RHSA SNC1D – Chemistry Name: ______
Physical and Chemical Changes v2
1. Read p 153-155 Pearson text.
2. Label the 6 arrows with the name of the change of state.
Name of Change / From StartingState / To Ending State / Heat is… (added/removed)
3. Fill in the following table:
4. a) What are clues that hair colouring is a chemical change?
b) What are clues that corrosion is a chemical change?
c) What are clues that combustion is a chemical change?
5. What 3 items are required for combustion to occur? (Thinking)
Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheet
Classify each property below as either a CHEMICAL CHANGE or a PHYSICAL CHANGE:
b) Grape sugar is fermented to make wine.
c) A piece of copper wire breaks.
d) A silver bowl tarnishes (turns) to a black colour.
e) A stomach tablet is placed in a glass of water, bubbles and fizzes.
f) A loaf of bread is sliced.
g) A piece of bread becomes mouldy and turns green.
h) Ice tea crystals are mixed with cold water.
i) A match is lit.
j) A balloon is filled with helium gas.
k) Upon gentle heating, yellow powdered sulphur turns into a yellow liquid.
l) An aluminum pan becomes very hot.
m) A steak sandwich is digested.
n) A piece of butter is slowly heated in a frying pan.
o) Some sulphuric acid produces a hole in your clothes.
p) Sugar is heated until it turns black.
q) A loaf of bread is baked in an oven.
r) A glass tube is heated and bent into a ‘U’ shape.
s) A light bulb is turned on.
t) A hydrogen-filled blimp bursts into flames (explodes).
u) Road salt corrodes the body of a car over the winter.
Extra Practice - optional
Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheet
Classify each property below as either a CHEMICAL CHANGE or a PHYSICAL CHANGE:
b) A chef adds salt to soup and it dissolves.
c) Electricity passes through water producing hydrogen and oxygen.
d) An iron hinge rusts.
e) An apple cut in half turns brown.
f) Ice in pop melts and cools the drink.
g) Butter left out on a warm day becomes soft.
h) Natural gas from a gas stove is lit and burns.
i) Rock candy is made by precipitating sugar from a saturated solution.
j) Water being heated begins to bubble.
k) Wet clothes hanging on a line become dry.
l) Red curtains hanging in the sunlight begin to fade.
m) Vinegar added to baking soda forms bubbles immediately.
n) Ocean water evaporates leaving behind salt.
o) Gasoline burns in an engine producing energy and exhaust fumes.
Make your own examples: