Coach Williams
Health and Personal Fitness Syllabus
Gym Rules
1. Students enter gym and go directly to area designated by instructor for roll call.
2. Students must be in designated area by late bell for roll call or you will be marked tardy. DETENTION WILL BE ASSIGNED EACH TIME YOU ARE TARDY.
3. No food, drink or gum allowed in gym area. No lunches will be allowed in gym orlocker room areas.
4. No one will be allowed to play in gym between classes. Equipment will be put up betweenclasses. Do not bring your own equipment.
5. No one will be allowed in gym or locker rooms during their lunch period or from another class.
Dressing Rules
1. Students must be completely dressed out to participate. Students must change into clothes suitable for activity such as tennis shoes, shorts no shorter than five inches above the top of the knee, T-shirts and sweats when appropriate.
2. You will receive two grades every fitness day one for being properly dressed out and one for participation
3. DRESSING OUT IS NOT ENOUGH. Physical Education students are expected to participate to the best of their ability and be accountable for their actions and behavior.
4. At end of class period students must stay in locker room or gym area until the bell rings. Do not leave the gym area early. (Skipping)
5. Bring absence or tardy notes to the instructor at the beginning of the period.
Locker Room
1. All students will be given the opportunity to purchase a locker for $5, if you choose not to do so the school is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen property.
2. Students will be provided with a lock, you are under no circumstances allowed to use your own lock.
3. Locker rooms will be locked during class. No one will be allowed to re-enter during the class period.
4. DO NOT BRING LARGE SUMS OF MONEY OR VALUABLES TO SCHOOL TO LEAVE IN THE LOCKER ROOM. Take care of personal needs before class while in locker room.
5. Anyone found in the locker rooms during class will be turned in for skipping class.
Health/Personal Fitness Grading Policy
20% Participation 20% Dress 10% Fitness Activities 10% Tests 10% Notebooks/Assignments
10% Final 20% Common Assessments
Dress and Participation Grade
1. Each student begins each week with 100 points. Points will be deducted each time a student does not dress out, participate or complete makeup work for an excused/unexcused absence.
2. Students not dressed out will not be allowed to participate in class and points will be deducted from the grade.
1. A student with an excused absence is allowed 5 days to complete makeup work to receive full credit for class. Points will be deducted from student’s grade if makeup work is not completed and turned in within 5 days. To get credit for an excused absence, the student is required to do a class assignment as designated by the instructor.
2. If a student has an UNEXCUSED absence. Make-up work is allowed at a maximum of 70%.
Notes from Parents
1. Students who have a note from a parent excusing them from participation for that day will be allowed to do written work as directed by the instructor to receive full credit for class. If they choose not to do the class assignment they will receive zeros for that day
NOTE: A physician’s excuse is required if a student is to be excused from participation more than twice per semester or more than 2 consecutive days.
Class Objectives
1. Improve health, fitness, and quality of life through fitness.
2. Increase the proportion of adolescents who engage in moderate activity for at least 30 minutes 3 days per week.
3. Know the benefits of exercise to manage weight.
4. Know the importance of warm-up and cool down.
5. Know a variety of aerobic activities which promote fitness.
Be prepared for cold weather! Dress appropriately!
I have read and understand the rules of this class and agree to adhere to them.
Student Name:
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date
Parent E-mail:
Easiest number to reach parent during school day:
Please list and explain physical limitations or allergies that should be considered while your child is taking this course.
Physical limitations (if any):
Allergies (if any):