.
  • CSW Volunteers must not lecture, finger wag or shout out at motorists and pedestrians.
  • TVP have access to the calendar which outlines when CSW Checks are taking place
/ Operative / As arises / L / M / L
Interaction with members of the public / Operatives, members of the public, service employees or road users – involvement in highway incident. /
  • All operatives treat drivers politely and courteously to explain about the CSW Check.
  • At least one member of the CSW Team will have a mobile phone if the Police are required to be called
  • A leaflet explaining the CSW Check to be handed to the driver if required.
  • Ensure pedestrian and traffic routes are not unnecessarily obstructed.
  • High visibility vests will be worn at all times.
  • Ensure that all appropriate traffic management is used.
  • Correct use of signage
  • TVP have access to the calendar which outlines when CSW Checks are taking place
/ Operative / As arises / L / M / L
Monitoring speeds of vehicles at a given location / Operatives /
  • Obstruction caused by parking of own vehicle(s) at approved CSW site
  • Park vehicle away from approved CSW site if location is busy. Do not obstruct footpaths with vehicles.
  • Vehicles must be parked away from road or in area where vehicle will not obstruct other vehicles or create blind spots for other motorists.
  • Do not park on junctions.
  • If cars are parked where they will affect the SID reading, then the CSW Check cannot take place
/ Operative / As arises / L / L / L
Sitting or Standing for long periods / Operatives /
  • Sessions to be no longer than 2 hours
  • Members to take regular breaks.
  • Fold away chairs can be taken to locations as long as the chairs to do not obstruct pathways / cycle ways.
/ Operative / As arise / L / L / L
Pollution (Carbon Monoxide and dust) inhalation from busy/main roads / Operatives /
  • Members will not deploy to busy main roads.
  • Sessions to be no longer than 2 hours.
  • Operatives to sit in their cars rather where possible than at the side of the road but must be in site of the SID.
/ Operative / As arise / L / L / L
Control Measures Acceptable: / Yes / No / Revision Date: / 12th December 2018


Likelihood of hazard happening
Low (unlikely to happen) - Score 1
Medium (could happen) - Score 2
High (will almost certainly happen) - Score 3 / Severity:
Minor e.g. cuts, bruises - Score 1
Major e.g. broken bones hospitalisation - Score 2
Serious e.g. life threatening or fatal - Score 3 / Overall Risk - Likelihood x Severity:
Score: 6 & 9 – High (Urgent action required)
Score: 3 & 4 – Medium (Action to an agreed timetable)
Score: 1 & 2 – Low (Tolerable risk - No action may be required)


  • Potential hazard – item substance or activity with the potential to cause harm.
  • A single hazardous activity can have many potential elements of harm, and it is important that those completing the risk assessment identify this, e.g. working with electricity (hazard) anticipated harm would be fire, explosion, electrocution and burns.
  • Control Measures – eliminate hazard, substitute with less hazardous alternative, prevent access to the hazard, control the amount of exposure, training, written instructions, personal protective equipment, safety signs.


  • All sites must be approved by Thames Valley Police prior to a CSW Check.
  • A document showing all the CSW Sites is available from the Latimer and Ley Hill Parish Clerk () on request.
  • All CSW Volunteers are advised and shownwhere they are able to operate a CSW Check during their Health and Safety Training with Thames Valley Police and the Roadside Training with the Trained CSW Co-ordinator. All CSW Volunteers must have competed both these trainings before being deployed on a CSW Check.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Speed Indicating Device – Revision date: 7th March 2019