Minutes of the meeting held at Riley Rink, 1/28/15.

Present at the meeting: A. Schozer, B. Brown, J. Larson, J. Hand, P. Zilkha, P. Tegan, B. Thompson, & B. Welsh.

A motion by B. Brown with a 2nd by P. Tegan to approve the minutes from the 11/25/14 meeting was approved.

GM report – Jon:

  • Only 5 weeks left in the ice season. Things are in good shape. This first year has been an observation year for Jon to determine strengths & weaknesses for focus in the next season. Exit interviews will be conducted at the close of ice season.
  • Staffing additions have been made to bridge the gap at the front desk, a 9-5 responsibility for both customer service and administration. Marissa Crumb has come aboard part-time and as an assoc. editor with Vermont Magazine brings marketing expertise. Opportunities for Zamboni operators and housekeeping are presently being advertised. Housekeeping could use some improvement.
  • There have been several successful tournaments and 2 State Youth Hockey tournaments are anticipated. Add’l. youth tournaments are proposed for ‘15/’16.
  • Turf contracts are out for a 5-week season to: BBA, Fusion, field hockey, baseball & EQX lacrosse. The turf pricing structure needs revision for consistency among users.
  • Ice out after C-League on 3/1.

Financials – Bob:

  • Statements are 90% reconciled revealing that progress is being made.
  • Cuts from the past year are showing up with a $41K decrease in operating expenses. Details regarding propane pricing need aggressive monitoring.
  • Revenue is building slowly with a $3.5K increase. Tournaments help; the concession is over budget w/ 5 wks. left and public skates have been good w/ increased skate rental revenue.
  • Necessary bookkeeping hours need evaluation and invoicing customers needs closer attention.
  • Jon proposed a new dasher board campaign to begin this summer with assistance from youth hockey. 3-5 yr. commitments were suggested.


  • From development – Pat stated that the AF had reached $53K of the $70K target. Considerable extra effort has been made this year and an AF target of $50-60K may be the reality. Additional publicity will be made in the coming weeks followed by a postcard final solicitation. Regular thanks to donors.
  • From facilities – Paul reported that funds for scoreboard replacement are still being solicited from BBA & NHA. Mark Kaplan from NHA is apparently waiting for BBA to commit. There have been 2-3 quotes for new flooring and Dom Penge has bid well under budget on a product Jon is comfortable with.
  • Andy is in continued discussion with BBA regarding the Hunter Field purchase. Mark T. is presenting details to the BBA board. In the event of an outright purchase, there is a question of what to do with previously committed donor giving. Could it be directed toward new turf? Seed money for a new indoor field?
  • Governance – Barry reported that a final version of the employee handbook had been completed and reviewed by HR legal personnel making a number of edits. It represents guiding principles only with no implication of any contracts. A motion to approve was tabled to the next meeting to allow time for review. Barry motioned to elect Fran Bisselle to fill the remainder of an existing 3 yr. BOD term. With a 2nd by Paul, the motion passed.

With no additional business to discuss, the meeting adjourned to a brief Executive Session.

Bruce Welsh, Secretary